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Multi Select On Search Page (Submission)

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Values need to be separated by OR on each listbox.


Let's say you have 4 virtual listbox: 1, 3, 4 and 5


You need to add 4 more virtual fields to hold the result for each listbox selections. For these we have virtual 6,7,8 and 9. Use the code below in footer.

<script type="text/javascript">
      var o_els = new Array("cbParamVirtual1", "cbParamVirtual3","cbParamVirtual4","cbParamVirtual5");   

	for (var j=0;j<o_els.length;j++){
	var fieldName = o_els[j];
	var x1=document.getElementsByName(fieldName);
function splitAndParse()
	var o_els = new Array("cbParamVirtual1","cbParamVirtual3","cbParamVirtual4","cbParamVirtual5"); 
	var v_result = new Array("cbParamVirtual6", "cbParamVirtual7","cbParamVirtual8","cbParamVirtual9");
	var result = "";
	var cleanResult = "";
	for (var k=0;k<o_els.length;k++){
	result = "";
		var fieldName = o_els[k];
		var y1=document.getElementsByName(fieldName);
		for (var i = 0; i < y1[0].length; i++) { 
		if (y1[0].options[i].selected) { 
		result += "\""+y1[0].options[i].value+"\"" + " OR " ; 
	if (result.length > 4) { cleanResult = result.substring(0,(result.length-4)); }
	document.getElementById(v_result[k]).value= cleanResult;
y1.value = cleanResult;


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