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  1. Hello, Thanks in advance for checking this out. I use separate Search and Results datapages to filter a results table on a single web page. I am looking for a way to hide the Search fields if a user navigates to the "Details" view. Is there a way to do this with JS? I figure I could also remove the details page, create a new details only datapage, and just use an html block link with querystring parameters from the results table to connect the two but am more interested in if there is a coded way to accomplish this. Thanks again. codell
  2. Ababcock, You could deploy your datapages within an iframe. You can manually set the size of the frame and the user would then be able to scroll through the datapage within the frame. I believe that is what you are looking for. http://howto.caspio.com/deployment/ codell
  3. codell

    Ajax Table Refresh

    Hey Chad, First off, thanks for your response. I have thought about using two datapages but mainly for UI reasons, I have chose to stick with the standard search>results>details style. It may still offer the only solution yet for this so I certainly won't rule it out. I do believe that some form of AJAX Scripting may be able to provide this sort of functionality but to be honest, it's not my forte. For example, it could even be impossible due to some Caspio restrictions that I just don't know about yet. I wasn't sure if someone had already come up with an simple AJAX solution for refreshing data (like the html reset button) or if someone knew confidently that something like this doesn't/couldn't exist. I appreciate the help, COdell
  4. Hello Joenn, If you would like to calculate aggregate values of a collapsed group, you can absolutely do so. Just open the "Advanced" tab on your Aggregate element in the datapage wizard. You can change what kind of group aggregation you want to show (None, First Group, All Groups) in the Group Options section. You can find more information in this article. Does this help to answer your question? COdell
  5. Hello all, Thanks in advance for looking at this. I'm looking for a clean way to refresh the data in a tabular search and report without reloading the whole page. I know that enabling AJAX in the Wizard allows the tabular report to use AJAX to filter and page through results without needing to reload the entire page each time. Reloading the whole page mandates that the user enter in all of the required search values prior to seeing the updated data. I am looking for a way around this. I currently have a system that works where I have added a calculated field as the final column in my results table. In that calculated field I have already placed "GetUTCDate()" . I named the calculated field "Last Updated: (click to refresh)". Essentially this shows up as a column and displays the date and time the table data was loaded. Filtering by this column refreshes the data and updates the "Last Updated:..." field as well. For me this solution currently does work, however I would be interested in a cleaner way of accomplishing this. Perhaps a method that does not require the use of its own dedicated column in the table is possible. On a side note, the data that I am most interested in refreshing is another calculated field (SQL). This is relevant because (at minimum) I do not actually need the entire table to refresh if only there is a way to refresh these calculated fields. Thanks again for bearing with me. I'm curious to see if others have had a similar problem or could use this solution that I currently have in place. COdell
  6. Hello JEllington, If I understand correctly, you could just modify Christopher's script slightly to instead be the following and then remove your original field/column. You would then only use the HTML block. <script> if('[@field:FIELDNAME]' == '') { document.write('No Orders'); } else {document.write('[@field:FIELDNAME]');} </script> Alternatively you could use a Calculated field instead of the HTML Block which would allow you to sort by this new value too. In that case, you can use the following. CASE WHEN [@field:FIELDNAME]='' THEN 'No Orders' ELSE '[@field:FIELDNAME]' END COdell
  7. Xiang, I've tested this solution and it works perfectly. I appreciate your help with this! Codell
  8. Xiang, Thanks so much for your help! I will give this a shot and report back to you. Codell
  9. I'm curious if anyone here knows how to have a user redirected to a web page (URL/Datapage/Etc) if a datapage that requires a parameter notices that parameter has not been received for any reason. For example, our users upon login are directed to a page where they select from a dropwon project they are working on. The project that is selected passes a Project_ID parameter that is required in many other datapages in our system. This is so that the user does not have to repeatedly select the project on each datapage after. This parameter is currently stored in the browser cache and frequently over time is either corrupted or removed from the browser cache. Thus making any datapage that normally receives the *Required parameter Project_ID display some sort of error due to the lack of the parameter. I would like to choose a URL/datapage/etc that would be a redirect destination if this required parameter is not present. In my previous example this destination would be the webpage where the user selects the Project and can pass the Project_ID parameter again. Ideally it would function similarly to basic authentication redirections where it checks the datapage attempting to be accessed against some specified criteria and redirects they user if the criteria is not satisfied. If anyone has accomplished something similar to this I'd be eager to hear about it. Thanks in advance
  10. Is it possible to hide entire rows of data in a tabular results page based on a Calculated field Value using JS? Essentially, I have a search and report to return records based on predefined criteria. However, one criteria that I would like to filter by is not stored directly in the table (Table A). It is stored in another table (table B ). So I have a calculated field holding a SQL Query to return a number based on the records from the other table (table B ). I would like to then see if there is a way to hide all records returned that are returned with a Value of 0 from the Table A Tabular report. Is this possible? Additional Information: For several reasons, of which I don't want to waste your time or over-complicate the question, using views to combine the tables in a manner to accomplish is not desired. Nor would a solution dependent on Sorting or Grouped results be sufficient. I really would like to make these results entirely invisible/inaccessible. Thanks in advance for all of your time and assistance. Cooper
  11. Elena, Is this what you are looking for? http://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips-and-articles/common-customizations/how-to-add-a-reset-button-to-clear-a-form/ For example: http://b6.caspio.com/dp.asp?AppKey=85b33000a5818c495ed349b9b7c9 Cooper
  12. Iren, Thank you so much for your help. With a little bit of tweaking I was able to get the code to work perfectly. I will include it below if anyone would need this as a reference. (CONVERT(float, (SELECT COUNT(Project) FROM Table_A WHERE Project=[@Project_ID] AND Status='Complete')))/(CONVERT(float, (SELECT COUNT(Project) FROM Table_A WHERE Project=[@Project_ID]))) I changed the conditions for Project to receive the parameter [@Project_ID] instead. I also changed the Condition for Status to receive the static value of 'Complete'. And finally the other change I made is I removed the "*100" at the end because simply formatting as a percentage takes care of that for us. Once again I truly appreciate your help. Cooper
  13. Hello, I am looking for help on a solution I am hoping to implement. I will do my best to be clear and include all necessary information but please let me know if you have any questions. I believe this can be accomplished with SQL but am not familiar enough with SQL to begin this on my own. I have a search and report datapage (tabular) that pulls information from Table A. Table A has columns including Client, Project, Asset, Task, and Status where a client can have multiple projects, a project can have multiple assets, assets can have multiple tasks and each task has a status (See Table A.png). Each Project in Table A can have several thousand records beneath it. I would like to use SQL to display a Percentage of all records within a particular Project (lets say project 1) that have a Status of "Complete". "1" will be passed as a parameter into the filter (Column=Project) using @Project_ID. I would like to display just the percentage of complete records and possibly a count of total records, both filtered by @Project_ID. I do not wish to actually display a full table. My ideal product would look something like the second attachment (Table A Completion Percentage). Further notes: I am absolutely open to changing the Datapage in order to accomplish this goal. I am not however looking to display this information in a chart as I really am only looking for the Percentage and do not need to display the percentage of other status' as well, as a pie chart would. Also I want to make sure that this only displays information from a single Project_ID at a time as this percentage will be a Client facing data page and I don't want them to see other clients or projects. I was able to accomplish this solution previously by adding a field to the table that entered a 1 if a record was updated with a Complete status and a 0 if updated with something else but this made the data quite messy and it complicated things if the data was updated via an import as the calculation field was never submitted or calculated. The calculation as I'm sure you guys know, only exists on the Datapage level and not within the database itself. Anyways, I am redoing this to avoid going down that road again. Thank you all so much in advance for any help you can provide. Cooper
  14. This is obviously a little late but you can accomplish this by using the inline insert feature and a Search and Report Datapage. First, as I do not know how you set up your venue table/process, we will just assume that the user first created the venue record leading them to this datapage, to add events. In the current example, you can pass the created VenueID field as a parameter is from the datapage used to create the Venue. Next you will build a search and results datapage from your events table (enable parameters and advanced features). Search based off of your predefined criteria and receive the VenueID parameter in the search field to ensure that the user only see's events applying to their venue. Add the VenueID, Name, Age, Date, and Cost to your results page. Check the box to enable inline editing. When configuring, hide the VenueID field and receive the same parameter so that every new record add on the results page applies the VenueID parameter. It will not allow them to submit 3+ records at the same time but the add record button will do this individually, without refreshing the page and will be no different than your provided example where they can choose to add new rows to fill in as they see fit. The parameter set up will depend on how you have built your app so far. For example, if you instead have the venueID as part of the authentication table instead of coming from a previous datapage, you can receive this in the place of the initial parameter receiving from authenticated fields instead of external parameters. I hope this can help you or someone else in the future with this same end goal.
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