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Caspio Ninja
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  1. This PDF converter did not work on my page but found a similar solution that works even better. Inspired by this post and also the following: Adding this to your footer provides a button to save the page as a PDF <input type="button" value=" Print this page " onclick="window.print();return false;" /> Combining this solution and a previous comment automatically starts the saving process on load of the page <script> window.onload = function() { window.print(); } </script>
  2. Benades


    This sounds awesome. I think this is plausible with Caspio - Zapier - OpenAI
  3. Hi, I have an application that I am building for an engineering company that would consist of the main departments, namely: Sales, Manufacturing, Installations, and Finance. A key function of this application is traceability between departments. What would be the best practice in linking these department documentation together? Scenario 1: By creating a centralized table that contains the quote #, manufacturing #, installation #, invoice #, and status. Each department table updates the centralized table to keep track throughout the process. Scenario 2: Having one single table for all the mentioned departments. I foresee some problems with this solution. Scenario 3: Each department has its table referring to the previous department inside their department table and deploying by using views to combine the necessary data. Do you have any suggestions or comments on the different scenarios? Perhaps even guides pertaining directly to the problem at hand.
  4. According to Caspio support something is blocking the iframe from resizing. Here is a screenshot of the Console of the webpage:
  5. Hi there, I have recently seen that resizing the iframe within another datapage has gotten some attention and seems to be an ongoing issue, even so, Caspio gave their own solution via their how-to newsletter which did not work in my instance. I have tried and tested various solutions but only one from 2016 worked with the least amount of issues. But there is still one issue persisting: I follow the steps of the guide and with the preview of the datapage all appears to be working as expected but only when deployed on my website does the iframe not resize and thus cut the content: Notice the VAT and Total aggregations are cut. Here is the code which is inside the parent datapage: I've tried inserting the script into the header with no change in solution.
  6. Of all the solutions some are earlier than this one, this has helped me to resize the iframe according to its content and not reorder all the content in some way. Thanks for the solution.
  7. Hi there, I need to create a trigger that sums different column values per user. I have multiple users on a table (below) and would like to on another table insert sum the number values of each a_user per column and insert it into another table as a combined history. ie user1: 106 | 60 | 73 user3: 96 | 45 | 71
  8. Thanks @TellMeWhy, Working nicely most of the time. Sometimes it doesn't fetch it but navigating away and back fixes the issue
  9. Hi there, Previously @TellMeWhy helped to display values in a span tag which worked great: <div class="col mr-2"> <div class="text-uppercase text-success font-weight-bold text-xs mb-1"><span>Second Level</span></div> <div class="text-dark font-weight-bold h5 mb-0"><span id="secondlvl"></span></div> </div> <script> window.addEventListener('load', function() { document.querySelector("input[name='cbParamVirtual1']").addEventListener('change', function() { document.getElementById('secondlvl').innerHTML = document.querySelector("span[id^='cbParamVirtual7@Data']").innerHTML; }); }, false); </script> Now I need to do the same to fetch a Virtual field value but then add it to an img tag: <img alt="Virtual17" src="https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=150x150&amp;cht=qr&amp;chl=[@cbParamVirtual17]"/>
  10. @TellMeWhy it works most of the time but there are instances where it does not change and I have to refresh the page multiple time for it to take effect. Any way to get around that?
  11. As always @TellMeWhy, thank you very much. It works as expected
  12. Hi, I managed to change a Stacked Column Chart colors by adding a header and setting a style to it: <style> rect.highcharts-point.highcharts-color-0{ fill: #006B3C; } rect.highcharts-point.highcharts-color-1{ fill: #682861; } rect.highcharts-point.highcharts-color-2{ fill: #CD9B06; } </style> Now I need to do the same with a Stacked Area Chart but cannot find the same heading to apply the color to (highcharts-color-0): When I use the same logic to style, it changes colors for all to the same color because there are no differentiating name: <style> path.highcharts-area{ fill: #CD9B06; } </style>
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