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MaraMara last won the day on August 11 2020

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  1. In the column STOCK, I have a Calculated field that sometimes shows numbers or is blank, in those cases I don't need to format the value. But when the Value is A B or C I need to color the text AND the background of the text A: red / B: yellow / C : green
  2. I need to Hide and show two columns. This is a distributor price list and let's say for example the user is a retailer who is looking at prices, performs a search, finds an item, and hides the list and cost price columns, in order to be able to show the screen to a client at the counter. I found online the html+js+css that would do something like this, I hope someone can help me adapt it for Caspio. In my case, only 1 button ordering to hide 2 columns at the same time will do.
  3. I also solved it with the following : <style> section[class^="cbFormSection"] { display: none !important; } </style> in my html page. (the problem with this is that it also hides the form of the bulk edit window.
  4. Hello @TroubleShooter, How Can I adapt this snippet you shared, to get it to show the Record Action buttons column, in the first column instead of the last as it always is. Thanks in advance
  5. In case anyone is interested, I solved it with the following solution provided by Support Portal: <style> section[class^="cbFormSection"] { display: none !important; } </style> in my html page. Regards
  6. How can I hide the Search Form section of a Tabular report, without hiding the Table report itself?I tried this out in my own html file:<style>#caspioform {display: none;}</style>But it hides the whole datapage. I need to hide only the Search Form section.And I need to do it only in my .html file, not the datapage ( I mean I can't do this on the footer o header). Also I can't generate a new datapage right now. I need to solve it via html, as long as it is possible.Thanks in advance
  7. Thank you very much @LittleMsGinger, Thank you very much. I will try this once I upgrade to a new plan, I can't spare many datapages at the moment, but it looks like what I need.
  8. I have a datapage in which I show Invoices, credit / debit notes and payments. The search field that represents those is a single field with 4 different criterias, each one is a checkbox. Here is what i would like to achieve: I would very much appreciate if someone can provide a code that I could try out. Thanks in advance.
  9. Yesss! Now it works. I tried many times, and I am a bit lost, but I think that it works best if it is in a html block, anyway after trying many times now I don't really know, so I left if both in the html block and the html footer. (such a rookie thing to do, but l will clean it later ). It works nice, but it does something funny: on first load, on the first page you don't see the color, if you go to the second page, you see the color and if you go back to page one now you see it. It would be nice to fix that bit, but so far it looks great. Thank you very very much Vitaliksssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
  10. Hi Vitalikssssss, again thank you so much, I tried with td:nth-child(15) and some other more, 14, 16, 17. I checked if I could find any syntax mistake also, but it does not work for me. Is there anything else that I can show you to help me target the issue? here is my datapage: https://c0hbt141.caspio.com/dp/854b80004fdf5d094c6b4217bcb3
  11. Thank you very much Vitaliksssss, it is not working for me, maybe it is because i have grouping levels? I tried several several column numbers in "nth-child( )", but if I am not wrong it is column number 14. here is a screenshot of my datapage, maybe I am doing something wrong, or you can give another idea
  12. Hello DefinitelyNot.... (or anyone that might help =) ) I have used this code you provided, and I see it working Can you explain how to adapt it so that instead of changing the row it can change only the cell? In my case I need to change the color of the cells under the row "Días", (it is a Calculated Field 1) if the value displayed is > 7 no need to paint the row, only the cell Thank you very much in advance!
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