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  1. Hi Beth, The ID for Submission Form is "InsertRecord" + name of your field in your table, you can find it in DataPage elements, for example. More Details and Rules for other DataPages you can find in this article.
  2. Hi rfarnsworth, I have an idea, but I am not sure that it is the best In general, the idea is: to create a table, then use Separate Search Page and Results Page into different pages. But in your case, Search Page gets the data from the table and uses autosubmit. I will try to write steps, but I am not sure that steps will be clear. Please ask, if anything is not clear. 1) Create a Table with only one field - for example, table Days, and the field is Days. 2) Enter the number that will be "X" in the "Next X Days" (for example, "4"). Later you can create a Single Record Update Form to easily edit this value. 3) Create a Submission Form, select the table ("Days") as DataSource. 4) On the Configure Fields step, add three Virtual fields and delete the Days field (as it described in the article). 5) Select Virtual1 field. 5a) Select the Dropdown in the "Form element" field. 5b) Select the Look up table or view in the "Source" field. 5c) Make sure, that Days is selected in the "Table or View" field and days is selected in the "Field for value" field. 6) Select Virtual2 field, go to Advanced tab, select the "On exit Pass field value as parameter" checkbox. 7) Select Virtual3 field, go to Advanced tab, select the "On exit Pass field value as parameter" checkbox. 8) Add the Header and Footer element, enter the following code to the Header: <div align="center"> <p>Processing...</p></div> 9) Enter the following code to the Footer: <script type="text/javascript"> if(document.getElementById("caspioform")) { document.getElementById("caspioform").style.display = 'none'; var TodayDate = new Date(); var t_month = TodayDate.getMonth() + 1; if (t_month<10) {t_month = "0" + t_month;} var t_day = TodayDate.getDate(); if (t_day<10) {t_day = "0" + t_day;} var t_year = TodayDate.getFullYear(); var start_date = t_month + "/" + t_day + "/" + t_year; document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual2").value = start_date; var number_days_field = document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual1"); var number_days = parseInt(number_days_field.options[number_days_field.selectedIndex].value); var currentDay = TodayDate.getDate(); var nextDay = currentDay + number_days; var Result = new Date(TodayDate.setDate(nextDay)); var d_month = Result.getMonth() + 1; if (d_month<10) {d_month = "0" + d_month;} var d_day = Result.getDate(); if (d_day<10) {d_day = "0" + d_day;} var d_year = Result.getFullYear(); var end_date = d_month + "/" + d_day + "/" + d_year; document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual3").value = end_date; setTimeout('document.forms["caspioform"].submit()',1000); } </script> 10) Finish the Submission form. 11) Edit you predefined Reports DataPage, open the "Select Filtering Fields" step. Select your Date field, click Next. 12) Open the "Configure Filtering Fields" step, select your Date field. 12a) Add New Criteria. 12b) Select the AND radio-button in the "Logical operator between criteria" field. 12c) Select the Criteria1: select Greater Than or Equal in the "Comparison type" field; select Date in the "Precision" field; enter [@Virtual2] to the "Value" field. 12d) Select the Criteria1: select Less Than or Equal in the "Comparison type" field; select Date in the "Precision" field; enter [@Virtual3] to the "Value" field. I hope, the information helps.
  3. Hello Beth, Maybe, the problem is incorrect IDs? Rules for IDs are described in the article. For example, on Submission form ID will be like "InsertRecordcurrentScore". One more thing, it is better to use "value": document.getElementById('currentScore').value = scoreResult; instead of document.getElementById('currentScore').innerhtml = scoreResult; I hope, it helps.
  4. Hello Eblock, It seems that in your CSS file there is a rule for the <p> selector. But it is hard to say what is the problem without the code. Could your provide the link to your page?
  5. Hello mbogen, As far as I know, only if your data source includes File fields and this field is editable on the DataPage, the Attachments button is displayed in Emails. Then you can click the Attachments button and select this field.
  6. Hello cpcbsa, As far as I know, in Localization you can define the Output format of a date. You can define only the order of days and months, for example, "dd/mm/yyyy" or "mm/dd/yyyy" for the Input format. I think, you can try the following script (it is better to add a Header&Footer element and enter the code to the Footer): <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function deleteZero() { var enteredValue = document.getElementById("InsertRecordfildename").value; if (enteredValue.substr(0,1) == '0') { document.getElementById("InsertRecordfildename").value = enteredValue.substr(1); } } document.getElementById("InsertRecordfildename").onchange=deleteZero; </SCRIPT> This script deletes the first zero, if it present. Please, enter name of your field instead of fildename in "InsertRecordfildename". I hope it helps.
  7. Hi senicholas, If you use a Report DataPage, I hope the following JavaScript can help: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var elems = document.getElementsByTagName("td"); for (var i=0, m=elems.length; i<m; i++) { if (elems[i].innerHTML>7) { elems[i].style.color="red";} } </SCRIPT> The code checks all valaues and make the color "red", if the value is more than 7.
  8. Yes, the value of the Unit Price field of the product_table will be saved in the Unit Price field of the order_table. I will try to write the steps: Create a Submission Form, select order table as the DataSource. Add product_ID field as you want. Add the Unit_Price field, select Cascading Dropdown Form element. a) Select product_ID in the Parent Field dropdown box. Select Lookup table or view in the Source dropdown box. c) Select product_table in the Table or View dropdown box. d) Select Product_ID in the Filter Cascade by dropdown box. e) Select Unit_Price in both Filter for display and Filter for value dropdown boxes. Now, when a user enters ID, the Unit price from the product table is displayed, and when the user clicks Submit, this value is stored to the order table. Please correct me if my understanding is not correct.
  9. Hello MerBarrett, If the selection is submitted, then the form will be reloaded. Does it work for you?
  10. Hello BartVervenne, I think, you can use a Cascading Dropdown or another cascading element. You can select Product_ID as the Parent field, then select the product table, select Product_ID in Filter cascade by, and select Unit_Price in Field for display and Field for value. When you enter a Product_ID, Unit_Price will be displayed in the element, if the Product_ID is present in the table.
  11. Hello mackey, If I understand correctly, you can use a Query String. I hope, it helps.
  12. Hello cflapt, If I understand correctly your goal, I would recommend you to use a Lookup table. If I understand wrong, can you provide the link to the DataPage?
  13. Hello Mike, In your Localization, you can find the Message "Required" (you can use the "Search" field). As far as I know, if you delete the text, the default text will be displayed. But you can enter the HTML code, for example, "<br/>". Then "empty" text will be displayed. I hope it helps.
  14. Hi Mike, My fields are displayed on the Select Fields step, in the Available Fields column, but they are displayed as disabled fields and you cannot add them to the "Selected Fields" column: But the fields are not displayed, if in the View these fields are not included. For example, fields buys.id, products.id, products.test on the following screenshot: As you can see, these fields are not displayed in the Available Fields column.
  15. Hi Mike, Are these fields displayed on the Select Fields step? Maybe, are they not included in the View?
  16. Hello CHAD, I think, you can try the following script: ​<script type="text/javascript"> function compare_three_values(first,second,third) { if ((first == second)||(first == third)) return true; else return false; } //create the list of all cells var elems = document.getElementsByClassName("cbResultSetTableCell"); //insert the number of columns var number_columns = 2; //insert the order of the column with address, the first column is 0, the second is 1... var correct_column = 0; //select only required cells from all cells var k = 0; var n = 0; var list_tds = []; for (var i=0, m=elems.length; i<m; i++) { if (k == correct_column) { list_tds[n] = elems[i]; n = n + 1; } k = k + 1; if (k == number_columns) { k = 0; } } //the list for rows, true means the data is duplicate, false means that data is not duplicate var display_row = []; var index_display_row = 1; //check the first row display_row[index_display_row] = compare_three_values(list_tds[0].innerHTML, list_tds[1].innerHTML,""); index_display_row = index_display_row + 1; //check other rows for (var i=1, m=list_tds.length-1; i<m; i++) { display_row[index_display_row] = compare_three_values(list_tds[i].innerHTML,list_tds[i-1].innerHTML,list_tds[i+1].innerHTML); index_display_row = index_display_row + 1; } //check the last row var i = list_tds.length-1; display_row[index_display_row] = compare_three_values(list_tds[i].innerHTML,list_tds[i-1].innerHTML,""); index_display_row = index_display_row + 1; //create the list of elements Row var list_rows = document.getElementsByTagName("tr"); //if the data is not duplicate, to hide the row for (var i=1, m=index_display_row; i<=m; i++) { if (!display_row[i]) { list_rows[i].style.display='none'; } } </script> This script hides all not duplicated records. Please note, that the script works only if: - the Tabular Report DataPage is used; - the table is sorted by the correspond field (you can select your field in the Default Sort order field and deselect "Interactive Sorting" on the Search Results Options step). Please, enter your values instead 0 and 2 in the following lines: //insert the number of columns var number_columns = 2; //insert the order of the column with address, the first column is 0, the second is 1... var correct_column = 0; I hope it helps.
  17. Hello cpcbsa, Maybe, you can use a Grouping by the District field? You can use an Aggregation and select the "Also apply to the first group" check box, to show count of records for every group. Does it work for you?
  18. Hello ecortezneavel, It is strange. It seems, you can "repair" the problem: 1) Open Configure Search Form step. 2) Copy the text from your HTML block. 3) Create a new HTML block. 4) Paste the copied text to this new HTML block. 5) Delete the old HTML block. If you have more than one HTML block, repeat steps 2-5 for all blocks. Now a DataPage works correctly.
  19. You can add the exported DataPage as the attachment to a forum topic, I think. Or you can send it to may e-mail: janmichnewich@gmail.com
  20. Hello jwilgus, As far as I know, there is Caspio Web Services API. Maybe, it can help.
  21. Hello CHAD, As far as I know, the Filter option allows users to find all duplicate records. If you open a table and click Filter, you will see the Show duplicates in field check box. You can select a field and click Apply, that only duplicate records will be displayed. Does it work for you? Or do you want to display duplicate records on a Report DataPage?
  22. Hello shyamala, Do you use any parameters on your second DataPage that are passed from the first DataPage? If you open the second DataPage, parameters are empty and no error appears, but if a wrong parameter (for example, a date in the wrong format) is entered in the Hidden fields, then error may be displayed.
  23. Maybe, there are some specific settings on your DataPage. Can you export the DataPage and send me the file? Or can you create and send me screenshots of settings of your fields?
  24. Hello ecortezneavel, Can you answer several questions? Do you create or edit the DataPage? Which type of a DataPage do you use? Do you use any Rules? Can you post the link to the deployed DataPage, if it is created already?
  25. Hello Aleks, Can you open your 2014-15 table in the Bridge? Does the data get imported at all? If you do not enter any name, do you get the same message? Is it the same Excel or maybe you have used a newer version of it?
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