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How To Show Sums



I need to be able to show a form that includes data from a primary table and then an HTML table of a related child table.  I do not see any instructions on how to do this.  Is this possible with Caspio?  Or do I need to create an external HTML page to handle this that merges two different datapages?


On a related now, I want to also show a summary report that shows info from the primary table, and then shows counts from the related child table.  For example, I want something like this:


name, count of orders, sum of order totals, data of last order


How can  I accomplish this?

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You can simply embed a DataPage in another DataPage using frame deploy code and if you would like to get the related data you need to pass the unique ID through the link source of the iframe. For instance:


<iframe name="Contacts - Add" title="Contacts - Add" src="http://b2.caspio.com/dp.asp?AppKey=11333000efc24590499bb5b3&ID=[@field:IDFIELDNAME]">Sorry, but your browser does not support frames.</iframe>


In the results page, add a calculated field to count the number from another table. The formula is SQL COUNT Function as below:

SELECT COUNT(expression)
FROM tables
WHERE predicates

For instance :

select count(Order_id) from Order where Customer_ID=[@field:Customer_id]

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Hi MayMusic,


How do you embed a datapage into another datapage?


I am trying to create one datapage that pulls and displays record count info from multiple datapages.


You can simply embed a DataPage in another DataPage using frame deploy code and if you would like to get the related data you need to pass the unique ID through the link source of the iframe. For instance:


<iframe name="Contacts - Add" title="Contacts - Add" src="http://b2.caspio.com/dp.asp?AppKey=11333000efc24590499bb5b3&ID=[@field:IDFIELDNAME]">Sorry, but your browser does not support frames.</iframe>


In the results page, add a calculated field to count the number from another table. The formula is SQL COUNT Function as below:

SELECT COUNT(expression)
FROM tables
WHERE predicates

For instance :

select count(Order_id) from Order where Customer_ID=[@field:Customer_id]

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