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Ranking Drop Down or Radio Buttons



I'm needing to create drop down or radio button section that will allow the user to "rank" their choices.  I have 4 locations and want them the to rank their preference to that location by selection 1 - 4.  But I only want unique answers to each one.  So if they rank one as number 1, then I don't want number 1 to be an option for the remaining 3 choices and so on.  I've tried several ways but can't get it to work correctly and wasn't able to find any other posts that described this.  Any suggestions on if and how it can be down are greatly appreciated.

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2 answers to this question

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Hi @jimarch,

You can utilize Cascading radio buttons and lookup table which would output all possible combination of ranks.

Users will be forced to submit their "rank" choices for each location in sequential order.

Your first location will have radio-buttons "1-4 " and each next location will have a set of radio - buttons without the one selected on the previous step.

You may upload the following app sample and test above  - mentioned workflow in the Data page I have created:





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Try this one, just create a var for each dropdown you have, put that var in the two arrays (dropdownarray and valuesarray) , and you're good to go


document.addEventListener("change", function(event){

var d1 = document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual1");
var d2 = document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual2");
var d3 = document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual3");

var dropdownarray= [d1,d2,d3]
var valuesarray=[d1.value, d2.value, d3.value]

for(var j=0; j<=dropdownarray.length;j++){ //counter for dropdownarray 

for (var i=1; i<dropdownarray[j].length; i++) { //counter for options on each dropdown excluding the 'SELECT' option

    if (valuesarray.indexOf(dropdownarray[j].options[i].value) > -1){ //indexOf returns -1 if value is not in the array

         dropdownarray[j].options[i].style.display = "none";
    else {
         dropdownarray[j].options[i].style.display = "block";







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