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Filestor URL for Image



I have read in the forum that you can use Filestor to save images that can then be used to replace the standard form buttons with an image button.  But I haven't been able to find what the URL is supposed to be to pull that image into the Style.  I appreciate any help anyone can provide.

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Hi @jimarch,

You could use the FileStor image in Caspio by the following steps:

1. Go to your All Assets -> Files. Create a folder for your image and enable the FileStor on it.


2. After enabling it, it should be look like this:

3. After enabling the FileStor to your folder, create a table that will contain the image you want. 


4. Now that you have a table, create a Tabular Report DataPage that will view the picture you want.

5.  On  Configure Results Page Fields, select your field for your Image and display it as a File and check the Hyperlink for the download


6. For Preview, hover the link or open the link in the new tab to get the link of your image: 



I hope this helps!

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Hi @roattw,

Perhaps, you may want to use the steps from the FileStor CDN article instead:

You can get a link to the file stored in FileStor CDN with the following URL adjusted to your data:

https://[Caspio site]cdn.caspio.com/[first 8 AppKey characters]/[foldername]/[filename].[extension]

Example: https://eucdn.caspio.com/03NJB000/Folder name/Image01.png

  • [Caspio site] – the Caspio site of your account. Example: eu
  • [first 8 AppKey characters] - this part is the same for all your files. You can check it in the Properties of any DataPage > Caspio AppKey. Capitalize all lowercase letters if present. Example: 03NJB000 
  • [Folder Name] – folder name of the file. Replace any spaces with %20. Example: Folder%20name
  • [filename].[extension] - file name and extension; they can be copied directly from a file. Example: Image01.png

Note: [Caspio site] name is needed only for sites located outside of US. You may check your site country in Help menu -> About Caspio tab.

For the US the following format can be used:
https://cdn.caspio.com/[first 8 AppKey characters]/[foldername]/[filename].[extension]

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A lot of people have trouble with this.  I followed the directions but couldnt get image to pull up.  Support ticket verified I had the info and URL correct.  They suggest using Meekee's workaround to verify the URL you are using.

Also, note that for images I upload, Caspio adds versioning to it adding a "ver=1" to the image URL.  So the instructions version didnt work:

According to the instructions my URL would be https://cdn.caspio.com/XXXXXXXX/Images/myimage.png

But real URL was:


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Just to add, this steps also helped me to display the Image when using an HTML Datapage. I used this code below: 


<img src="[@authfield:image]">

1. Add a new App Parameter inside your application. This can be found on your App Overview > App Parameters > Manage
2. Under App Parameters, click on new then set a parameter name and change the data type from 'Text' to 'File'. Upload an image by clicking the add file button under 'Value' and click on save.
3. Go to your DataPage configuration and add a Header & Footer or HTML Block. Make sure to disable the HTML editor under the Advanced tab.
4. Lastly, add this HTML code and insert the app parameter between the two double quotation marks using the picker.

<img src="[@authfield:image]">

And selected the field in the picker. Just to remind you to make the HTML editor disabled and make sure to add the <imga src= "  " > so that the image will be displayed. 


Here are the helpful standard features I found out in Caspio: 

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Hi! Just wanted to share this solution when displaying the image from Google Drive:

<img src="https://drive.google.com/thumbnail?id=xxxxxxxxxxx">

or by declaring the size

<img src="https://drive.google.com/thumbnail?id=xxxxxxxxxxx&sz=w1000">

For reference, you can check this article: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15557392/how-do-i-display-images-from-google-drive-on-a-website

If you have an existing HTML code for displaying the Google Drive image and it does not work, you can check this recent thread about the issue: https://support.google.com/sites/thread/253003338/images-from-google-drive-in-embedded-html-no-longer-working?hl=en

You may also reach out to Google Workspace Support for other workarounds on how to show the images from Google Drive.

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