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Ulensr last won the day on January 28 2022

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About Ulensr

  • Birthday 11/23/1973

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  1. Anyone ? I guess my assumption is correct then that Caspio is not a good replacement for excel My team will look at some competitors and also PowerApps
  2. Just make sure the name of your data page field is replace in both cases below document.getElementById("fieldParamTel").onchange = function() {changeTel("fieldParamTel")}; Then add the script to the data page footer between <script></script> When you then enter the number and change to another field TAB for example , the function triggers
  3. Hi , this will be very difficult since the download button is part of the search container. What do you want to achieve in detail ?
  4. @CPCaspio you can do this with javascript easily You just need to change the ID of your telephone field in the following code where I called the field fieldParamTel var inputTel = document.getElementById("fieldParamTel").value; inputTel = "+1" + inputTel.replace(/[^0-9a-z]/gi, ''); You can then use the inputTel variable for further processing Or if you want this value in the form itself document.getElementById("fieldParamTel").onchange = function() {changeTel("fieldParamTel")}; function changeTel(field){ var inputTel = document.getElementById(field); cleanTel = inputTel.value.replace(/[^0-9a-z]/gi, ''); inputTel.value = "+1".concat(cleanTel); } The latter will remove () - etc and add +1 Hope this helps
  5. Certainly The profile single record update form asks users for the maximum dimension of each model SO They can update / customize it their according to their machinery These values are added to the user_table where I store password and personal settings And then I need to have the calculated value [@cbParamVirtual12] be able to find the model which upper limit is lower than the max capable of that model but higher then the next for cost reasons Example of case where user selects 3D model (select in value 12) and has a calculated value to 245 (calculated in value 31) CASE WHEN ("[@cbParamVirtual12]" = "2D" AND [@field:Dim_2M4_2D] > 240 AND [@cbParamVirtual31] <= [@field:Dim_2M5_ZD]) THEN 2M4
  6. Hi @KlisaN137 the data page type is a report and the user manages this from his / her profile (which is a single record update form) so all these values are stores in individual columns in the user table, not in 2D as in you example as these settings are user dependent So each user has a row there with User_ID, measurement system they use and the maximum content their 2D or 3D etc device is capable of handling So onload all these values are present in the database, I don't even need to build relationships or anything
  7. No one ? Maybe I need to explained further Here is Excel table Based it a number of calculations by the form, the user can find what the metric content of their object would be after routing (colored columns based on the type of router used) The formula would find the value of the computer model and toolset to apply e.g. 1m7) The use can configure the machines they have and the technical capability (throughpout) using a single record update form which will add this to the user_table on the user's row The formula in Excel is IF(B10=_MODELTYPE;INDEX(_MODELSPECS;MATCH(B16;_SELECTEDMODELTYPE;0)+_X);0)) where it will first look at the model the customer has , E.g. 4D model and look into that column which content and find the value which is above the content size/ In Caspio I only found doing this with a CASE - statement but that means 45 WHEN THEN statements to achieve the same which obviously makes it terribly slow. Example CASE WHEN _MODELTYPE = 4D AND MODELSPECS > 34 AND MODELSPECS <= 37 THEN 1M0 etc END also tried to using SQL bt no way to select the entire user row and build a query from there Any help is appreciated !
  8. Also if you want to know the type of value you enter, you can use javascript. Paste this in the footer (add header / footer if you don't have one) and make sure you disable the HTML editor in the advanced TAB but replace X with the number of your virtual field When you then enter a value and click TAB for example it will popup and tell you the Type of this value <script> document.getElementById("cbParamVirtualx").onchange = function() {getType("cbParamVirtualx")}; function getType(field){ alert(typeof field); } </script>
  9. Hi @Cherry what GoodBoy explained to you does exactly that. When you set this field , these are the criteria for the different Password Strength:Fair: Password must be at least 6 characters, including at least 1 number.Good: Password must be at least 8 characters, including at least 1 number and both lower and upper case letters.Strong: Password must be at least 12 characters, including at least 1 number, both lower and upper case letters, and at least 1 special character (e.g. _, #, ?, !) His solution should solve your issue. If you want to customize this behavior, you'll need to turn to Javascript / JQuery
  10. Hi @kpcollier I might be stating the obvious here or I didn't understand what you meant but couldn't you achieve this with cascading dropdown ? Suppose you have a table which contains project names and technician identifiers. If you in your search form add the following 1) A technician identifier as hidden with a default value of blank This will ensure that the default technician value you search for is blank, which will list all projects. 2) Add a criteria with 2x a cascading dropdown Criteria 1 has a parent field the Technician identifier (default blank) and you set the option, match all when blank, you filter by technician identifier Also change source to Lookup and custom values and click the button next to it to have Table then Custom Under custom value add this Make sure the Value field is a space Criteria 2 has criteria 1 as parent field, and uses technician identifier for filtering but displays projects. Also enable match all when blank This way you get a search form which will list all projects regardless of technician on load like this. In my table tech 1 has project A & B assigned, tech 2 C and project D has no technician value When a technician however selects his / her ID, only those projects are listed And when the technician selects 'Unassigned' it lists projects which have no assigned technician identifier Hope this solves your issue
  11. Hi @drckarcher have you checked https://howto.caspio.com/files-and-images/resize-images/#:~:text=In the Configure Fields screen,height or the width size. in the how to's ? This explains how you can add an extra file field to your table with a thumbnail and configure this file field in the DataPage wizard. You can then use both the full or thumbnail pictures.
  12. Hi you should also try to ensure that the type you are using in your calculation is consistent with what you wish to achieve. In Barbie's reply you end up with 0 as a string. If that is what you need fine, if not, you can use the Cast or Convert function as in LittleMsGinger's link You could try the following CASEWHEN '[@authfield:BTN_User_Accounts_Permanent_Discount]'=''THEN Cast('0' AS int) ELSE Cast('[@authfield:BTN_User_Accounts_Permanent_Discount]' AS int) END
  13. In addition to the thorough explanation above, something I use quite a lot , is CSS layout management in the data pages. For me this makes it more flexible and faster as I just have to find out object I wish to handle (Which is easy in Chrome by pressing F12 to go to dev mode and selecting the proper object) and add <style> .objectname{ property : value !important; } </style> The !important is added to ensure you override inherited settings.
  14. @RickDanger if you have created a form already before you can use the full export / import function of the entire app and merge content between accounts or you can use the duplicate datapage function if it's within the same account
  15. Hi Cherry, can you explain more what you're trying to achieve ? You wish your users to have an option to auto generate a secure password or you're speaking about your own Caspio login ? If it is the first, then a javascript function to generate the password and populate a Caspio field would do the trick. Let me know what you're looking for thx
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