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Everything posted by Jan

  1. Hi Sergio, Is the table exist and you wants to edit or add records? Or do you want to add unique reference numbers to new records?
  2. Hi Niranjan, In B Script, is the "PermittedUserEmail" field checkbox? If yes, I am not sure that understand the logic of the script. In C Script, are "StartDate" and "End Date" editable fields? They must be editable, then, I hope, the Script will work.
  3. Hello spearheading, Have you edited your DataPages after Release? As far as I know, new settings appear in emails, and they allow to send acknowledgment emails. When a user edits something in Grid, she/he edits records one by one, and emails are sent after changes in a row are saved. When a user uses Bulk Update, acknowledgment emails are sent for every edited record. Sorry, maybe, I do not understand your question.
  4. Hello Niranjan, Do you want to modify the third field when a user clicks the "Edit" button, changes values and clicks the "Modify" button? If yes, could you provide names of fields? I want to find more simple script, and I need some more information to understand what is the exact expected result.
  5. Hello bcmarina, Welcome to Caspio forum! Do you open the exported file with Excel? Excel dropps leading zeros often. You can try opening the file with Notepad and check, if zeros are saved in the .csv file. I have found several articles that describes how to open a .csv file and save leading zeros: one two three I hope, it helps.
  6. Hi Liz, Please enter the code to the Footer element. If the code is entered to the Header element, it can do not work. As far as I know, a comma should not have an effect. Please make sure, that Display and Value in your drop-down lists are the same.
  7. Hello aam82, Please make sure, that in the lines <div id="[@field:id]"></div> var line_id='[@field:id]'; The unique field is used, usually it is "id".
  8. Hello aam82, In the article about deployment methods, they write about iFrames and Embedded: "Use iFrame method if you simply need to put a form/report inside your content and the form/report doesn't need to interact with the parent or what's outside the iFrame." "Embedding a DataPage in an existing web page gives you the most control over the presentation of the DataPage and the layout of your web page. This method requires JavaScript on the user’s browser." Maybe, it can help.
  9. Hello Digger, You can try the following steps: add the Header&Footer element to your DataPage, select the Header element, click the "Source" button and add the following code: <style> #CalendarToolBox { z-index: 1000 !important;} </style> If I understand correctly, it is an issue and I believe it will be fixed very soon.
  10. Hi Mark, Maybe this PDF can help. But I am not sure, that it works for REST API.
  11. Hello Niranjan, Probably, you use incorrect URL. You can open the List of your Authentications, click the Properties link (in Menu under the name of the Authentication). The item "Logout link (use https for SSL):" will contain the correct URL. If you use URL Deployment, it is better to use "https" in the beginning of the URL. I hope, it helps.
  12. Hello Niranjan, I am not sure, that it is the best solution, but you can select your "Footer" element, click the "Source" button and enter the following code (after your HTML): <script language="javascript"> function autoResizeDiv() { var height_of_footer=100; var correct_height = window.innerHeight - height_of_footer; document.getElementById('caspioform').style.height = correct_height +'px'; } window.onresize = autoResizeDiv; autoResizeDiv(); </script> Please, insert the height of your footer instead of "100" in the line var height_of_footer=100; I hope, it helps.
  13. Hello Liz, You can try the following JavaScript code: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function select_default() { var first_dropdown = document.getElementById("InsertRecordAdropdown"); var selection = first_dropdown.options[first_dropdown.selectedIndex].value; var second_selection = ""; if (selection==1) second_selection = 3; if (selection==2) second_selection = 5; if (selection==3) second_selection = 7; var second_dropdown = document.getElementById("InsertRecordBdropdown"); for (var i = 0; i < second_dropdown.options.length; i++ ) { if (second_dropdown.options[i].value == second_selection) { second_dropdown.options[i].selected = true; } } } document.getElementById("InsertRecordname").onchange=select_default; </SCRIPT> Please, insert names of yours drop-down lists instead of Adropdown and Bdropdown. Usually, values of drop-down lists are numbers, so I have used numbers. You can use words, for example: if (selection=="30 - Athletics") second_selection = "3 - POS Detail"; and so on. I hope, it helps. Please feel free to ask, if the code is not clear.
  14. I am glad my suggestion helped Please do not hesitate to ask if you have further questions.
  15. Hi Berean, Could you create a table for locations? I mean the table that contains only two fields: location_id and location. You can add new records, when a new locations are added. Also you can use this table as the Look up table for other tables. I have one solution for this case, if the creation of the new table works for you.
  16. Hello aam82, When you submit multiple answers, they are stored in the field and they are separated by comma. For example: "Nebraska, Washington" On the Search Page, on the Advanced tab for Listbox elements, there is the "Allow multi-select" checkbox with two options: Match any (OR) Match all (AND) The second one is disabled, if "Equal" comparison type is selected on the Standard tab. You can select "Contains" Comparison type, then both options are enabled. If you want more complex logic, you can use Criteria, "Contains" Comparison type and Logic tab. I hope, it helps.
  17. Hello Jarris, Welcome to Caspio forum! As far as I know, it is better to use one table, from many points of view. Is it very slow? I can propose some solutions, but it seems they are not very good.
  18. Hello Mark, There is the article in How To about REST API. Maybe, it helps.
  19. Hi Alan, You can add a Header&Footer element, select the Footer element, click the Source button and enter the following code: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var elems = document.getElementsByTagName("td"); for (var i=0, m=elems.length; i<m; i++) { if (elems[i].innerHTML=="OK") { elems[i].style.color="green";} if (elems[i].innerHTML=="SH") { elems[i].style.color="blue";} if (elems[i].innerHTML=="PH") { elems[i].style.color="red";} } </SCRIPT> You can add as many conditions as you want, like if (elems[i].innerHTML=="HH") { elems[i].style.color="yellow";} But if you use Ajax (or Bulk Delete), the Script code in Footer may does not work. In this case, you can add an HTML Block, select it, click the Source button and enter the following code: <div id="[@field:id]"></div> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var line_id='[@field:id]'; var line=document.getElementById(line_id).parentNode.parentNode; var elems = line.getElementsByTagName("td"); for (var i=0, m=elems.length; i<m; i++) { if (elems[i].innerHTML=="OK") { elems[i].style.color="green";} if (elems[i].innerHTML=="SH") { elems[i].style.color="blue";} if (elems[i].innerHTML=="PH") { elems[i].style.color="red";} }</SCRIPT> Please, change "id" in both [@field:id] to name of the unique field of your table. I hope, it helps.
  20. Hello Alan, Welcome to the Caspio forum! If I understand correctly, the "Fred PH SH OK" text contains in four fields: Fred PH SH OK Is it correct?
  21. Hi Parma2015, Do you send values for cascading and for parent dropdowns?
  22. Hello MatthewB, As far as I know, it is impossible now. But I think it is a very useful feature. You can add your proposition to the Ideabox, and I hope the feature will be implemented.
  23. Hello ryderlake, It is strange - markers on the first page appear one by one, not all together. Do you use any additional JavaScript code? You can try to uncheck "Enable Ajax" on the "Results Page Options" step, but I am not sure that the Ajax brakes the page.
  24. Hello affordabledb, Welcome to Caspio Forum! Could you provide the URL of the page where fields do not work and names of the fields?
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