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Everything posted by Jan

  1. Hello CFMBridge, Can you use a Multi-Step Form? You can add to the Headers of DataPages links, that will be looked like tabs and will go to different pages. If it works for you.
  2. Hello Liz, If I understand correctly what is the goal, you can try this code: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function checkStart() { var v_aDate = document.getElementById("InsertRecordA").value; var v_bDate = document.getElementById("InsertRecordB").value; var aDate = new Date(v_aDate); var bDate = new Date(v_bDate); bDate.setDate(bDate.getDate()-3); if (aDate>bDate) { alert("date A should be a minimum of 2 days prior to date B"); return false; } } document.getElementById("caspioform").onsubmit=checkStart; </SCRIPT>
  3. Hello M, If I understand correctly, you can see the article or the video with instructions how to create Details and Comment DataPages on the one page.
  4. Hello sddenrweb, I think, you can try the following code: <script type="text/javascript"> function turnOffMix() { if (document.getElementById("InsertRecordmix").checked) { document.getElementById("InsertRecordmix").checked = false; } } function turnOffPure() { if (document.getElementById("InsertRecordpure").checked) { document.getElementById("InsertRecordpure").checked = false; } } document.getElementById("InsertRecordpure").onchange=turnOffMix; document.getElementById("InsertRecordmix").onchange=turnOffPure; </script>
  5. Hello Bill, I have checked with my field and width is changed. Maybe, the cash is problem? Please try to clear cash and refresh the page. If the problem reproduces, can you provide the link to your page or say what the form element is used?
  6. You are welcome! Thank you for your answer! Now I know that permissions define working with this feature too.
  7. Hello Philip, As far as I know, only Search and Report, Chart and Calendar DataPages are displayed in the list. Web Forms and HTML pages are not displayed. Please make sure that there is any Search and Report or Chart, or Calendar DataPage in your account.
  8. Hello! As far as I know, there is a Standard Feature Multi-select Listbox in search forms. Does it work for you?
  9. Hello gcbauer, If I understand correctly, you want to reset parameters. Just add a link to the Header of a DataPage like <a href="http://www.yourdomain.com?cbResetParam=1">New Search</a> You can find instructions in this article.
  10. Hello jnordstrand, As far as I know, on Details page you can create a Virtual Field and on the Advanced tab check the "On load" check-box. Then you can select "Data Source Fields" and "Calculated Field 1" in the next dropdowns, and then you can pass the value as parameter. I hope, it helps.
  11. Hello theconav, If I understand correctly, you can try the following code: document.getElementsByName('cbParamVirtual7')[0].selectedIndex = 0; document.getElementsByName('cbParamVirtual7')[0].click; By SelectedIndex your define number of the option that will be selected. It starts from 0. When you "click" the dropdown, the child dropdown can change values. I hope, it helps.
  12. Hello mk65, If I understand correctly, it is better to look for "the best algorithm" for you, because algorithms were created to solve specific tasks. So, some algorithm are better for something, and other are better for others. Do you want to use algorithms on your Search DataPages?
  13. Hello spearheading, But where and when do you want to show the appointment? If I understand correctly, if a logged user opens a DataPage, and more than 14 days have passed since the last appointment was displayed, the new one is displayed in a Header of the DataPage. Is it correct?
  14. I am glad my suggestion helped As far as I know, if you use an iframe, you can select "Go to a DataPage" on the Destination page.
  15. If I understand correctly, you should click the Source button, then you can work with the HTML code.
  16. As far as I know, you can edit alignment of the data in your Style. Select the Results Page - List/Gallery Layout DataPage Element and then select the Data Cells Element Type. If you want to edit only the data settings, you can edit the ".cbResultSetData" class on the Results Page - Data DataPage Element, the Source tab. Please note, that changes will be applied to all DataPages that are assigned with the Style. So you can copy your style and work with the copy.
  17. If I understand correctly, you can use AutoSubmit on Deatils page of your Results DataPage. The idea is: a user clicks "View Details" on the Results DataPage, Details page is auto submitted and send parameters to "truly" Details DataPage. Please follow the next steps: On the Results DataPage, go to Details page and add fields that you want to pass as parameters, and then check "On Exit Pass field value as parameter" check-boxes for every of them. Select for any field Form Element "Text Field", it allows you to select "Go to a DataPage" on the Destination page. Then add Header and Footer element, add to Header the following code: <div align="center"> <p>Processing...</p> </div> And add to the Footer the following code <br /> <script type="text/javascript"> if(document.getElementById("caspioform")) { document.getElementById("caspioform").style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById("Mod0EditRecord").focus; setTimeout('document.forms["caspioform"].submit()',1000); } </script> On the Destination page select "Go to a DataPage" and select your Details DataPage. If you use embedded DataPages, select "Go to a new page" and enter the address of the page, where your Details DataPages is deployed. I hope, it helps.
  18. Hello Bobsgoodeye, Do you want to pass parameters from a Results DataPage to another DataPage?
  19. If I understand correctly, it is needed to click "Source" in the HTML-editor of the Header and then add the code. Or you can uncheck the "Enable HTML editor" check-box on the Advanced tab of the Header and then add the code.
  20. Hello Will, As far as I know, the HTML code must be inserted into HTML page, where a DataPage is embedded, and another HTML code must be inserted to the Header of the DataPage both on Results page and on Details page. Please make sure, that all three parts of the code are inserted. On your Results DataPage, do you use HTML blocks for the code that is displayed as tags?
  21. Hello JBabe, As far as I know, in Release 8.3 "Advanced Search and Filtering Logic in Views" Feature was implemented. Now you can add Criteria on the Logic tab. There is the article about new filters.
  22. Hello quinnypl, As far as I know, you can use parameters on the Authentication form. You can read this article for further information. I hope, it can help.
  23. Hello Bobsgoodeye, Can I ask, what type of Result DataPage do you use? Tabular, List, Gallery?
  24. Hello gcbauer, Maybe, this article can help? You can use your Submission Form instead the Search Form, and a Single Record Update Form (or another Submission Form) instead of the Results Page.
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