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Avoid multiple emails when update record



Hello everybody

I'm trying to make a trigger which send a email with only the exactly data what has been updated in a details datapage.

For example:
- if the price has been updated send "new price: updated_price",
- if has been updated price and name send "new price: updated_price, new name: updated_name",

My problem is that it send a email for each updated column of the row instead of only one email. There is a mode to avoid such thing? If this is something I have to do in the details datapages how i could do it?

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Hi there,

Just sharing that there is an option for Details DataPages to send notification emails when updated. If a field is set as editable, this option appears in the DataPage Wizard under "Destination and Messaging. For example, if you have a Text(255) field, set it as Text field so this option appears:

Once you enabled this, you can go to the next page and edit the Email body:

With this, you can skip the troubles of setting up a triggered action solely for emailing the updates.

I hope it helps~


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So basically, your intention is that when an email is already sent to them once, the trigger will no longer send an email to them again even though they are being updated again. 

Is that the case?

If yes, you will really need a trigger here instead of sending them via DataPage Level.

What you will need is an extra field (preferably a yes/no field) on your table. This will be an indicator if an email was already sent to them before or not yet. 

Then you will need a trigger setup like this:


I hope it helps.

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Hello and thanks for answering

The trigger i did based on the example table of Caspio about trigger is this:


I send the expresion too because I was seeing the reason why I was having multiple emails and then I could see then I get one email for each expression and the expressions are each data who has been updated. I don't really know why this happen and is something I suspect is happening in other of my tables with update triggers too.

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