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Triggered action "update" only on last "Single Record Update" datapage



Hi there

I have a sequence of one "Submission Form" and 14 "Single Record Update"-datapages to capture data into one table called "Assessment".

I have created triggered actions - on insert and on update - to create and update additional tables for reporting purposes. I presume the triggered actions on "update" will be executed for every datapage that updates the table - which in my case does not make sense and might create latency in the web-application.


Is there a way to make the triggered action work only on the LAST "Single Record Update"-datapage ?



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Hello @Johan,

This depends on your Trigger design. I have the following idea (not sure whether it work for you).

1) Let`s say I have a table with several fields (the example is on the screenshot). I`ve add the checkbox_field to the table. 



2) I included the  checkbox_field to the last Single Record Update DataPage and set it as Hidden -> On load, receive "Yes".


3) And let`s say I want to insert the data to another table on the Update action. The Trigger will run only when the checkbox_field is checked. The condition in the WHERE clause. 



Hope this helps. 

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As a follow up to what stated above, the trick here is to create an indicator for the triggered action that is the update is coming from the specific datapage. On the case above, what they did there is a hidden yes/no field that if its marked as check, then it means that it comes from the desired single record update.


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I would also suggest that instead of using a 'Yes/No' field, I would use a text 255 instead and write a word indicator there to identify where the update came from.



The only advantages on this one, is just in case that you have multiple source for the update, you can simply create multiple indicators and and use different trigger blocks for each of them


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