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Hide blank fields in automatic email?



I have a data page form that concludes with an automatic email send to a group and shows all the forms entries.  Often there are fields that are blank, not all fields are required.  But there are a lot of fields.  And these results go to a pager which has a line and character limit.  So with a lot of blanks th

Is there anyway to have the email reporting the fields to ignore BLANK entries?  The auto email looks like this, basically includes results of all the form fields.



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Hi All, 

I was able to make a workaround not to include blank fields in the Automatic email using Calculated Value. 

I used Virtual fields in this example. Here is the formula:

CASE WHEN '[@cbParamVirtual1]' = '' THEN '' ELSE 'Virtual 1: [@cbParamVirtual1]'
CASE WHEN '[@cbParamVirtual2]' = '' THEN '' ELSE '
Virtual 2: [@cbParamVirtual2]'
CASE WHEN '[@cbParamVirtual3]' = '' THEN '' ELSE '
Virtual 3: [@cbParamVirtual3]'
CASE WHEN '[@cbParamVirtual4]' = '' THEN '' ELSE '
Virtual 4: [@cbParamVirtual4]'

You can also test this DataPage. I did not hide the Virtual field 5 for the sake of testing.  You may hide it under the Advanced tab. 


Then, on the Email options, use this VirtualField5.


Hope this helps. 


Cheers! :)

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I can't think of any other ways to do this but using Triggered Actions, although it may take a Loooong syntax having the sample email I saw. I was thinking of using case when statements that if the value is blank, then skip the field. Then concatenate them all in the message body. (Not actually a good idea). I'm not also sure if the HTML format can render some javascript and that can be an option too.

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