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    DRAhmed reacted to kpcollier in how to merge 2 fields   
    Could also download the data into something like Excel, merge them yourself, and then upload the updated values into the table.
  2. Thanks
    DRAhmed reacted to cheonsa in change checkbox when updated   
    Hi @DRAhmed, 
    Kindly enclose the CSS code in the style tag.
    <style> [class*=cbFormBlock173], [class*=cbFormBlock174] { display: none !important;; } </style>  
  3. Like
    DRAhmed reacted to SushiPizza in change checkbox when updated   
    Hi DRAhmed,
    You can use this simple Triggered Action for this functionality:

    If you do not have access to Triggered Actions, you can use the script below in the Footer of the Details page. Please remember to disable the HTML editor or press the Source button before pasting the code. You will also need to replace "CheckboxField" with your Field name (leave the EditRecord part before the name).
    <script type="text/javascript"> document.addEventListener('BeforeFormSubmit', function (event) { document.getElementById("EditRecordCheckboxField").checked = true; }); </script> I hope that helps!
  4. Like
    DRAhmed got a reaction from Ilyrian in uncheck if   
    thank you very much 
    it worked
  5. Thanks
    DRAhmed reacted to Ilyrian in uncheck if   
    In this case you could use the following:
    We need to add this: 
    var textfield1= document.getElementById('InsertRecordText2')   and
    textfield1.value= " ";   - code that clears the value inside texfield
    <script type = "text/javascript" > if (typeof mainF == 'undefined') { const mainF = function(event) { var checkbox1 = document.getElementById('InsertRecordYesNo1') var checkbox2 = document.getElementById('InsertRecordYesNo2') var textfield1= document.getElementById('InsertRecordText2') if (checkbox1.checked == true) { checkbox2.checked = false; textfield1.value= " "; } else if (checkbox1.checked == false) { checkbox2.checked = true; } if (checkbox2.checked == false) { checkbox1.checked = true; } else if (checkbox2.checked == true) { checkbox1.checked = false; } checkbox1.addEventListener('change', function() { if (checkbox1.checked == true) { checkbox2.checked = false; textfield1.value= " "; } else if (checkbox1.checked == false) { checkbox2.checked = true; } }); checkbox2.addEventListener('change', function() { if (checkbox2.checked == false) { checkbox1.checked = true; } else if (checkbox2.checked == true) { checkbox1.checked = false; } }) document.removeEventListener('DataPageReady', mainF) } document.addEventListener('DataPageReady', mainF) } </script>  
  6. Thanks
    DRAhmed reacted to Ilyrian in uncheck if   
    I am not sure why it is not working. Here is the code I am using:
    Here is Deployed DP: https://c8cmr089.caspio.com/dp/02cab0002bcb175c66c546a79b27

    <script type = "text/javascript" > if (typeof mainF == 'undefined') { const mainF = function(event) { var checkbox1 = document.getElementById('InsertRecordYesNo1') var checkbox2 = document.getElementById('InsertRecordYesNo2') var textfield1= document.getElementById('InsertRecordName') if (checkbox1.checked == true) { checkbox2.checked = false; textfield1.value= " "; } else if (checkbox1.checked == false) { checkbox2.checked = true; } if (checkbox2.checked == false) { checkbox1.checked = true; } else if (checkbox2.checked == true) { checkbox1.checked = false; } checkbox1.addEventListener('change', function() { if (checkbox1.checked == true) { checkbox2.checked = false; textfield1.value= " "; } else if (checkbox1.checked == false) { checkbox2.checked = true; } }); checkbox2.addEventListener('change', function() { if (checkbox2.checked == false) { checkbox1.checked = true; textfield1.value= " "; } else if (checkbox2.checked == true) { checkbox1.checked = false; } }) document.removeEventListener('DataPageReady', mainF) } document.addEventListener('DataPageReady', mainF) } </script>  
  7. Thanks
    DRAhmed reacted to Ilyrian in uncheck if   
    I can see that you are using Details DataPage. In this case change the following  part of the code  from:
    var checkbox1 = document.getElementById('InsertRecordhandover') var checkbox2 = document.getElementById('InsertRecordapproved') var textfield1= document.getElementById('InsertRecordprocess_notes') to this:
    var checkbox1 = document.getElementById('EditRecordhandover') var checkbox2 = document.getElementById('EditRecordapproved') var textfield1= document.getElementById('EditRecordprocess_notes') Also note that when using the Details DataPage, instead of Insert keyword, we should use Edit. Change also the naming of your fields accordingly.
    var checkbox1 = document.getElementById('EditRecordleft_egypt') var checkbox2 = document.getElementById('EditRecordfollow_checkbox') var textfield1= document.getElementById('EditRecordwhen_to_follow')  
  8. Thanks
    DRAhmed reacted to Ilyrian in uncheck if   
    Hi @DRAhmed

    You can try the following code:
    Change Your_CHECKBOX1 and Your_CHECKBOX2 based on your checboxes
    <script type = "text/javascript" > if (typeof mainF == 'undefined') { const mainF = function(event) { var checkbox1 = document.getElementById('Your_CHECKBOX1') var checkbox2 = document.getElementById('Your_CHECKBOX2') if (checkbox1.checked == true) { checkbox2.checked = false; } else if (checkbox1.checked == false) { checkbox2.checked = true; } if (checkbox2.checked == false) { checkbox1.checked = true; } else if (checkbox2.checked == true) { checkbox1.checked = false; } checkbox1.addEventListener('change', function() { if (checkbox1.checked == true) { checkbox2.checked = false; } else if (checkbox1.checked == false) { checkbox2.checked = true; } }); checkbox2.addEventListener('change', function() { if (checkbox2.checked == false) { checkbox1.checked = true; } else if (checkbox2.checked == true) { checkbox1.checked = false; } }) document.removeEventListener('DataPageReady', mainF) } document.addEventListener('DataPageReady', mainF) } </script>  
  9. Thanks
    DRAhmed reacted to Queso in calculation not working   

    Thank you for the question and solution!

    Just to add, the following article lists all available functions that you can use for your Calculated Field and please note that some functions such as SysUTCDateTime() are not available in the Table level's Formula Field: https://howto.caspio.com/function-reference/#:~:text=Date-,SysUTCDateTime(),-Current system timestamp
  10. Thanks
    DRAhmed reacted to autonumber in calculation not working   
    Hi @DRAhmed- as I understand, your condition will be, if the checkbox is checked AND the field date IS NOT EQUAL to todays date in 103 format, it should return yes otherwise no. 
    can you try this formula? 
    CASE WHEN [@field:Send_Email] = 1 AND CONVERT(VARCHAR,[@field:Date_],103) != CONVERT(VARCHAR,SysUTCDateTime(),103) THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END  
  11. Like
    DRAhmed reacted to IamNatoyThatLovesYou in save the calculated date   
    Hello @DRAhmed, you may try having custom localization and set it to your time zone and use it in the datapage.

  12. Like
    DRAhmed reacted to Kurumi in date when checkbox is checked   
    Hi @DRAhmed - what is your expected result? Do you have sample data?
  13. Thanks
    DRAhmed reacted to Kurumi in check unique field before proceeding   
    Hi @DRAhmed - you can check these posts for similar use case:
    After checking a record, you can have a custom code/JavaScript that will prevent the form from submission.
  14. Like
    DRAhmed reacted to IamNatoyThatLovesYou in check unique field before proceeding   
    Hello @DRAhmed, it is expected that the field would only be verified on submit to check if the record is in the table. You may check with our developers regarding this to see if they can may it in real-time instead. You may reach out to them here.
  15. Thanks
    DRAhmed reacted to Tubby in disable checkbox after being checked   
    Sorry, yes I tried creating it back and it isnt working. Not sure what went wrong as this is a known workaround of mine. I don't know what else to try. Maybe anyone else has some other workarounds.
  16. Thanks
    DRAhmed reacted to Ilyrian in date when checkbox is checked   
    You can try the following code:
    You can change the GMT Standard Time with your desired Time Zone.
    You can as well change the '100' format to desired one, you can chose from one of these options: https://www.w3schools.com/sql/func_sqlserver_convert.asp

    Case  WHEN [@field:arrived_at_company]= 1 Then (SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR, CONVERT(DATE, GETDATE() AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' AT TIME ZONE 'GMT Standard Time'), 100) AS [Date_Result]) End
  17. Thanks
    DRAhmed reacted to Flowers4Algernon in unable to find a way to create the desired app   
    Hello! Might I also suggest reaching out to Caspio's Professional Services team as they have helped me create my application before. You may reach out to them here: https://www.caspio.com/services/professional-services/
  18. Thanks
    DRAhmed reacted to futurist in disable checkbox after being checked   
    Hi @DRAhmed,
    You can use the following script:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    document.addEventListener('DataPageReady', function (event) {
        const selectElement = document.querySelector('#InsertRecordYesNo');
    selectElement.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
    if(selectElement.checked = true){
    document.querySelector("#InsertRecordYesNo").disabled = true;

    Make sure to change "YesNo" in "InsertRecordYesNo" to your actual Yes/No field name. 
    One question though. What if the checkbox is checked to begin with?
  19. Thanks
    DRAhmed reacted to futurist in disable checkbox after being checked   
    Just to add to this, you can actually do this using Rules.
    You can put your Yes/No field in its own section,

    So that when you set up the Rule, you use the Yes/No field for the criteria, but use its section for the action:

  20. Thanks
    DRAhmed reacted to Tubby in disable checkbox after being checked   
    Yes, because fields that are disabled by Rules tends to not get submitted. What you can do is this:

    Create a Virtual field that will act as your Checkbox.
    Make your Actual Yes/No field's form element as Calculated Value and make it hidden(Advanced tab)
    Use a CASE statement to get the value from the Virtual field:
    CASE WHEN [@cbParamVirtual1] = 'Y' THEN CAST('1' AS BIT) ELSE CAST('0' AS BIT) END

    Then use the suggestion of @futurist to disable the Virtual checkbox. DO NOT include the actual Yes/No field in the section that you are going to disable. It should only contain the virtual checkbox.
  21. Thanks
    DRAhmed reacted to Tubby in disable checkbox after being checked   
    Oh, unhide the calculated value and check if it is getting any value. it might be getting NULL. if yes, try using single quotes for the virtual field.
    CASE WHEN '[@cbParamVirtual1]' = 'Y' THEN CAST('1' AS BIT) ELSE CAST('0' AS BIT) END

    Or check your virtual field's "value when checked" and see if you have Y there. You might have a different value than what I use.
  22. Thanks
    DRAhmed reacted to GoodBoy in calculation in a rule   
    You can use the DatePart function in a formula field to have this format for your date values. For example:
    DatePart(month, [@field:DateField]) + '/' + DatePart(year, [@field:DateField])  
  23. Thanks
    DRAhmed reacted to GoodBoy in calculation in a rule   
    Hello. You can just add the parameter for that field by choosing it in the field picker. For example:
    Case WHEN DatePart (year, SysUTCDateTime()) - CAST ( [@field:bach_year] as int) >= 2 Then "spec" + '' + [@field:FieldName] Else "a" End  
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    DRAhmed got a reaction from CoopperBackpack in calculation in a rule   
    so i changed the data type from number to text field 
    when i try it ,  it shows Calculation error in calculated field 
    i refreshed the page and it works perfectly now
    thank you so much 
  25. Thanks
    DRAhmed reacted to CoopperBackpack in calculation in a rule   
    Hello @DRAhmed,
    It is definitely possible to calculate difference in years.  Could you provide more details to suggest you the solution that works as expected?
    1) Should 2022 be hardcoded? Or do you need to use the current year (for example, in 2023 you need to use 2023 for the rule)?
    2) Since it is a Submission form I assume that the user enters the date that you want to use to calculate the difference in years.
    Is it a full date like 05/01/2020? Or is is just a year in the Text(255), Number or Integer field like 2020?
    3) If the user only enters a year and you need to calculate the difference between the entered year and the current year, you may test these formulas (replace the [@field:year_field]   with your field name):
    If the year has the Integer or Number data type:      DatePart (year, SysUTCDateTime()) - [@field:year_field]  
    If the year has the Text(255) data type:                          DatePart (year, SysUTCDateTime()) - CAST ( [@field:year_field] as int)
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