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Caspio Evangelist
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Everything posted by Jan

  1. Hello Elena, I would ask what type of a DataPage is used? There is a bit difference between Tabular and Gallery/List Reports.
  2. Hello EIQ, There is the article about data types. Is it what you are looking for? Or do you want to know which DataBases data types are used for the corresponding types?
  3. Hello senicholas, It seems, that your question is a similar to this one. Does it work for you?
  4. Hello Tiptop, Can be the date today or a future date? If not, I think, you can use a View to filter date by Previous X days and set X as 14. I hope, it helps.
  5. Hi Cameron, If I understand correctly, you want to display the last four numbers on a confirmation form and/or send it by email. I think, you can add a Hidden Virtual field and send its value as a parameter to a confirmation form or add this value to a email. You can use the following JavaScript code to place only four last numbers to the Hidden Virtual field: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function cards() { var lastfour = document.getElementById('InsertRecordFIELDNAME').value.substr(-4); document.getElementById('cbParamVirtual1').value='*******'+lastfour; } document.getElementById("caspioform").onsubmit=cards; </SCRIPT> Please enter the name of your field instead of FIELDNAME and make sure that number of Hidden Virtual field is correct for your DataPage. I hope it helps.
  6. Hello aukirk, There is the article, where you can find which will be ID of a field depending on the DataPage type. I hope it helps.
  7. Hello theconav, There are Conditional Forms in Caspio. You can hide some fields depending on values of some other fields. You can create all variants of dropdown boxes and then hide all except one. Will it work for you? You can use JavaScript to hide boxes also.
  8. Hello Elena, If I understand correctly, after AND only a condition should be entered without WHEN. And there is a misprint in ELSE. I hope the code like following will work: CASE WHEN Charindex('Court',[@field:work_location])!=0 AND Charindex('Monthly',[@field:work_location])!=0 THEN 1163 ELSE '0' END
  9. Hello swipebox, Please try this link to article about Lookup tables.
  10. Hello fozz2k, Can you say a bit more about your goal? What the data is stored in the table? Do you want only to display Balance or save it too?
  11. Hello Elena, As far as I know, there are several special functions for text. You can use, for example, Charindex CASE WHEN Charindex('Support',[@field:Knowledge])!=0 THEN 300 WHEN Charindex('Department Budget',[@field:Knowledge])!=0 THEN 450 WHEN Charindex('Strategic and Budget Development',[@field:Knowledge])!=0 THEN 600 WHEN Charindex('Deal with Board of Directors',[@field:Knowledge])!=0 THEN 750 ELSE '0' END I hope, it helps.
  12. Hello swipebox, I think, you can use the code with "else" statement like this: <script> if ("[@field:FIELDNAME]" == "Not Completed") { document.write("Text and link if yes <a href='http://caspio.com'> Click Here</a>"); } else { document.write("Another Text and link <a href='http://caspio.com'> Another link</a>"); } </script>
  13. Hello Bangalore, As I understand, you want to search by two criteria and see results that match any criteria (like OR logic)? It is rather easy, if your fields have Yes/No type. 1) Add one more field with Yes/No type to your table (for example, name it "both"). 2) This field is checked if either First field or Second field is checked. 3) Add this field to your Search page as the last field and set the Any item as a default choice. 4) Hide the added field using HTML blocks. 5) Add Header and Footer element to your Search page. 6) To the Footer, add the JavaScript code like: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function two_choices() { var choice1 = document.getElementById("ValueN_10").checked; var choice2 = document.getElementById("ValueM_10").checked; if((choice1)&&(choice2)) { document.getElementById("ValueN_10").checked = false; document.getElementById("ValueN_12").checked = true; document.getElementById("ValueM_10").checked = false; document.getElementById("ValueM_12").checked = true; document.getElementById("ValueZ_12").checked=false; document.getElementById("ValueZ_10").checked=true; } } document.getElementById("caspioform").onsubmit=two_choices; </SCRIPT> where N - is the Professional Transporters form element order, which starts at 1 and increments based on the order of the element in the form; M - is the Professional Transporters form element order; and Z - is the added field form element order. For example, if you have only two fields and added the hidden third field, N will be 1, M will be 2 and Z will be 4 (because HTML block will be the third field). I hope, it helps.
  14. Hello kparisella, If I understand correctly, you have a pre-defined search and report datapage that should display only one record, that can be found by Search criteria, for example, From = Washington To = Philadelphia If yes, I think, you can use Default Value. On the Configure Filtering Fields step, open the Advanced tab and check Receive value or parameter check box. You can select Default Value and enter your text, e.g., Washington. Does it work for you?
  15. Hello Bill, May the problem be in the dot in the name of the variable? The Sched.Status is present in the code. I hope, if you change it to, for example, SchedStatus the code will work.
  16. Hello natx56, As far as I know, there is a File type in the tables. In the article, this type is described as: The File Data Type gives you the ability to associate files with a record. File fields allow your end-users to upload a file through a Web Form. The files are stored in your database and can be accessed and organized in a file directory located in the Files section of Caspio Bridge. Image files can be displayed directly in your applications. With other file types you can provide end-users with a link to download a copy of a file. Sample fields that would use File: Image, Resume, PDF_Instructions, Printable_Document... If I understand correctly, you can create a table with a field of this type, create a Report DataPage with the table as a DataSource and assign an Authentication with the DataPage. Then only authenticated users will be able to see the fields of the DataPage, and one of fields will contain PDF or Excel file.
  17. Hello Elena, I can propose you the JavaScript code that forced caps after period, but I do not know how to save acronyms. It works for text fields and text areas. <script type="text/javascript"> function capitalize() { var text = document.getElementById('InsertRecordtext64000').value; text = text.toLowerCase(); var newVal = ''; var val = text.split(''); var nextCap = true; for(var i=0; i < val.length; i++) { if (val[i]=='.') { nextCap = true; newVal += val[i]; } else { if ((nextCap)&&(val[i].match(/^[A-Za-z]+$/))) { nextCap = false; newVal += val[i].toUpperCase(); } else {newVal += val[i];} } } document.getElementById('InsertRecordtext64000').value = newVal; } document.getElementById('caspioform').onsubmit=capitalize; </script> I hope it helps.
  18. Hello sarpsekeroglu, I think, you can create it easily. You can create a Lookup table, It will have fields id, List, answer, value. Then enter,e.g., List A - a - 25 List A - b - 15 List A - c - 10 List B - a - 10 List B - b - 25 List B - c - 15 etc. Another table will be store results, for example, it will have fields id, user_id, answerA, answerB etc. A submission form will use the first table as a source for dropdowns and saves answers to the second table. A Report form displays users and their answers.
  19. Hello abitaquest, As far as I know, there is an article how Concatenate/Combine two fields into one field. In your case, if I understand correctly, dropdowns will be dynamic fields. I have edited the script: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function concatenate() { var elems = document.getElementsByTagName("*"); for (var i=0, m=elems.length; i<m; i++) { if (elems[i].id && elems[i].id.indexOf("InsertRecorddropdown_1") != -1) { var position1 = elems[i].value; } } var elems = document.getElementsByTagName("*"); for (var i=0, m=elems.length; i<m; i++) { if (elems[i].id && elems[i].id.indexOf("InsertRecorddropdown_2") != -1) { var position2 = elems[i].value; } } var allpositions = position1 + ", " + position2; document.getElementById("InsertRecorddropdown_values").value = allpositions; } document.getElementById("caspioform").onsubmit=concatenate; </SCRIPT> I hope it helps.
  20. Hello euclidthedark, In other words, the client enters his login and password and he/she sees a standard error message like Authentication failed. The information you have provided cannot be authenticated. Check your login information and try again. Is it correct? Is it reproduced only for one HTML page and only in Chrome? I mean, the did client try other pages with the same Authentication and browsers and the Authentication works?
  21. Hello sawa0018, Sorry, I do not understand what you want to display on the details page You can create Text64000 field, add the html text and then display it as Display Only - Rendering as HTML, but I am not sure that it is your goal. Can I ask, where is the code of these webpages stored?
  22. Hello fugitive, If I understand correctly your goal, you can create a Submission Web Form and add the link to your Facebook page. Then any user will be able to add his information. Also you can create an Update Form and a user will be able to edit information. Then you can create a Report DataPage that will display all information. It is like spreadsheet, I think. You can read more about DataPages in the How To.
  23. Hi ab2013, I think, I see one more way, but I am not sure that it is the best. Can you use the price as "value" of your dropdown? You can use a View to join tables. You can save your cascading dropdown, but edit the settings - to set Filter cascade by the same field as the field for display. And please remember, that a cascading element becomes dynamic.
  24. Hello Digger, As far as I know, the Radio button form element has the Placement drop down box in the Field Options section. By default, Multiple options per line is selected, radio buttons are displayed horizontally. If you have several form elements, you can use the Continue next element on the same line check box. You can find the check box on the Advanced tab.
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