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Chat link icon aarrhh!



HI everyone

Perhaps it's just me but when looking at Tables I find the chat link icon on the lower RH side of the screen incredibly annoying.  It covers the scrollbar and, as luck would have it, always seems to block me from the specific position I need.   Clicking on the link then minimising it makes no difference. Is there a way to get rid of this thing?


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Hi @Farnsbarnes,

I totally understand, vote on the Idea box so that it will be on there roadmap: http://ideabox.caspio.com/forums/164206-caspio-bridge/suggestions/40743148-move-the-chat-icon-away-from-the-down-arrow-in-the. Or zoom out the bowser, In order to zoom in, you just press control (Windows) or command (Mac) and the + key. (Technically you're pressing the = key because you'd need to press shift to make a plus, but thinking of it as the + key makes more sense since it's zooming you in.) To zoom out, press control/command -, and press control/command 0 to set things back to normal. https://lifehacker.com/how-to-zoom-in-and-out-on-a-web-page-5815125

I hope it helps

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