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Caspio Ninja
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Corpcatalog last won the day on April 19 2016

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  1. Thanks so much - life saver The following code worked 'https://www.certlink.org/grower-profile.html?GrowerNumber=' + Cast([@field:GrowerNumber] as varchar)
  2. I want to create a unique profile page for each of my users Like https://www.certlink.org/grower-profile.html?GrowerNumber=VOCI168 I created a forumale field to add the URL to the GrowerNumber field "VOCI168" My forumla looks like Formula:Edit 'https://www.certlink.org/grower-profile.html?GrowerNumber=[@InsertRecordGrowerNumber]' This comes back as invalid formula, what am I doing wrong.
  3. Plot number vertice Point VOCI1112 -1 a -14.96796, 168.0675 VOCI1112 -1 b VOCI1112-1 c VOCI1112-1 d etc the I am tryong to get caspio to create a polygon around the verticies - and update that into the plot table. I have the following example of Javascript from google - I assume I can use and pass the point field as a paramter into the path const below? I expect I could use a triggered action for this however triggers dont work on data uploading. Any ideas? // This example creates a simple polygon representing the Bermuda Triangle. function initMap(): void { const map = new google.maps.Map( document.getElementById("map") as HTMLElement, { zoom: 5, center: { lat: 24.886, lng: -70.268 }, mapTypeId: "terrain", } ); // Define the LatLng coordinates for the polygon's path. const triangleCoords = [ { lat: 25.774, lng: -80.19 }, { lat: 18.466, lng: -66.118 }, { lat: 32.321, lng: -64.757 }, { lat: 25.774, lng: -80.19 }, ]; // Construct the polygon. const bermudaTriangle = new google.maps.Polygon({ paths: triangleCoords, strokeColor: "#FF0000", strokeOpacity: 0.8, strokeWeight: 2, fillColor: "#FF0000", fillOpacity: 0.35, }); bermudaTriangle.setMap(map); } declare global { interface Window { initMap: () => void; } } window.initMap = initMap;
  4. This is an old post but I am looking for a similar solution but Map mashup seems to be deprecated. I have a list of Growers in Remote South pacific with farm plots. The grower table has a related plot table. The verticies of these plots have been geolocated using an offline GPS app and I have the CSV file uploaded to a new table - plot vertices, which is now related to the Farm plot table The structe is PLot number
  5. Hi Goodboy I tried adding this to the footer of the datapage which did not change anything I also tried the header of the datapage and also the header and footer of the weebly page I still have the same problem, tab report datapage is not full width and wont scroll down, it keeps jumping back to the top
  6. From first example how would I add a change in colour to another different row based on another column? ie if column 5 is yes then row is yellow if column 6 is yes then row is green
  7. I have a report datpage deployed in a weebly site that is 100% width with vertical scroll using the Green std style I recenlty added some modal popups to allow editing of records inline with a popup However now that i added the modal code to the page header/footer and HTML block, my report datapage does not display correctly The report is no longer 100% width, is not responsive and does not scroll. The report and modal works perfectly in preview mode inside caspio and also the report datapage works without the modal code inbedded in the weebly page
  8. Also noticed the colour of my menus has changed with the modal code
  9. I am having problems with a modal I put into a tabular report that is embedded into weebly site. Without the modal code in the tab report, it renders 100% width, no scrolling With the modal code as given in the above video tutorial, it renders at about 50% width, not responsive and scrolles vertically. How does the linked Modal CSS interfere with the Weebly theme and Caspio CSS? Page works perfectly in preview mode inside caspio.
  10. Thanks for the tip - that worked perfectly. I have another problem - I have a report page that is embedded into a weebly site, that worked rendered perfectly at 100% width, responsive and scrolled. Since I added the model code the report will only render as a fixed width with no scrolling and not responsive. Is there something in the modal style that is messing with either the weebly template or the caspio css?
  11. Having the same problem, where should I add this cbResetParam=1 In the footer code or the button html?
  12. I used the following in my table SELECT Count([@field:SubscriptionComplete]) FROM GrowerSubscription WHERE [@field:SubscriptionComplete]="1" However that returns the total for all records in the table. My report is filtered by the managers name, how can I show only the tally for the results for the filtered table?
  13. I tried to us the above method for my application embedded into a weebly site and it didn't work, Anybody else fixed it or can advise, maybe I have the Java script in the wrong part of the page?
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