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Caspio Evangelist
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Everything posted by Jan

  1. Hi jeffs88keys, If I understand correctly, you can delete the "#" sign after the parameter: <a href="mmvcs-prospect-manager.html?qn=[@field:Quote_Number]">Update Status</a> This sign format the parameter as "number". I hope, it helps.
  2. Hello ccarls3, I hope, the following code can help: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> document.getElementById("InsertRecordfilename").setAttribute("accept","application/pdf"); </SCRIPT> Please, insert the name of your field instead of filename Please add the Header&Footer element, select the Footer element, click the Source button and enter the code.
  3. Hi, I have a question. Is it a possible, on Details page, to create a button "Next" instead of arrows "Previous"-"Next"? I do not need the "Previous", only the "Next" button. So, I need to hide arrows "Previous"-"Next" too. Thank you for your time!
  4. Hello ryderlake, Please make sure that coordinates are correct. Could you provide the URL to your page, where markers do not work?
  5. Hello hadmanz, Welcome to Caspio Forum! I am sorry, I have found that the code is wrong. I hope I will post the new one soon.
  6. Hello FreePnyx, It is the Footer element. Please do not forget the clicking the "Source" button, when you enter a Java Script code to a Footer or to an HTML Block.
  7. Hi mariamuk, Welcome to forum! Maybe, it is better to use Views? If it works for you. Also you can use Cascade Update in Relationship, you can find details in the article, but as far as I know, the using of a View is the better way.
  8. Hello FreePnyx, It seems I have answered in another post.
  9. Hello FreePnyx, Welcome to forum! You can create a ListBox with multiple choices. On Search Page you can open the Advanced tab and check the corresponding checkbox. On Submission Form you can use the Java Script code. On Single Update Form (and Details page) you can use another Java Script code.
  10. Hello kewills, Welcome to the forum! How many parameters and which DataTypes do you want to use?
  11. Hello aam82, You can add all records with the same date, then you can work with the Time part of records. In the script, you can change the code var date = document.getElementById('cbParamVirtual1').value; if(date == "") date = "1/1/2011"; to var date = "1/1/2011"; And do not create a field for the "Date" part. Then all records will have the same date - 1/1/2011 and the entered Time part. I hope, it helps. I am sorry, if my explanations are unclear. Please ask
  12. Hi ryderlake, I see the code <script type="text/javascript">mapSettings.hideOnSearch='Y';</script> <div><input type="checkbox" checked="checked" onkeyup="mapEnvironment.ToggleMarkersVisible(this.checked, '379c300065720cd6b3754118815e');" onclick="mapEnvironment.ToggleMarkersVisible(this.checked, '379c300065720cd6b3754118815e');" />Show/Hide markers</div> If I understand correctly, the code was added to Header, but the "Source" button was not clicked. And the same problem in every record: <span id="MapItLink:2:379c300065720cd6b3754118815e"></span> <div id="Address:2:379c300065720cd6b3754118815e" style="display:none;">9 3225 MCCALLUM RD, ABBOTSFORD, BC</div> <div id="Description:2:379c300065720cd6b3754118815e" style="display:none;">TENANT ALTER - MEZZANINE</div> <div id="Latitude:2:379c300065720cd6b3754118815e" style="display:none;"></div> <div id="Longitude:2:379c300065720cd6b3754118815e" style="display:none;"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> try{ mapEnvironment.AddDpItemMapSettings('379c300065720cd6b3754118815e', '2'); } catch(e){ } </script> Please check, that code was added when the "Source" button was clicked.
  13. Hello ccarls3, Are these fields unique? I can propose the following Schema, but I am not sure that it is the good Schema: 1) DataPage One - Submission Form that contains only Virtual Fields. When a user clicks the Submit button, he/she is redirected to DataPage Two, and all entered values are passed to the DataPage. 2) DataPage Two is a Search & Report DataPage with Predefined Criteria by these 3 fields. The JavaScript checks, if the "No records found" is displayed. If yes, the user is redirected to DataPage Three, and all entered values are passed to the DataPage. If a record is displayed, the user is redirected to Single Form Update and ID of the record is passed. 3) DataPage Three is a Submission Form, that get parameters and then the autosubmit adds the data to the table. I hope, it helps. And I will look for more simple way
  14. Hello Chad, As far as I know, now this Feature is not implemented. But if you add this idea to the ideabox, I believe many people will support it and the feature will be implemented!
  15. Hello Chuckes, I think, the best way to use internal parameters, if it works for you. I mean, you can "pass on exit" a parameter on the first DataPage - and "get on load" the parameter on the second DataPage, and set Destination for the first DataPage. As far as I know, there is no problems with any signs in this case. I hope, it helps.
  16. Hello ryderlake, Could you provide the URL to your DataPage?
  17. Hello aam82, There is the article how separate Input fields for Date/Time parts. I hope, it helps.
  18. Thank you for sharing the solution! It is great!
  19. Hi Olivier, As far as I know, when you define the width of fields, settings are applied to the table on the Results page, not to the Grid Edit mode. If I understand correctly, during session you can change the width of columns, but if you close and open the page, the width of columns will be default again.
  20. Hi bookish, Please change "InsertRecord" to "EditRecord" in the line: var text_for_checking = document.getElementById("EditRecordtext").value; You can read Details in the Guide. I hope, it helps!
  21. Hello aam82, I am not sure that I understand your question. From my point of view, you can use Cascading elements and look up tables.
  22. Hello Brian, If I understand correctly, you want to hide headers of a Tabular report. You can edit your style, select "Results Page - Table Layout", go to the Source tab and add the following line: display:none; To the following classes: .cbResultSetTableHeader .cbResultSetTableHeader_hover .cbResultSetHeaderCell I hope, it helps. Probably you can add icons to headers, but I do not know the way. If I find it, I will write here.
  23. Hello Elena, As far as I know, "Select" takes the data from table "SJECS", but values of calculated fields are not saved in the table. Maybe, you can add this calculated fields to your table? I mean, add fields and enter values for every record.
  24. Hello Brian, I mean, the "Source" button in the HTML-Editor. If you do not click the button and enter a code, the code will be displayed as a text and the code will not work Could you please send me test credentials to see the page that redirects users?
  25. Hello Will, As far as I know, the INSERT is denied in Calculated fields for security reasons. There is the post how to save a value of a Calculated field. I hope, it helps.
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