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Deployment redirection error



I am trying to create an HTML DataPage that will redirect based on roles. And upon creating it, and login using an Admin, it redirects to the other page that says 404 error. I am redirecting it to the /dashboard.html  and I am deploying my DataPags to weebly. Am i missing something here?

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Hi again Kuroshi. The main reason why you encounter error 404 is because the page where you are redirected does not exists. What I suggest is to copy the whole URL of the page instead of using /dashboard.html since you are deploying this to Weebly.

Hope this works now.

- Barbie

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Hi @Kuroshi barbie was on point with what that error means https://www.weebly.com/inspiration/404-error-pages/#:~:text=An error page%2C also known,but you changed its URL.&text=404 is an HTTP response status code.

A friendly tip: If you are still in the midst of testing it out first and you still haven't set up any weebly webpages you are planning to use, you can go with different existing sites such as youtube, twitter, fb etc. for your destination URL ;)



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