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Everything posted by Jan

  1. Hello Thor, As far as I know, this text is the part of the HTML-code of the page, where a DataPage is deployed. To remove it, open the page in any HTML-editor (e.g., Notepad) and delete the code like <div style="margin: 20px 0px 30px 30px;"> <font face="arial" size="2px"><font color="#ee7041"><b>DEMO LOGIN</b></font><br/> <b>User</b><br /> <b>Email:</b> nicole.mcneely@someapp.com<br/> <b>Password:</b> password<br/><br/> <b>Contributor</b><br /> <b>Email:</b> lance.jay@someapp.com<br/> <b>Password:</b> password<br/><br/> <b>Admin</b><br /> <b>Email:</b> john.smith@someapp.com<br/> <b>Password:</b> password</font><br/><br/> </div>
  2. Hello Charlene, No, you don't need to change the name of your form. If "V1_ExemptTruck" and "V1_OnRoadClass8" are virtual fields, then the code should be like var virtual1 = document.getElementById("cbParamV1_ExemptTruck").value; var virtual2 = document.getElementById("cbParamV1_OnRoadClass8").value;
  3. Hello Idukes, You can see an example of about 25 elements on the Demo page of Order Management App of Instant Apps. You can see an example of an editable page (but with only 8 elements) on the Demo page of Task Management App of Instant Apps. Username: alices Password: pass1 If I understand correctly, the good way is to use Update Forms or Reports with edited Details Pages (links go to How To articles). Also, there are the videos Create a Web Form and Building a Report.
  4. Hello Catchall, Maybe the HTML-page that redirects a user based on field value (e.g., role) can help.
  5. Hello gypprov, If "Redirect user to 3 different Datapages depending on their role value" works for you, you can use a HTML-page to redirect a user.
  6. Hello Charlene, You can try the code like this: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function myFunction() { var virtual1 = document.getElementById("InsertRecordfield1").checked; var virtual2 = document.getElementById("InsertRecordfield2").checked; if (virtual1) { if (virtual2) { document.getElementById("InsertRecordfield3").value = "Eligible"; } else { document.getElementById("InsertRecordfield3").value = "InEligible"; } } else { document.getElementById("InsertRecordfield3").value = "InEligible"; } } document.getElementById("caspioform").onsubmit=myFunction; </SCRIPT> Add the code to the Footer of your DataPage.
  7. Hello Maverick, You can create any input field names in your non-caspio form and in your DataPage. But you need to receive parameters in your DataPage. 1) When you enable parameters in your DataPage, you see the Advanced tab for every field on the Configure Fields step of the wizard. 2) Select "On load Receive value or parameter", select "External Parameters" and enter your input field name of non-caspio form as Parameter, in format [@FieldName] After that, when a user clicks the Submit button in your non-caspio form, the Caspio DataPage with prefilled fields will open.
  8. Hello catchall! The "URL after successful login" defines, what a user, will see if she/he enters correct login-password. But the Authentication doesn't "close" the whole page, only the embedded area. So, I will try to write a scenario, how it works: 1) Create two pages, EnterPage and InnerPage. 2) Create an Authentication, enter the URL of EnterPage to "Redirection on success" (relative or full) 3) Assign both pages with the Authentication. Now, when a user enters URL, e.g., of InnerPage, he sees all HTML code, that is placed above the embedded DataPage, the Login Form and all HTML code, that is placed under the embedded DataPage. When a user enters correct login and password, the EnterPage opens. If you need "to close" a whole page, probably, you need to move the HTML code to the DataPage.
  9. Hello TKA, If I understand correctly what is a cross-tab, I recommend you to use calculated fields. You can calculate values of fields, that are not displayed on the DataPage and display only sum of them. And you can use aggregate fields to calculate the sum of these calculated fields.
  10. Hello, Luiz! Is it var x = document.getElementsByName("InsertRecordtest_1")[0]; exact text? Maybe, problem is var x = document.getElementsByName("InsertRecordtest_1")[0]; Should be var x = document.getElementsByName("InsertRecordTest_1")[0];
  11. Hello! I'm not sure if my way is the best way (honestly, I'm not sure if it's a good way), but this is a solution: The first table is "Event", where the data of events is stored. If it's required - there is a separate table "Places" and a relationship between tables. Another table is "Members", it contains fields like Id - autonumber; Event - Number - Integer, it contains the Id of events; Fields for every member - e.g., John - Yes/No; Smith - Yes/No; ... A user creates an Event in the Event table, then he opens a Submission form, and he sees all members as separated check boxes. It is very hard to maintain these tables, because you need to edit the design of the Members table every time, when the list of members is changed. But it is easy to work with events, if the list of members is not changed often.
  12. Hello! As far as I know, javascript doesn't work with parameters like [@field:WorkOrderDetail] It's better to use code like var variable = document.getElementById("ID").value; and then work with this variable. ID for Submission forms is: "InsertRecordFieldName", e.g., InsertRecordWorkOrderDetail And for Update Form is: "EditRecordFieldName", e.g., EditRecordWorkOrderDetail
  13. Hello! As far as I know, Header is not Head. The struture of a HTML document is: HTML Head Body And Body can cosist of Header Content Footer Head contains some information about the page (metadata), and Body contains a content of the page, only contain of Body is dispayed. It is better to place OG tags in Head of the page, where you deploy your datapage.
  14. Hello, Luiz! If I understand correctly, the code should be like if(x == "Yes");{ Section1.style.display = 'inline'; Section2.style.display = 'none'; } else if(x == "No");{ Section1.style.display = 'none'; Section2.style.display = 'inline'; }
  15. Hello! If I understand correctly, you don't need to disable the Enter Key, you need to remove paragraphs from the parameter. In this case you can use code like <script language="JavaScript"> function textReplace() { var text = document.getElementById("ID").value; text = text.replace(/\n/g, " "); alert(text); document.getElementById("ID").value = text; } document.getElementById("caspioform").onsubmit=textReplace; </script> Your "ID" for Submission Form will be, probably, "InsertRecordStatus_trial" and for Update Form "EditRecordStatus_trial" When a user clicks the Submit button, paragraphs are removed from the entered text and the parameter is passed without paragraphs.
  16. Hello Corpcatalog! There is a standard date function "Datediff". You can create a Calculated field, add this function in format Datediff (datepart, startdate, enddate) Startdate and enddate are fields, datepart - is unit dimensions (year, month, day, hour, minute, second). E.g., my formula is: Datediff(hour,[@field:startingDate],[@field:endingDate]) To display the sums of the times - add an Aggregate field, select the created Calculated Field and select the "Sum" in the function field. You can also use Formula in the Aggregate field. E.g., if datepart is hour, and I want see result in days, the Formula will be like SUM/24. Some more details about Calculated and Aggregate fields.
  17. Hello, Bill! As far as I know, when a user sets a field as a parent of a Cascading DropDown, the ID of this parent field becomes dynamic. So, if you add a code like this var elems = document.getElementsByTagName("*"); for (var i=0, m=elems.length; i<m; i++) { if (elems[i].id && elems[i].id.indexOf("InsertRecordPrice") != -1) { var Cost = elems[i].value; } } instead var Cost = document.getElementById("InsertRecordPrice").value; Total price should be calculated.
  18. Hello Omar! Can you add a little more information about your purpose? Do you have any other fields on your Report DataPage? If not, maybe, it is better to redirect a user to a Submission Form? The general idea is described in the topic How-To, but you will use a Submission form instead a Details page. Do you want to change the selected data of Camps fields? If not, probably, it's better 1) To enable parameters on your DataPage; 2) Create Virtual fields on the Detail page; 3) For every Virtual field, on the Advanced tab, select the "On load" in the "Receive value or parameter" field, in Dropdowns select "Data Source Field" and the correspond filed. 4) For every Virtual field also select the "On exit" in the "Pass field value as parameter" field. And then pass the Parameters to a Submission form. You can find details in topics Passing and Receiving parameters. If you want to change the current data, you can use only Parameters, without creating Virtual Fields.
  19. Hello Adam! If I understand you correctly, maybe it is the better - to change the Facebook Login button with a Style? The idea is: 1) Create a Style. 2) Open the Style, to select the "Form/Details" - "Fields" in the "DataPage Elements" Tab. 3) Select the "ID Services Image Action" item at the end of the list. 4) Select the "Custom" item in the correspond "Layout Image Option" field (or select "Custom" in all three fields) 5) The "Custom Images" tab becomes enabled. 6) Enter correct URLs to images for all Services. If you plan to use only one Service - you can paste the same URL to all fields. 7) Attach the Style to your DataPage. Now, when a user opens the Login page, he sees your image instead the Default Facebook login image. Sorry, if your goal is another
  20. Hello! If I understand correctly, you can use Cascading Dropdown or Listbox to filter categories. A cascading dropdown or list box prompts users to select an item from a list of limited choices first. Each dropdown or listbox that follows provides only options that pertain to the previous selection. For example, if the first drop down asks an end user for their state, the next dropdown can ask for their city and dynamically offer only cities located in the previously selected state.
  21. Hi! As far as I know, there are no many-to-many relationships in Caspio, most database management systems only support one-to-many relationships. "There are two types of relationships: one-to-one and one-to-many relationships" (How-To). And it seems, your way is the best - to create a third table with two one-to-many relationships. And you probably know, that you can use a View to work more conveniently with the third table.
  22. Hi Mdeevers! I saw information about PDF reports on this page. I hope, it will be usefully.
  23. Hi! If I understand correctly, Views are used for joined Tables in Caspio. Views can work with several related Tables, and you can use View as a DataSource for your DataPages, e.g., for Reports. You can find more about Views in How-To, there is an article about Relationships in Caspio too.
  24. It seems, the first link is like this. If I understand correctly, you can use View to select records from a table and export this View.
  25. If I understand correct, it is in an Authentication. I would recommend you to select the Custom option in the Select Options. Then the Configure Authentication tab opens, on the Elements tab you see the Plus button. When you click it, you can choose the Header as added element.
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