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    Aether got a reaction from DesiLogi in Caspio + AI: Simple Guide to Document Understanding   
    Hello there! Caspio releases a new feature called "integrations"! Refer below: 
    Caspio Extensions is a new plug-and-play capability that connects your Caspio account to third-party services, enabling various functionalities. We are very excited about the roadmap of Extensions and in future releases, we will open it up for our partners and even customers to create their extensions.
    Source: https://howto.caspio.com/release-notes/caspio-52-0/#:~:text=Introducing Caspio Extensions
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    Aether got a reaction from DesiLogi in Webhooks for Make.com scenario to run when Caspio data is updated   
    Hello! Caspio releases another new enhancement to the WebHooks feature, refer below: 
    Latest enhancements available to non-HIPAA/Compliance accounts, webhooks can now be:
    Sent based on table events initiated by triggered actions and tasks. Configured for tables that have triggered actions enabled for the same event as the webhook. Source: https://howto.caspio.com/release-notes/caspio-46-0/#:~:text=Enhancements to Caspio Webhooks
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    Aether got a reaction from jyll2113 in iPhone Bug   
    Hi! Did you know that there is a known issue with scrolling on MACOS? 
    Here is the solution for it:
    Update your system settings to make the scroll bars always visible: 
    From the Apple menu, select System Settings.  In the settings dialog box, in the sidebar, select the Appearance category.  In the Show scroll bars section, select Always.  Source: https://howto.caspio.com/release-notes/caspio-42-0/known-issue-scrolling-on-macos/#:~:text=Known Issue%3A-,Scrolling on macOS Devices,-Sep 13%2C 2023
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    Aether got a reaction from orgkonnect in How create multiple similar tables for a company automatically - one table for each site ?   
    Hello Everyone, have you already checked this new feature of Caspio called "Webhooks"?
    This is kind of similar to Zapier which automates integrations between different applications.
    For further details check it here. https://howto.caspio.com/webhooks/webhooks-overview/
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    Aether got a reaction from researched in Creating a "tag a user" capability in a notes text field   
    Hi @MacCaspio - I assume that your workflow may need SQL + JS + API to fetch the user values when you press "@ + username". In this kind of complex function, you may check with the Professional Services team if they can create a custom code for your needs. https://www.caspio.com/services/professional-services/ 
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    Aether got a reaction from researched in The week for the month   
    Hi @FinTheHuman - In addition for the earlier response, you can also use this formula to get the week number with the corresponding month via DataPage level:
    CASE WHEN (DatePart(day, DateDiff(day, 0, [@field:DATE])/7 * 7)/7 + 1) = 1 THEN 'Week 1 of ' + (DATENAME(month, [@field:DATE])) WHEN (DatePart(day, DateDiff(day, 0, [@field:DATE])/7 * 7)/7 + 1) = 2 THEN 'Week 2 of ' + (DATENAME(month, [@field:DATE])) WHEN (DatePart(day, DateDiff(day, 0, [@field:DATE])/7 * 7)/7 + 1) = 3 THEN 'Week 3 of ' + (DATENAME(month, [@field:DATE])) WHEN (DatePart(day, DateDiff(day, 0, [@field:DATE])/7 * 7)/7 + 1) = 4 THEN 'Week 4 of ' + (DATENAME(month, [@field:DATE])) ELSE 'Week 5 of ' + (DATENAME(month, [@field:DATE])) END ~WatashiwaJin~
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    Aether got a reaction from researched in The week for the month   
    Hi @FinTheHuman - you can use this formula to get the specific number of the week for the current month selected in your DATE field:
    DatePart(day, DateDiff(day, 0, [@field:DATE])/7 * 7)/7 + 1 I hope this helps
  9. Like
    Aether got a reaction from researched in Wordpress Login Deployment Fail   
    Hey there! Caspio releases new enhancements to the Caspio Directories feature, check this out: 
    - Ability to enhance user profiles with field values using Text64000, Number, Integer, and Yes/No data types 
    - Ability to include user profile fields using data from a related table
    - Ability to customize the fields shown in the user list view 
    Source: https://howto.caspio.com/release-notes/caspio-37-0/caspio-37-0/#:~:text=Enhancements to Caspio Directories
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    Aether got a reaction from HeatherM in Slow loading of forms   
    You may want to check this cause of slowness as well:
  11. Like
    Aether got a reaction from HeatherM in Slow loading of forms   
    Hello @KG360 - What I can suggest is for you to partition your form and separate them on a different submission to create a "Multi-step form" so that the loading the page won't be that heavy to load. Refer to the article below:
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    Aether got a reaction from KG360 in Slow loading of forms   
    You may want to check this cause of slowness as well:
  13. Like
    Aether got a reaction from KG360 in Slow loading of forms   
    Hello @KG360 - What I can suggest is for you to partition your form and separate them on a different submission to create a "Multi-step form" so that the loading the page won't be that heavy to load. Refer to the article below:
  14. Like
    Aether got a reaction from KG360 in Update of related tables when report loads   
    You may refer to this article in using an Application Tasks: https://howto.caspio.com/tasks/
  15. Like
    Aether got a reaction from KG360 in Update of related tables when report loads   
    Hello @Gunnar360c, based on your workflow, what I can suggest on all the question is to use an "Application tasks" that will update all the table fields and recreate the formula there. Then you can have it run daily/hourly for your records to be up-to-date.
  16. Like
    Aether got a reaction from bea0678 in Multi-Step Form> Separate Tables   
    Hello @bea0678, You can also create a look up table where you compile all the URL with it's connected reasons and use that on a field's dropdown to dynamically redirect a user. 
    It's similar on this article: https://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips-and-articles/common-customizations/dynamic-redirects-after-form-submission/
  17. Like
    Aether got a reaction from Tonymq in Conditional Dropdown   
    Hi @Tonymq - I think the best way for your workflow is to use "Conditional Rules" to hide/show a field depending on what you selected on your dropdown. Check these articles:
  18. Thanks
    Aether got a reaction from vidierre in who deleted a record?   
    Hello @vidierre,
    I suggest to instead of clicking the delete button on your DataPage, you can just have a checkbox(Yes/No) field that the user will check if they want to delete the record. So the modified records will still saved and send to the backup table before the record be deleted. 

    I hope this helps  
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    Aether got a reaction from Aleksandra in Authentication field problem   
    Hi @Aleksandra, Perhaps you can use "View to filter your desired criteria or even connect it to a different tables if needed and then use that View as Data Source of your report DataPage. Refer here:
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    Aether got a reaction from alexisfab12 in can i use pdf format   
    Hi @david01234,
    If you just want to display/preview the PDF that is saved in your file/table , and just for the user to use or see it in your Search and report DataPage.
    You can just follow this documentation in Caspio's Help center:
    I hope this helps  
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    Aether got a reaction from DRAhmed in uploadcare   
    It seems that the uploadcare widget has a wide variety of function that can be used (like cropping, drag and drop of files, etc.), if you want to connect it to your actual field in your table and your not familiar much in coding then I suggest for you to check with our Professional Services and they can create a custom code for your needs. https://www.caspio.com/services/professional-services/
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    Aether got a reaction from Caspio2023 in Creating Report, Document creation, Creating PDF's and printing reports.   
    You can try using the custom PDF solution on this article:
  23. Like
    Aether got a reaction from Wikiwi in Preview is fast. Deployed is slow.   
    Here are the things that I check if I experience slowness in my DataPages that is not mentioned above:
    Internet connection: Make sure it was stable. Number of dropdowns with lookups (and other field that uses lookups): Make sure that you don't have lookups with large amount of options and/or most of your fields uses it.  File/Image rendering: Lessen or not use to much of files in your DataPage. Complex calculation: You can use the Table's formula or trigger if needed. Complex CSS or JavaScript: If you can simplify them, the better. Embeded iFrame codes: Do not use/add this inside a Datapage as much as possible.  I hope this helps.  
  24. Thanks
    Aether reacted to Kurumi in Text to Speech   
    You can also use this for your DataPages: https://responsivevoice.org/
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    Aether got a reaction from FinTheHuman in Dynamically get the URL to reset parameter   
    Hello @FinTheHuman,
    You can add this code in order to have one "?cbResetParam=1" on the URL :
    Add on the Footer:
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $('#BUTTONIDHERE').click(function(){ var reset = $(location).attr('href').includes("cbResetParam=1"); if(reset == true){ location.reload(); } }); </script> Then on your button add an ID that you will use on the code above (on this part: $('#BUTTONIDHERE') ):

    Sample URL: https://c1abv183.caspio.com/dp/482760000b3b87d609414355af13
    I hope this helps  
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