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Image button



Hi - I need help to change the image of the button.

The workaround that I have right now is I add an HTML block and input the CSS in the header. Currently, it is working but I want to change the image button to other buttons (Submit, update, and back). Is there another workaround for this?

Thanks in advance.

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Hi telly

What I can suggest replacing the image of your button follows this step below:

1. Go to Style > Button > Image Replacement.
2. Enable Image Action 
3. Paste the Image URL 

Note: Make sure that the image is uploaded or it is accessible online(you can upload your image on your google drive and get the URL or you can use Filestore to get the URL image).

You may refer to this HowTo documentation: https://howto.caspio.com/styles/replace-standard-buttons-with-images/

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Hello! This can be achieved by adding the image on the App Parameter and use some CSS to call it on the DataPage. Below are the screenshots: 


Paste this code at the Footer of your DataPage:


input[class*="cbSubmitButton"] {

background-image: url("[@app:testimage/]") !important;
background-position:center top !important;




Hope this helps!

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Hi again. I just tried and I discovered that you can also achieve this by adding/editing the Styles source code.

The image should be accessible online. In this example, I used an image from Google Drive.

1. Right-click on the image you wish to use.
2. Use the 'Get link' option to get only the ID of the image:
3. Go to Styles > Button > and click Source
3. Look for .cbSubmitButton and .cbSubmitButton_hover and paste the following code:

background-image: url(https://drive.google.com/thumbnail?id=15coTVLleIe8A2jf_-QD-u6Rrl3zIYc2V&sz=w100-h100);
width: 120px;
height: 40px;
background-position:center center;

sz -  is for the size of the picture itself.
width and height - are for the size of the button itself
background-position - the position of the image.



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just wanna add, you can also use an image in your app parameters and use the actual image as a button.


youd have to hide the original button first using the following:

.cbSubmitButtonContainer {
display: none !important;


and to create the new button, paste the following on an html block:

<input style="height: 30px; width: 30px;" class=""  id="SubmitBtn" name="SubmitBtn" style="" type="image"  src="[@app:chaticon/]" value="Submit" />

replace the src with your app parameter containing the image. you can also change the dimensions of the button on the style

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Hi! Just wanted to share this solution when displaying the image from Google Drive:

<img src="https://drive.google.com/thumbnail?id=xxxxxxxxxxx">

or by declaring the size

<img src="https://drive.google.com/thumbnail?id=xxxxxxxxxxx&sz=w1000">

For reference, you can check this article: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15557392/how-do-i-display-images-from-google-drive-on-a-website

If you have an existing HTML code for displaying the Google Drive image and it does not work, you can check this recent thread about the issue: https://support.google.com/sites/thread/253003338/images-from-google-drive-in-embedded-html-no-longer-working?hl=en

You may also reach out to Google Workspace Support for other workarounds on how to show the images from Google Drive.

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