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Total Hours Worked / Datediff



Hello.  I have a timesheet report representing hours worked.  Relevant field names are: StartTime, EndTime and TimeSpan (a calculated field - let Caspio sweat the routine calculations).  I'm struggling with the syntax in the "Aggregate" function entry.  My goal is an output which shows: HH:MM...

For example, if my time entries are: 
StartTime   EndTime  TimeSpan
08:30             10:30         2:00
09:45             10:45         1:00
13:30             15:45         2:15        (sum = 4:15)

If I use: sum(datediff(minutes, StartTime, EndTime ))  I get 255... (4 * 60 + 15)

But how in the world do I present the output as 4:15 and not 255.  Yes, I've changed the 'Formatting' to Time (HH:MM), to no avail. 

Any help would be deeply appreciated!


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I have Timspan as a formula field in my table:

Datediff(minute,[@field:StartTime], [@field:EndTime])

Then on my report I show it as a calculated field to show in the format you wish:

CONVERT(varchar(5),  DATEADD(minute, DATEDIFF(minute, [@field:StartTime], [@field:EndTime]), 0), 114)



But in my aggregation I call the minute formula field from table:

CONVERT(char(8), DATEADD(MINUTE, SUM(Timespan), ''), 114)



This setting worked for me perfectly:



Attached is the sample page



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Thank you!  I appreciate your willigness to try to help...  Sadly, the Caspio documentation on these things is thin and the error messages worthless.  So frustrating!  Any chance you would be willing to have a brief phone call with me to resolve this?  I've wasted considerable time trying to untangle this knot.  I'm happy to receive a private message and share my phone number if so...

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You can also try use the following formulas:

To calculate the hours worked:

CAST(DATEDIFF(second, [@field:Start_Time],[@field:End_Time]) / 60 / 60 % 24 AS NVARCHAR) +':'+ CAST(DATEDIFF(second, [@field:Start_Time],[@field:End_Time]) / 60 % 60 AS NVARCHAR)


For the total hours, insert the following on your aggregation field:

CONVERT(varchar(5), DATEADD(minute, SUM([@calcfield:6]), 0), 114)

For calc field6:

DATEDIFF(minute, [@field:Start_Time],[@field:End_Time])

You may click on this sample DataPage for your reference. 

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I have tweaked the formula provided by @MayMusic further since some time I need zero in front of single-digit hour e.g. 7:00.

So, for the total&aggeration field it looks like this:


WHEN LEN(CAST ((SUM(DATEDIFF(SECOND, [@field:Start_time], [@field:End_time]))/3600) AS VARCHAR(6))) < 2 

THEN '0'+ CAST ((SUM(DATEDIFF(SECOND, [@field:Start_time], [@field:Hora_fin]))/3600) AS VARCHAR(6))

ELSE CAST ((SUM(DATEDIFF(SECOND, [@field:Start_time], [@field:Hora_fin]))/3600) AS VARCHAR(6))


WHEN LEN(CAST ((SUM(DATEDIFF(SECOND, [@field:Start_time], [@field:Hora_fin]))%3600/60) AS VARCHAR(6))) < 2 

THEN '0'+ CAST ((SUM(DATEDIFF(SECOND, [@field:Start_time], [@field:Hora_fin]))%3600/60) AS VARCHAR(6))

ELSE CAST ((SUM(DATEDIFF(SECOND, [@field:Start_time], [@field:Hora_fin]))%3600/60) AS VARCHAR(6))


Hope it would help someone.




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On 12/19/2019 at 2:54 PM, roattw said:

Very helpful.  May, What does your data entry page look like?  How can you set a time field (Date/time) where people only enter the time (ie the time they started or ended)?  Without getting a dateor using a calendar popup?

This might help: https://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips-and-articles/common-customizations/separate-input-fields-for-datetime-parts/



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Hi, you may also want to consider this formula with HH:MM format : 

CASE WHEN (Datediff(minute,[@field:Start_date],[@field:End_date])%60) < 10 THEN '0'+CONVERT(VARCHAR,(Datediff(minute,[@field:Start_date],[@field:End_date])%60))
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Hi! Caspio now offers integration with OpenAI, so you can use extensions to leverage AI to update your data based on a prompt. Here's a sample use case to get the total worked hours based on Time In and Time Out fields.

Calculate the total working hours for the following time entries:

Time In: [@field:Clock_In]
Time Out: [@field:Clock_out]

The format should be HH:MM

Insert 'File a leave' if there are no values in:

Time In: [@field:Clock_In]
Time Out: [@field:Clock_out]

Return only the final result.



Change the 'Clock_In' and 'Clock_out' fields to your right field names.


To learn more about Extensions, you can check it here: https://howto.caspio.com/integration/extensions/


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