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  3. Hi, I have a table that record In-Out inventory transaction by batch number. My case : On Out transaction I want, user can only select product that still have a remaining quantity, I want to hide a zero quantity product. the remaining quantity will be group by batch number How can I do that ? Rgds,
  4. Thanks @CoopperBackpack it works for my case. I'll insert data from #inserted table Rgds,
  5. Yesterday
  6. Good afternoon, fellow code monkeys. We've reached a point in our development cycle where we need to send data out to a bunch of other software. UPS for address validation and shipping, WASP for purchase order creation, and QuickBooks for financial reporting. Yet I cannot get any of it to work for the life of me. For example, let's look at this API request to WASP for creating a purchase order: (dummy data) Works great in Postman, received a 200 the first time I tried it. Yet, I have scoured the depths of the Caspio API docs, plumbed the forums, and sent crates full of tickets to support, none of which were able to help. Problem is that I don't know where the heck to put any of this request data so that it can use data from my tables. There's not an obvious user interface anywhere. Tried embedding it in HTML blocks too, no luck. Tried sending it via webhook, and got this error: Anyone had any success transferring data from Caspio to the other software in your workflow? It must be possible, since API data transfer is displayed prominently as a feature on the sales landing page, but I just can't figure it out, and neither can anyone I've spoken with from Support. Appreciate any tips or guidance that might point me in the right direction. Cheers -- JL
  7. You clearly have the expertise to get the right answer. Here's further clarification pasted below. The running sum should ignore any changes in order_nu or order_item. The task should sort by date then provide the running sum as shown below. Thank you for your help thus far.
  8. In my table there was 100 record but it had some status like "Pending", "Approved" and "Selected". So autonumber will not work for me to select the record according to the status. In the datapage i am filtering record with status "Selected" and in that record i want to show number of record that entered by the user. Like if user want 5 record so he/she able to view only 5. If 10 then able to view 10 records with same status "Selected"
  9. Hi everyone, Just want to share this here for future reference as well. Caspio has a marketplace extension for cloning records. Maybe their Professional Services team can customize the extension to clone a set of records. Clone Record Hope this helps!
  10. Please mark as best answer if this is what you are looking for. I defined this table: where there are 2 orders (OR-001 and OR-002) whit some items. Then I defined this task: After running the task the table is changed in this way: Note the totals in sum_of_dollar_value. Is this what you need?
  11. Hi! Just wanted to show a little trick I use for my task/trigger email styling. I use an HTML Block or any element in a DataPage where I can make texts with styling. Then, I just hit "source" and copy the code
  12. Another approach is to use a Calculated Field to determine if the record is already overdue, due this month, or due next month. Then the use the result of this Calculated field in the condition on the script. CASE WHEN [@field:Date] < Getdate() THEN 'overdue' WHEN (DatePart(month,[@field:Date]) > DatePart(month, Getdate())) AND (DatePart(year,[@field:Date]) = DatePart(year, Getdate())) THEN 'next month' WHEN (DatePart(month,[@field:Date]) = DatePart(month, Getdate())) AND (DatePart(year,[@field:Date]) = DatePart(year, Getdate())) THEN 'this month' END Then, you can apply the script provided here: https://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips-and-articles/how-to-dynamically-change-the-background-of-a-results-page/
  13. Hi @khale, This forum post might help you with your desired result:
  14. Last week
  15. Hi @khale, Based on your workflow, it seems that a parent-child (one-to-many) table relationship is a better approach to having multiple dates on a calendar. I believe it will resolve the issue of the date being overwritten by a new date. The parent table could contain your clients' information, while the child table contains the dates of appointments. Here are also some article and video I found regarding the parent-child relationship: Creating a One to Many Relational DataPage Creating a One-to-Many Relationship — Child Forms and Child Reports in Caspio I hope this helps!
  16. Hi everyone, Just want to share this HowTo article to have a dynamic redirection based on user input: Creating Dynamic Redirections After Form Submission Cheers!
  17. Hi @MarkMayhrai, Caspio has an extension in their marketplace that is similar to your desired output. I believe you can add some information for customization before requesting it to your account. You may want to check it out: Bar Rating Extension Cheers!
  18. Hi @MarkMayhrai, You may also want to create a Rule to hide the fields if there's no selection from the user. You can refer to the guides below: Conditional Forms Video - Creating Conditional Forms Using Caspio I hope this helps!
  19. You can also check these HowTo articles: Shared Objects Sharing Data Between Apps
  20. Hi @BrianI, Yes, it is possible to share the same tables with multiple apps. But please note that if they have an existing relationship with other table/s, it will also be shared to the shared app. For example, I have tables A, B, and C on my Sales App (tables A and B have a relationship with each other). I shared table A to my Marketing App, then table B will also be shared since they have a relationship. I hope that helps!
  21. Oh, I also saw this thread that tracks the insert, update, and delete actions from a table: I hope this helps!
  22. Hi @kyle425, I believe this forum thread is similar to what you are trying to achieve:
  23. HI All, We have a group of clients that all want their own form to fill in their own data. We want those forms to fill copy entries to two other tables. One will be a master table (Cleaned) and the other we are hoping to have a table that shows every input including deletion from the second table. So each partner will have their personal data. Then we will have a master table that combines all partners' data into one which is being cleaned for duplicate submissions by different partners. The 3rd will be a master that will keep everyone data without being cleaned of duplicates. Can anybody walk me through if this is possible.
  24. Hi Hi, I don't want to add a running total to my datapage. Lots of examples on doing that. I actually want to add the running total to my table. I can use a task that I will run periodically to update my running sum. I have a table with 4 fields: Order Date, Order #, Dollar Value, Running Sum of Dollar Value. I want to sort by date and then calculate the running sum for each record. Thank you in advance.
  25. This is what I try to accomplish. A triggered action on update of the 'members' table, checks the same table ('members') for records having : - the same e-mail address - the status 'active' If any record with the same e-mail address 'AND' status='active' is found, nothing has to be done. If no records are found having both conditions true, the status in a second table 'Accounts' needs to be set to false. In short: I want to disable the account when no more members with the same e-mail address are active. Thank you for any input.
  26. Hello @BrianI, Thank you for your answers. 1) As a first step, you need to allow multiselection on the Advanced tab: 2) Then add JavaScript code to the Footer of the Search page. <script> document.addEventListener('DataPageReady', defaultOptionsHandler, { once: true }); function defaultOptionsHandler() { const taskListFieldOptions = Array.from(document.querySelector('#Value1_1').options); //Value1_1 is the 1st field taskListFieldOptions.forEach((option) => { if(option.value == 'In progress' || option.value == 'Not started'){ option.setAttribute('selected', 'selected'); } }) } </script> Please double-check the values that should be compared. In my example, they are 'In progress' and 'Not started'. Also, change the field ID if needed. On the Search page, the first field has ID = Value1_1, the 2nd field has ID = Value2_1, etc. If you have questions, feel free to update this thread.
  27. Hello @BrianI, now I understand what you meant. The border is removed when its size is set to 0px along with color = none and type = none. You may check if setting the size to 0px fixes the issue.
  28. I figured out how to solve this, but here is a note for everyone who might encounter a similar issue. Go to the Style, Source, and All. Find .cbSearchButtonContainer and .cbFormNestedTableContainer. When you find them, adjust their width until they reach the same width as the tabular report.
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