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Different SMS for Insert vs. Delete Triggered action





I am setting up a sms notification triggered action when employees are scheduled and removed from the schedule


At the top, you choose "run actions on"  Is there a way to separate or add one of those sections so I can have actions that are triggered on Insert, and separate actions that are triggered on Delete?

It doesnt give me the option to duplicate the "runs actions on" shell.  


Or would I be able to use IF statement to determine if the data is being inserted or deleted?


Thank you,

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1 minute ago, Fleshzombie said:

so I can have actions that are triggered on Insert, and separate actions that are triggered on Delete?

You can only have 1 trigger of each 'run-on' type - Update, Insert, or Delete. I usually like to break them up into 3 triggers for their respective type in all of my apps for easier organization.

Pretty much, you would create a Trigger that runs on Insert, then you would create a 2nd Trigger that runs on Delete and copy the contents from the Insert trigger over to the Delete trigger. Now if the table has a new record inserted, only the Insert Trigger will go off - and vice versa.


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Thank you!  I was just reading through the online help and saw this.  Didn't realize because I was making copies of triggers before making changes in case I break what was previously working and it would make me disable the previous action so I thought it was limited to 1

Back to work, I am sure I will be back with more questions.


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Hiyaa! For everyone who may stumble upon this thread, here's the how-to article where we can see the info about only being able to activate one triggered action/event at a time:

https://howto.caspio.com/tables-and-views/triggered-actions/#:~:text=Additional Notes about Triggered Actions

Other additional info about triggers can be found there as well :)


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