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Found 17 results

  1. Hello. I have a file field where a user can load in an image. After they load the image and click update, I've got some java that runs. I'd like to populate the url of that image in another field. I've got something like this that fires when the user updates, but I can't find the correct value for the image url and it clearly doesn't work: document.getElementById("EditRecordtextfield_1").value = document.getElementById("EditRecordImage_File_1").SRC Thought? Is this even possible? DP
  2. I have a Document Template mapped to a fillable PDF. It works great except for one field which really needs to display an image. I can easily show the path to the image file but is there a way to render the image instead? Adobe Acrobat includes an Image field in the Prepare a Form tool but Caspio's Document Template does not recognize it. Is there a workaround? Are there plans to add a dynamic image field to the Document Templates feature? Also, is there a way to display a Google Map on a Document Template? I connected my app to the Google maps API so that my addresses are accurate and I display a map on a datapage using the coordinates obtained in the address lookup feature. I would like the map image to be displayed on a PDF report. Again, I can add an image field to the fillable PDF but there appears to be no way to map it in Caspio's Document Template feature. Thank you!
  3. Hi I was wondering if there is a way to show default image in the HTML block if there is no available image in a report. I know there is a default image option for the image field but I don't want to it for this one as I am using CSS to design the results in my report. Any ideas anyone?
  4. Hi, I have a submission form with an image field. I need to be able to use js to bypass the user having to use the Browse button to pull the image path for the image to be submitted (so I can streamline a process of uploading images- I've got a field with the image path mapped to Downloads folder and have a Virtual field using it as a data source. I just need to put that path in the image field so the user doesn't have to Browse to it). I set up test code using a button to trigger the js function so I could see if it was putting the image path (Virtual 1) into the image field for submission (ItemPic). When I run the code using the button I get an error message on the submission form: "Values cannot be submitted due to a data restriction." Does anyone know how to bypass that restriction, in the function I have below? <div style="text-align: center;"> <input class= "cb_custom_btn" type="button" onclick="myFunction()" value="Copy PicPath" /> <script> function myFunction(){ var picpath = document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual1").value; document.getElementById("InsertRecordItemPic").value = picpath; } </script> </div>
  5. Hello, I wonder if it is possible to embed an image that is virtually stored in a local drive? I am developping a webapplication for a community that is preserving historical information of a small vilage. We have thousends of documents and photos of the (recent) past. All this stuff (about 250 gigs) is stored in the cloud in an account at PCloud. This cloud can be integrated in your windows explorer as a local drive. What I would like to do now is to embed an image on a datapage using the location on that virtual drive and create an hyperlink to open the location where the image is stored on that virtual drive. is this possible and how to make this work?
  6. Hello everyone! now that I found out how to enable a rich text editor in the submission form and paste images alongside text, I am struggling to display the images. Caspio automatically encodes them as base64 image, and automatically creates the necessary <img> with proper syntax. However, none of three tested browsers (nighlty 52.0a1, chrome 60.0 and IE 11) show the pictures. IE shows at least a "broken image" icon and if I analyze the icon - it shows that the beginning tag <img src="data:image/png;base64 is replaced by unsafe:image/png;base64 How to prevent that? Strangely, if I save the "data:image/png;base64" and the rest of code behind it, and display it in an html block that goes like <img src=[field:mybase64image] /> then the image is shown fine. Does it have something to do with how Caspio displays the html content? Is there a solution for this?
  7. Hi all, Does anyone know how to make image responsive? There is a responsive code for image, but it doesn't work on datapage when you have an image. Thanks
  8. Hello, Is there a way to copy an image field from one table to another in a Submission form? I'm using Cascading Text to grab values from fields from a table (based on an ID identifier for the record) and put them into the fields for another table on a Submission form but cannot get the image field to do this. Some kind of workaround would be really great.
  9. Hello, I have a Table that includes a field for urls. I would like to display an image in my datapage details page and have that image link to that url. Is that doable? How? Thanks! Gil
  10. Hi everyone, I have a problem can you help me? I want to insert in my webform a logo image, Is possible to store image in caspio bridge and display after or i have to store my logo on web? thanks you for helping.
  11. Hi all, Is it possible to process HTML in an Calculated Field. In the code below, I would like to change the text in an image. CASE WHEN [@field:PAARD_KOPPELINGEN_soort_koppeling]= 1 THEN 'Ruiter/Verzorger koppeling: [@field:GEBRUIKERS_volledige_naam]' ELSE 'Stal medewerker koppeling: [@field:STAL_GEGEVENS_stalnaam]' END Regards Peter
  12. I have lots of images. They are uploaded and in a folder, but how is Caspio making it easier to maintain the images? It just dumps everything into the same folders without allowing to tag or id the image or file. I have 180 locations. Each location can upload several images and those can change. The Datapage uploads the image and holds it in the current table, but when new images are uploaded, the old sit in the file folder with no identification. If I'm using another Datapage to select available images from, I can either upload or choose from a folder, but everything gets dumped into the list. I only want available photos in my dropdown to be for that specific location. With Caspio getting more money for data charges for images, I would think there would be a great and easy way to manage images and tag them with more fields and then search and select based on those fields and not just the folder it is dumped into. Couldn't find any documentation on this. Ideas or suggestion on what you have done to manage photos...
  13. Hi Does anybody have some code that when placed on an HTML field will display a specified image with an anchor link to another web page, provided the field being searched matches a given criteria. For instance if a Yes/No field is "yes" then show an image that links to another page when clicked. I want a web page to show and "admin icon" but only if a an admin field in the data page is ticked. Hope that makes sense Steve
  14. Is it possible to automatically assign a specific name to an image/file uploaded through a Datapage?
  15. Referencing an Image Stored in Caspio Bridge I have been trying to reference an image stored in caspio. I have followed the how to article without success. I don't understand the part about "Files section are not accessible unless they are already being displayed through Caspio Bridge somewhere in a DataPage" I am not using a details page and I've tried adding it to my results page but I just get an image placeholder. Can anyone shed some light on this issue for me?
  16. Master


    Is it possible to display an image that is uploaded to dropbox on my Caspio page?
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