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Search in multiple colums



How do I make a submission form where the search is in multiple colums of the same row?

See attachment 'Search'  red  lighted. I look a brand of beer and if it is in any column (blue lighted INPUT form) I want the report of the restaurant is shown.

Example: Restaurant 'Zondag2' has in column 'Merkbier1': Hoegaarden and in Merkbier2: Dubel, Merkbier3 Gouden Carolus, Merkbier4 Cherry Chouffe, Merkbier5: Odlo and Merkbier6: Jupiler.

If I do my search and search for Cherry Chouffe I want Restaurant 'Zondag2' in my report, also when I search for Hoegaarden, Gouden Carolus, ...

Now the search is only in the first column and Restaurant Zondag2 is only shown when I search for Hoegaarden and not when I search for the other brands.

How can I solve this? Kind regards




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The solution I know for this one is to use a separate search and report just like on this article: https://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips-and-articles/tech-parameters/how-to-separate-search-page-and-results-page-into-two-different-webpages/

On the form you are using for search, just create a single search field there. As for the actual report, make the multiple columns received the single parameter from the search form. On that way, they will also refer to the value of that single search field. 

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