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I need to select the most current records (oldest date) and save them in a table



Hello, I have a table with N records, where I have a field that is repeated on occasions.


I need to select the most current records (oldest date) of each identifier and save them in a table, so that I have something like this:


I need to save only 1 value per identifier and that is the one with the most current date.

I am thankful for any kind of help.



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9 hours ago, CoopperBackpack said:

Hello @DarwinCastro,

If Tasks are included in your plan, you may test the Task with the following design: 


Hope this helps!

thanks, I tried but I insert all the records, not just the record with the oldest date


when I run the task like this, it brings me the largest record of each ID:


But I need to save the values of the other fields, for example the observation. If I add it inside the group by, it brings me all the records, not just the largest one (as I need it)

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I created the same table as on your screenshot in my account:



After the Task run I received the following result:



Since each ID corresponds to the specific Observacion, the Task should select 1 record for each ID and this is the record with the maximum (the most recent) date. 

Maybe I missed something in your description. For me Task works as expected. 

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I need something simular to this. Because of my plan, I do not have Triggers or Tasks, but I need to retreive the MAX record from my Table or View.

Table Name: WeightLog   View Name: WeightLog_Last

image.png.1c91367cc48152573f04f0c536a88d66.png I have tried adding criteria to the View, but there isn't any a MAX or grouping function. I do not know when the last date my users entered a record, but I need to report on their last entry. I have search every where for a solution and this post is the closest that I have come to solving my problem, but like I said I do not have Triggers or Tasks.

Can you help me?


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