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Barbie last won the day on July 7

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  1. Here are some articles that may help you: https://howto.caspio.com/deployment/deployment/ https://www.ionos.com/digitalguide/websites/website-creation/what-does-the-404-not-found-error-mean/
  2. Hello @Kuroshi, I have tried checking for another workaround. And here are the steps: you may need to use criteria in your Search page fields. The check box would be the first criterion. If this box is checked, it will only show blank values. If not, it will show you all of the results. Please refer to these sample screenshots:1. Add criteria to the field: 2. On the criteria 1, set it as a checkbox and make the 'Comparison type' to 'Is Blank': 3. Lastly, on the second criteria, set it as a dropdown and add 'Any' as an option in the 'Custom Values'. Here's a screenshot: Hope this works for you as well. - Barbie
  3. Hi again Kuroshi. The main reason why you encounter error 404 is because the page where you are redirected does not exists. What I suggest is to copy the whole URL of the page instead of using /dashboard.html since you are deploying this to Weebly. Hope this works now. - Barbie
  4. By the way, you may refer to this article for more information: https://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips-and-articles/common-customizations/dynamic-redirects-after-form-submission/ Thanks.
  5. Ho @Kuroshithe workaround that I can suggest is creating multiple DataPages and filtering them based on your criteria. Then on your search dropdown options, you can configure it to be dynamically redirected to *9the filtered DataPages based on criteria. Hope this helps.
  6. Yes, that will require JavaScript as well. I think there's an existing post regarding this. Please refer to this: I hope that works. - Barbie
  7. Hello there @Kuroshi, I believe they have this article called Function reference which includes all the function that you can use in a formula. Here it is: https://howto.caspio.com/function-reference/. You can check the replace function as this can achieve your current workflow. Here's the formula: replace(replace(replace(replace(replace([@field:Name],'a',''),'e',''),'i',''),'o',''),'u','') You can change the field Name, by the way. Hope this works. - Barbie
  8. Hello @Kuroshi, I also tried to use CSS but I believe we the only way to adjust it is by using JavaScript code. I used this and it worked. <script type="text/javascript"> document.addEventListener('DataPageReady', chartUpdateHandler) function chartUpdateHandler(event) { var cleaner = function(interv) { clearInterval(interv); } let interv = setInterval(() => { if (!!Highcharts.charts[0]) { console.log(Highcharts.charts[0]); Highcharts.charts[0].update({ legend: { layout: 'vertical', itemMarginTop: 5, itemMarginBottom: 5, padding: 5 } }); cleaner(interv); } }, 200); } </script> I hope this helps. Regards, Barbie
  9. Here's additional information for reference: https://howto.caspio.com/datapages/charts/ https://howto.caspio.com/tables-and-views/data-types/formula-fields
  10. For other reference, here's a link: https://www.w3schools.com/howto/howto_css_vertical_line.asp
  11. Hi @Kuroshi, You can achieve that by using this: border-right-color: #6f6f6f; border-right-style: solid; border-right-width: thin; You need to get the correct class for you to successfully display the lines as expected.
  12. By the way, just to add, we can actually change some layouts and designs of your forms and reports inside the style itself. You may refer to this: https://howto.caspio.com/styles/styles/
  13. Hello @StephenMyall, I believe this is expected behavior. If the system noticed that it can't be display in one page, it will make another page for the remaining results. If you want to customize your PDF result, I read some information here in forum and this might need custom coding. I am not sure how do you want to achieve your current workflow but you can check with their support members. Here's a reference regarding the topic: https://howto.caspio.com/datapages/pdf-download/pdf-download/ Hope this helps.
  14. Hello @Johan, may I know how are you getting the current data record fields? If this can be done using formula inside table, I suggest creating a formula field in the table and call this formula field inside your Chart instead. Hope this helps.
  15. Hello @skcombs, I have created a pivot table before and I was able to add more than 10 fields in the column part. And on the row part, it gives me a limitation up to 10 fields only. I am not sure why you encounter that issue but when I reached the limit in Rows, it does not let me click the plus sign only. No error. Please try to check this articles as well for more info: https://howto.caspio.com/datapages/reports/pivot-table/
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