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Caspio Evangelist
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Everything posted by Jan

  1. Hello tpurdue, As far as I know, you can enter the formula like ([@field:Field1]+[@field:Field2]+[@field:Field_n])/n in your Calculated field.
  2. Hello kme, I think, you can store the value of a Calculated field to the table and then work with it. It is not the best solution, but it is a solution.
  3. Hello tpurde, Can you open the .CSV file via Exel and edit it? I think then you can save the file as a .CSV and import it back.
  4. Hello kme, I think, the simplest way is to use one additional DataPage that will take the value from the View and pass it as a parameter to your DataPage.
  5. Hello Bill, Can I ask, which language do you use? You can keep formatting, if you use HTML-tegs for formatting and then display the text as HTML.
  6. Hello kme, If I understand correctly, You can format the text it in your table. Also you can store the data as the HTML code (with tags). Then on the Configure Details page fields page, in the field Render values as, enter "HTML".
  7. Hello Wallace, Please check the Destination and Triggers page of the DataPage. I think, an incorrect URL may be entered in the Go to a new page field.
  8. Hello kgjlist, you can use Virtual fields. In this case no record will be opened and edited. But the changes will not be saved. If you want to save changes, you can use, e.g., the Details type of Reports with pre-defined criteria and make the check-boxes editable.
  9. Hello kme, This message can be edited in your Localization. You can read details in the article.
  10. Hello tpurdue, If you need to calculate an average value of some fields of the same record, you can use Calculated fields. You can create Charts by Calculated fields the same way as by any other fields.
  11. Hello ccvortex, You can edit items: Form/Details - Labels - Default (settings of the text) and Form/Details - Layout - Label Cells (settings of the background color) You can find details about settings of Layout in the article. I would recommend you to create a new Style for the DataPage.
  12. Hello quinnygdn, If I understand correctly, IDs of your fields may become dynamic. You can try to change your code var Flightno = document.getElementById("InsertRecordFlightno").value; var Date = document.getElementById("InsertRecordFlightDate").value; var Dayno = Date.getDay(); var Dayno = document.getElementById("InsertRecordDayno").value; like var elems = document.getElementsByTagName("*"); for (var i=0, m=elems.length; i<m; i++) { if (elems[i].id && elems[i].id.indexOf("InsertRecordFlightno") != -1) { var Flightno = elems[i].value; } if (elems[i].id && elems[i].id.indexOf("InsertRecordFlightDate") != -1) { var Date = elems[i].value; } if (elems[i].id && elems[i].id.indexOf("InsertRecordDayno") != -1) { var Dayno = elems[i].value; } }
  13. Hello leadma! You can read the article Create User-Specific Redirect After Login ? I hope it can help you.
  14. Hello Leadma, In the script, semicolons after some lines are absent. You can try the code like: <script language="JavaScript"> function concatenate() { var position1 = document.getElementById("InsertRecordPosition1").value; var position2 = document.getElementById("InsertRecordPosition2").value; var allpositions = position1 + position2; document.getElementById("InsertRecordAllPositions").value=allpositions; } document.getElementById("caspioform").onsubmit=concatenate; </SCRIPT>
  15. Hello Thor, You can use conditional-forms. Put the Calculated field in a separate Section (I made my field the last and create a Section that contains only one field). Add a Rule, add a criteria that is always true (e.g., Value 1 equal Value 1), and add an action that hides the Section. You can read more details in the article in How To: http://howto.caspio.com/datapages/forms/conditional-forms/
  16. Hello Thor, Maybe, this article can help: http://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips-and-articles/parameters/results-and-details-on-two-separate-web-pages/
  17. Hello Ezio, If you want to compare whether two variables are equal, you should use "==" instead "=" Try to change the code like var data = { if ([@authfield:users_list_registry^]=='Y' && [@authfield:companies_list_registry^]=='Y') { anagrafiche: "Yes", } else { anagrafiche: "No", } };
  18. Hello tclemendor, Do you want to search records via Report DataPage? Then on the Configure Search Fields step you can add criteria (one or more) to one field and select OR as a logical operator between criteria. You can find more details in the article in How To http://howto.caspio.com/datapages/reports/search-and-filter-comparison-types/ The Combining Comparisons and Range Searches part.
  19. Jan

    Office Plugin

    Hello Ben, The Plugin can only update your Access/Excel data on the local PC. But you can import your files from the local PC to the web. Please read the Importing Data article for details on how to prepare and import data. I would recommend you to use Replace Action instead of Append, because the System maight do not recognize that fields already exist.
  20. Hello Ovidium, If I understand correctly, you can try next steps: 1) In the table, set the field as unique (in the Table Design tab, select the Unique check box). 2) On the Configure Fields page of the Wizard, select the field and enter 6 to the Character length - Max field. 3) Add Header and Footer, in the Footer, enter the code like <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function checkInput() { var text = document.getElementById("InsertRecordFIELDNAME").value; var pattern = /^[A-Za-z]{3}[0-9]{3}$/; if (pattern.exec(text) === null) { alert('Please, enter data in format AAA111'); return false; } } document.getElementById("caspioform").onsubmit=checkInput; </SCRIPT> Enter the name of your field instead FIELDNAME.
  21. Hello Staaks, As far as I know, you can use iFrames. When you click Deploy, on the Deploy window, there are several buttons and Frame is the third. I would recommend you to use iFrame - you can paste the code the same way as embed deployment. You can add the code width="x" height="y" in pixels to define the size of the frame. Then the code will be like: <iframe width="x" height="y" name="NAME" title="TITLE" src="LINK">Sorry, but your browser does not support frames.</iframe>
  22. Hello Thor, Can you say the URL of this page, please? Maybe, the code with User, Admin etc is present in the Footer of your DataPage or in the Footer of the Authentication?
  23. Hello Brad, You can use the JavaScript code like: <script language="JavaScript"> var meta = document.createElement('meta'); meta.name = "Author"; meta.content = "Name"; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(meta); </script> To add the JavaScript code to your DataPage, add it to the Footer of the DataPage. Best regards, Jan
  24. Jan

    conditional dropdown

    Hello Luiz, It seems that both brunches have the same code: document.getElementById('Section3').style.display = 'inline'; document.getElementById('Section4').style.display = 'none'; Probably, in one of cases the code should be like document.getElementById('Section3').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('Section4').style.display = 'inline';
  25. Hello, Vzahomes2, You can change the line TwoWeeksAgo.setDate(TwoWeeksAgo.getDate() - 14); to two lines: TwoWeeksAgo.setDate(1); TwoWeeksAgo.setHours(0,0,0); So, the beginning of the script will be like the code: <script> var TwoWeeksAgo = new Date(); TwoWeeksAgo.setDate(1); TwoWeeksAgo.setHours(0,0,0); function chk_date(){ ...
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