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Everything posted by Jan

  1. Jan

    Associated Host Pages

    Hello Elena, How many host pages do you have? I mean, if there are not too many pages, you can try doing the following steps: 1) Export all your DataPages with dependencies. If you delete the correct DataPage, you can restore it with import. 2) Open all you host pages and write down AppKeys of all DataPages that are used. If you use the Embedded Deployment method <div id="id"><a href="URL" target="_blank">Online Database</a> by Caspio</div> <script type="text/javascript" src="URL"></script> <script type="text/javascript">try{f_cbload("AppKey","http:");}catch(v_e){;}</script> <div id="cxkg"><a href="URL?AppKey=AppKey">Click here</a> to load this Caspio <a href="http://www.caspio.com" title="Online Database">Online Database</a>.</div> 3) Open the list of your DataPages, and add the "AppKey" column and increase the width of the column to display all AppKeys (often last symbols are not displayed with default width). 4) Now you can easily find DataPages that are used on host pages and mark them. 5) Then you can disable all DataPages that are not marked and open again all pages of your site. If an error message will be displayed instead of a DataPage - you can easily enable the DataPage. I would recommend you wait a week (maybe, anybody else finds the error message instead of a DataPage), and then delete DataPages that are not used. I hope, it helps.
  2. Hello Stephen, In this line & are used instead of &. Please change all & to &. I hope, it helps.
  3. Hi Elena, Can I ask several additional questions? Could you provide the URL of your DataPage? Do you use URL or Embedded deployment?
  4. Hello Stepford, As far as I know, you can add your link (http://eu1.caspio.co...16c&Stk_ID=[@field:Stk_ID]&Product_Description=[@field:Product_Description]&Request_Qty=[@field:Request_Qty]&Requested_By=[@field:Requested_By]) in the "Page URL" field on the "Destination and Emails" step, if you select "Go to a new page" in the "Destination after record update" drop-down list. So, when a user clicks "Update", the data stored and the user is redirected to the link, and parameters are passed. And you can change the name of the "Update" button in your Localization - it is "Forms/Details Pages - Buttons" category, Element "Update". You can enter "Putaway Stock" in the "Custom text". Does it work for you?
  5. Hi Berean, I apologize for many questions Does every Report DataPage use only one location? Does all Report DataPage use the same table? I mean, their Views used the same table or tables.
  6. You are very welcome, Olivier! If it is hard to find anything in How To - you can ask here and I believe, somebody answers with the link or instructions.
  7. Hello Chad, Maybe, this field receives a parameter on load and this parameter is "3"?
  8. As far as I know, in the Preview mode parameters are not passed. Maybe, it is the reason of the issue.
  9. Hello freshstart, Could you provide URLs of your pages and the test data that I can use on the Submission form?
  10. Hello Olivier, Welcome to Caspio Forum! I think, you can use the following Java Script code (you can add Header&Footer element to the Result Page of your DataPage, select the Footer element, click the "Source" button and enter the code): <script type="text/javascript">function f_dispatchEvent(v_element, v_type){ ///<summary></summary> ///<param name="v_element" type="HTMLElement"></param> ///<param name="v_type" type="String"></param> if(v_element.dispatchEvent) { //var v_e = new Event(v_type); var v_e = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'); v_e.initEvent(v_type, true, true); v_element.dispatchEvent(v_e); //new Event(v_type, {"bubbles":true, "cancelable":true}) } else if(v_element.fireEvent){ v_element.fireEvent('on' + v_type); } }; setTimeout(function(){ var v_element = document.getElementsByName("GridEditButton")[0]; f_dispatchEvent(v_element, "click"); }, 5); </script> I hope, it helps. Also you can add your idea to the Ideabox. From my point of view, it is a very good idea.
  11. Hi Berean, How do you select location for every record? Do you enter, for example, the name of city? Are the same locations used in all Views?
  12. Hello Mike, If I understand correctly, in your "style.css" file there is the /* Tables --------------------------------------------- */ Section, it is around line 450. You can delete or comment: border-top: 1px solid #ddd; setting in td class and border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; setting in tbody class. I hope, it helps.
  13. Hello EYESINC, Please make sure that all names are correct and the code is entered to the Footer element. Also you can change the last line to document.getElementById("caspioform").onsubmit=concatenate(); I hope, it helps. P.S. If the code still does not work, could you provide the URL of your page?
  14. Hello Dilts, You can find the code for 10 fields that are auto-filled with next business day. You can easily change it to 5 fields. If you need every next day (I mean, Saturdays and Sundays too) you can use the following code: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function nextDate(baseDate) { var base_day = baseDate.getDate(); base_day = base_day + 1; var next_Date = new Date (baseDate.setDate(base_day)); var week_day = next_Date.getDay(); return next_Date; } function setFormat(next_Date) { var d_month = next_Date.getMonth() + 1; if (d_month<10) {d_month = "0" + d_month;} var d_day = next_Date.getDate(); if (d_day<10) {d_day = "0" + d_day;} var d_year = next_Date.getFullYear(); var str_date = d_month + "/" + d_day + "/" + d_year; return str_date; } function setDates() { var f_Date = document.getElementById("InsertRecordfield1").value; var first_Date = new Date(Date.parse(f_Date)); var second_date = new Date (nextDate(first_Date)); document.getElementById("InsertRecordfield2").value=setFormat(second_date); var third_date = new Date (nextDate(second_date)); document.getElementById("InsertRecordfield3").value=setFormat(third_date); var forth_date = new Date (nextDate(third_date)); document.getElementById("InsertRecordfield4").value=setFormat(forth_date); var fifth_date = new Date (nextDate(forth_date)); document.getElementById("InsertRecordfield5").value=setFormat(fifth_date); } document.getElementById("InsertRecordfield1").onchange=setDates; </SCRIPT> Please, enter names of your fields instead of field1, field2, field3, field4, field5. I hope, it helps.
  15. Hello Elena, If I understand correctly, you have several Update Forms that filter records by ID. You can add one more field to your table and enter a correct link for every record - I mean, the link to correct Update Form with ID. Then on the Search&Report DataPage you can select "No Details pages" and display the field with link as URL. I hope, it helps.
  16. Hello Mike, Could you please provide the URL of your site? Maybe, I can find the reason of the issue.
  17. Hi Rishiforum, If I understand correctly, you have fields in your table, that are selected as "Unique". As far as I know, if this option is selected, in the section below you can specify if blank values are allowed. You can edit your table and allow blank values. I hope, it helps.
  18. Hello Jess, As far as I know, there is the Standard Feature, that based on a drop-down list. You can use a Radio button with two values instead of a drop-down list and instead of a checkbox, if it works for you.
  19. Hello, If you agree to replace values, you can add one more field to your "sales_people" table. Then you can easily display it to users, because this value will be displayed in the Parameter Picker in the Authentication Fields section. I have found how to change values of the Rank manually. It is not the best solution and I will look for autosolution, but maybe it will be useful too. I have used the following steps: 1) Create a Search and Report DataPage, DataSource is the "sales_people" table, select "Enable Advanced Options" and "Enable parameters" checkboxes. 2) On the "Search Type" step, select "Allow users to select data using a search form" 3) On the "Select Search Fields" step, select any field (it will be hidden, Virtual fields are needed on the Search Page). 4) On the "Configure Search Fields" step: 4a) Select the "Hidden" Form element for the field from step 3. 4b) Add two Virtual Fields, check "Calendar popup", check "Required" for both (it is not mandatory, but the Rank does not work, if one of fields is empty). 4c) Change labels - for Virtual1 enter "From" and for Virtual2 enter "To". 4d) On Advanced tab, check "On exit" for both fields. 5) On the "Results Page Editing Options" step check "Inline edit" (it allows you to change values of the "Rank" field). 6) On the "Configure Results Page Fields" add a Calculated field and enter the following code: select sum(sales_report.sales_price) from sales_report where sales_report.link_to_salesperson=target.[@field:id] and sales_report.sales_date>=convert(DateTime,'[@Virtual1]') and sales_report.sales_date<=convert(DateTime,'[@Virtual2]') Please enter the name of your table instead of "sales_report" (five times is used in the code), the name of your fields instead of "sales_price", "link_to_salesperson", "sales_date" (two times is used in the code), the name of your field instead of the "id" - it is the field from the "sales_people" table. 7) On the "Results Page Options" step, select the Calculated Field in the Default sort order drop-down list. Now, when you open the page, you can add (and change) "Ranks" for every salesperson and then display it to the salesperson as the Parameter from Authentication Fields section. Also you can add the second field, for example, Count and enter the number of sales person to it. Then you can display to a salesperson the message like: Rank is [@authfield:Rank] of [@authfield:CountPersons] I hope, it helps. And I hope, I will post the solution where the "Rank" field will be changed automatically
  20. Hi Stephen, If I understand correctly, you can use the following code: <script type="text/javascript">var cb_boolean = [@calcfield:1]; if (cb_boolean>0) { document.write("<div style='margin:10px;'><a href='http://eu1.caspio.com/dp.asp?AppKey=cde830001d57b1a237854adab459&Stock_ID=[@field:Stock_ID]&Product_Description=[@field:Product_Description]' style='background:rgb(61, 130, 171); padding:7px 20px; border:1px solid rgb(221, 221, 221); border-image:none:color:rgb(255, 255, 255); font-weight:bold;text-decoration:none;white-space:nowrap;'>Create Shipment Request</a></div>"); } else { document.write("<div style='margin:10px;'><span style='background:rgb(200, 200, 200); padding:7px 20px; border:1px solid rgb(221, 221, 221); border-image:none:color:rgb(255, 255, 255); font-weight:bold;text-decoration:none;white-space:nowrap;'>Create Shipment Request</span></div>"); } </script> You can change the color of disabled button in the following part of the code: style='background:rgb(200, 200, 200); If you enter (255, 255, 255) the color will be white, if (0,0,0) - the color will be black. So, you can try different colors to define which is the best. I hope, it helps.
  21. Hello, I would ask several additional questions. If I understand correctly, you have two tables: - Sales_People, - Sales_Reports, And every report has a link to a Sales_People table. Is it correct? Then in I have a question - how you want to rank people? - By number of reports; - By the sum of values of a field in the Sales_Reports, like Sum; - By another way Do you want to rank people: - by the whole table Sales_Reports; - by periods From... To; - by another Criteria. And do you want to store only one rank to the table? I mean, when a new rank is created, the old results are replaced. Or do you want to store every rank and date, when it was created?
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