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As I understand you have separated your report and details in two DataPages so you do not see back button. If your report is a predefined report meaning you can have a specific URL for report page, not the one that is being generated and when you have a search and report, then you can use this link to create your custom back button. Otherwise you can create a back button which goes back to search, or a search again button.

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Hi MayMusic

I had something like this, but I 'm probably not quite through the logic of the buttons .  . And if I put this in the footer , the buttons come below the delete button instead of next to it. 

<input id="Mod0CancelRecord" class="Mod0CancelRecord" type="button" onmouseout="cbButtonHover(this,'Mod0CancelRecord');" onmouseover="cbButtonHover(this,'Mod0CancelRecord');" value="Back" name="Mod0CancelRecord" onClick="window.location.href='[@app:logboekmenu]

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Yup it is not possible to create an element on the same row, and as far as I tried I could not create a custom delete button even by copy pasting the same code. You can change the location of the back button to top of the page or have a different look for it like back arrow .....

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On 24-6-2016 at 0:20 AM, peterhanse said:

Hi MayMusic

I had something like this, but I 'm probably not quite through the logic of the buttons .  . And if I put this in the footer , the buttons come below the delete button instead of next to it. 

<input id="Mod0CancelRecord" class="Mod0CancelRecord" type="button" onmouseout="cbButtonHover(this,'Mod0CancelRecord');" onmouseover="cbButtonHover(this,'Mod0CancelRecord');" value="Back" name="Mod0CancelRecord" onClick="window.location.href='[@app:logboekmenu]


Dit kan je misschien ook gebruiken. Ik gebruik het altijd op deze manier.

Dit in de header plaatsen:
display: none;

Dit in HTML plaatsen: 
<input class="cbBackToButton" onclick="history.go(-1);return true;" onmouseout="cbButtonHover(this,'cbBackToButton');" onmouseover="cbButtonHover(this,'cbBackToButton_hover');" type="button" value="Terug" />

<input type="reset" value="Schoon" />

<input class="cbSubmitButton" id="SubmitNew" name="Submit" onmouseout="cbButtonHover(this,'cbSubmitButton');" onmouseover="cbButtonHover(this,'cbSubmitButton_hover');" type="submit" value="Doorgaan" />

<form><input onclick="window.location.href='CPLNieuweOpdrachtgever'" type="button" value="Nieuw" /></form>

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I am not sure what you are asking for since it is not in English, but as far as I see, you cannot have form tags since nested form tags are not allowed in HTML and Caspio is already using it.


Also if the issue is style you need to add the style to the header and refer to it. Custom buttons will not read Caspio style.

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