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  1. Hi @JohnM, Yes, you may add more details about fields in the Description area in Table Design: Description – Use this section to enter a short description for the currently selected field as a future reminder, comment, or note. This is helpful if more than one person will be developing apps using the same table. The content of the description field is not visible in your apps. https://howto.caspio.com/tables-and-views/creating-and-modifying-a-table/ It is also possible to add Notes for the whole table in Properties:
  2. Hi @Aleksandra, This How-To article on the Running Balance may be helpful: https://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips-and-articles/advanced-customizations/calculate-a-running-total-in-your-report/
  3. Hi @Corpcatalog, You can add this reset parameter after other parameters in the query string by adding the ampersand symbol (&) between the parameters as follows: <a class="btn btn-primary text-white mt-3 mb-4" style="color: #fff; text-decoration: none;" onclick="openModal('Add Contact', 'appkey' , '?ParamName=[@field:ParamName]&cbResetParam=1' , 'modal-md')" style="cursor: pointer;"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i>&nbsp;&nbsp;Add Contact</a> Here is a How-To article as well: https://howto.caspio.com/parameters/resetting-parameters/
  4. Hi @Hiperf, You may want to select a specific column. Refer to the forum post: Change the number within the () depending on which column you want to change color. Add this in the Header of the Results Page Configuration, make sure to disable HTML Editor before pasting the code. <style> td[class*="cbResultSetData"]:nth-of-type(9){ color: red !important; } </style>
  5. Hi @Lepidoptera, Yes, the information is still relevant, as far as I know. Did you face any difficulties once changing the field names?
  6. Hi @vidierre, Is there any redirection upon login? Please check the Advanced settings in the Authentication: https://howto.caspio.com/authentications-and-connections/authentication/authentication/ You may also want to check any script for the redirection on login on the DataPage or in WordPress. Please feel free to update this thread with more details.
  7. Hello @roattw, Upon checking, I was not able to replicate this on my side. The columns are displayed as expected in the Responsive mode as well. Is there any custom CSS or JS in the Header&Footer on the DataPage? If yes, please try to remove it to see if it affects the appearance. You may find more information in the article: https://howto.caspio.com/datapages/datapage-components/multi-column-and-sections/ Feel free to update this thread with more information.
  8. Hi @roattw, Perhaps, you may want to use the steps from the FileStor CDN article instead: You can get a link to the file stored in FileStor CDN with the following URL adjusted to your data: https://[Caspio site]cdn.caspio.com/[first 8 AppKey characters]/[foldername]/[filename].[extension] Example: https://eucdn.caspio.com/03NJB000/Folder name/Image01.png [Caspio site] – the Caspio site of your account. Example: eu [first 8 AppKey characters] - this part is the same for all your files. You can check it in the Properties of any DataPage > Caspio AppKey. Capitalize all lowercase letters if present. Example: 03NJB000 [Folder Name] – folder name of the file. Replace any spaces with %20. Example: Folder%20name [filename].[extension] - file name and extension; they can be copied directly from a file. Example: Image01.png Note: [Caspio site] name is needed only for sites located outside of US. You may check your site country in Help menu -> About Caspio tab. For the US the following format can be used: https://cdn.caspio.com/[first 8 AppKey characters]/[foldername]/[filename].[extension]
  9. Hi all, I had the similar issue as GoodBoy but with the Inline Delete modal window that was not visible. I added the following modifications to the DataPage with the modal. Header: <style> #Alert{ position: fixed !important; z-index: 1100 !important; } </style> Footer: <script type="text/javascript"> $('.cbResultSetActionCell a').on('click', function(e) { const myInterval = setInterval( function() { if($("#Alert .ActionButton").length !=0 ){ $('#Alert .ActionButton').on('click', function(e) { $("#cb-modal").modal('hide'); }) clearInterval(myInterval); } } , 100); }) </script>
  10. Hello @DRAhmed, You may want to try the following formula instead: CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(YEAR,[@field:master_year],GetDate()) >=2 THEN 'specialist' ELSE 'intern' END More about SQL functions can be found here: https://www.w3schools.com/sql/func_sqlserver_datediff.asp https://www.w3schools.com/sql/func_sqlserver_cast.asp
  11. Hi @davemacac, As far as I know, once you sign up for a trial account, there is a Solutions Consultant assigned to your account. They will be able to assist you in qualifying the need of your application and the time needed, schedule a demo to discuss your questions. If you don't know who it is, you may contact them here: https://www.caspio.com/contact-sales/ or schedule demo here: https://go.caspio.com/schedule-demo There is always an ability to convert to a Free plan, however, Trial one gives a possibility to try more features. The conversion can be done in Account -> Change plan
  12. Hi @Aleksandra, The DataPages can be embedded on most webpages as long as it can be opened in a browser. The main thing you want to check - if there are any redirections from DataPage to the website URLs. If it is a test website now, it may be needed to change links once the website is live. I hope it is not too confusing. More about deployment here: https://howto.caspio.com/deployment/deployment/
  13. Hi @Aleksandra, It looks like the solution from this article could help: https://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips-and-articles/advanced-customizations/automatically-add-options-to-dropdowns-and-listboxes/
  14. Hi All, Just wanted to add that there is a How-To article about running balance available now: Calculate a Running Total in Your Report
  15. I tried using this code but it didn't work for me. I can see that $(document).ready function was deprecated in one of their releases. Please see modified code that helped me to change the width of columns in a chart: <script type = "text/javascript" > var timer = setInterval(function() { //Find if chart exists using rect element every x milliseconds if (document.getElementsByTagName('rect') != null) { //Update Chart UpdateChart(); } }, 500); function UpdateChart() { try { Highcharts.charts[0].update({ plotOptions: { series: { pointWidth: 20 // change the column width here } }, }); //Stop checking clearInterval(timer); } catch (err) { //log errors } }; </script> I hope this helps someone.
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