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GoodBoy last won the day on November 5 2022

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  1. Hello @DRAhmed, did you already resolve this issue? You can share a sample URL where we can see the issue so we can help.
  2. Hello! The solution in this forum comment might help
  3. Hi @JohnM, I encountered this as well and already reported to their support. You may try the forum posts provided by @Aetheras an alternative solution.
  4. Hello! Perhaps you can try the similar formula in this article - https://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips-and-articles/advanced-customizations/calculate-a-running-total-in-your-report/ This should work!
  5. Hi @Lynda, I cannot replicate the error on my end. Have you also tried adding the icon field by clicking on the image icon and choose the field in the picker?
  6. Hello! Please note that the formula field in Caspio is being rendered as Text(64000) which is why you can use it in Virtual1 because it can accomodate 64,000 characters at maximum while the field you are using as cascading text field has only maximum length of 255 characters. What you can do is to modify and convert your formula to VARCHAR(255) to render it as Text(255) and it will now show in the options for 'Filter cascade by'. CONVERT(VARCHAR,YourCurrentFormula)
  7. Hi @Lynda, you can try using the MAX function in a calculated field/value of a DataPage to get the last date entered by your user. Here is a related forum post for your reference.
  8. Hello! Can you please try inserting this script in your DataPage footer and check if the width will go back to 100%? <script type="text/javascript"> document.addEventListener('DataPageReady', function (event) { document.querySelector(".cbResultSetTable").style.width = "100%" }); </script>
  9. Hi. You can also create a simple menu using App Parameters under the Overview section. I referred to the video tutorial below to create mine.
  10. In addition to this issue, there is another potential issue that you may encounter when having a modal in results page, where some of the fields in your form (i.e. bulk update) will be disabled. Here is a solution for that.
  11. H! Caspio already has an article on implementing modal in a DataPage. - https://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips-and-articles/advanced-customizations/open-details-datapages-in-a-lightbox/
  12. GoodBoy

    Currency field

    @Pearcey, if you would like to display a dollar sign or any currency sign in your currency field upon inputting a value, then you can use this solution provided by Meekee, Just change the 'EditRecordFIELDNAME' with 'InsertRecordFIELDNAME' since you are using a submission form.
  13. GoodBoy

    Currency field

    Hi @Pearcey, it looks like you are using a submission form so it is expected that the formatting option is not available. The formatting options are only available in Report or Details DataPage (https://howto.caspio.com/datapages/datapage-components/field-formatting-options/) since you already have the value that can be formatted. The currency field data type is also displayed as text field in the submission form because it is an input field .
  14. Hello! You might find this forum post helpful. It indicates the factors increasing your data transfer and some best practices as well.
  15. Hello! Just sharing this article on how to hide fields in other type of DataPages like Details and Single Record Update - https://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips-and-articles/common-customizations/how-to-hide-fields-in-datapages/
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