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Everything posted by Jan

  1. Hello Case, Welcome to Caspio Forum! If I understand correctly, now you enter the code to the webpage, where the DataPage is deployed. Could you enter the code to the Confirmation message of the DataPage?
  2. Hello DataCobalt, As far as I know, multiselect element saves selected items that are separated by comma. This code only allow to fill the Listbox with saved values that are separated by comma, and if you change the code, it will display values that are separated by ";" but does not save records by this way. To save values that are separated by ";" you can follow the next steps: 1) Make your current Listbox field Hidden; 2) Add a Virtual field, make it Listbox and set settings as you need. 3) Add a Header&Footer element, click the "Source' button and enter the following code to the Footer <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var fieldName = "cbParamVirtual1"; var x=document.getElementsByName(fieldName); x[0].multiple=true; function fill_the_field() { var fieldName = "cbParamVirtual1"; var secondFieldName="InsertRecordName"; var myListBox = document.getElementsByName(fieldName)[0]; var result = ""; for (var i = 0; i < myListBox.options.length; i++) { if (myListBox.options[i].selected) result = result + myListBox.options[i].value + ";"; } result = result.slice(0,result.length-1); document.getElementById(secondFieldName).value = result; } document.getElementById("caspioform").onsubmit=fill_the_field; </SCRIPT> Please insert the name of your field instead of "InsertRecordName" and the name of your virtual field instead of "cbParamVirtual1" in both cases, if the Virtual field is not Virtual1. I hope, it helps.
  3. Jan


    Hi aam82, If I understand correctly, you can edit only one table in a view. You can update this table with Zapier, then View will be updated too. Does it work for you?
  4. Jan

    Time Sheet

    Hi ababcock, You can add a Total line to the Report. Does it work for you?
  5. Hello P_barton, As far as I know, you can use a JavaScript code (the code at the end of the post) to hide a column or another way: 1) Add Header&Footer elemenet, on the Advacned tab, disable HTML Editor for both elements. 2) Add the following code to the Header: <style> #target td:nth-of-type(3) {display: none;} #target th:nth-of-type(3) {display: none;} </style> <div id="target"> "3" - is the number of the column that will be hidden. 3) Add the following code to the Footer: </div> I hope, it helps.
  6. Hi ababcock, Do you want to add three records? You can copy the DataPage two times and to deploy three different DataPages that use the same DataSource. Does it work for you? If you want to add three passengers to the same record, you can edit your table and create three DataPages that use the same table or view, but work with different fields. There is the article how to create a multi-step form. I apologize, if I understand you wrongly.
  7. Hello Ashwini Tupe, If I understand correctly, you can find rules in the article: Weak: Less than 5 characters Fair: At least 6 characters, including at least 1 number Good: At least 8 characters, including at least 1 number and both lower and upper case letters Strong: At least 12 characters, including at least 1 number, both lower and upper case letters, and at least one 1 special character (e.g. _, #, ?, !) I hope, it helps.
  8. Hi, Please make sure that all the following steps are done: a. Copy the code below and paste inside the <head> section of your web page: <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script> b. Download the JavaScript file from here and upload the file to your website hosting. Once uploaded, you’ll need to reference this file in the <head> section of your web page. Example: <script src="http://yoursite.com/yourfolder/jquery.signaturepad.min.js"></script> c. Edit the Details page of the DataPage and choose form element "hidden" for "Signature" field in the Configure Fields screen. Insert an HTML Block after the "Signature" field. Go to the Source of the HTML Block and insert the following code. <div class="sigPad signed"> <div class="sigWrapper"> <canvas height="55" width="198" class="pad"></canvas></div> </div> <script> var sig = eval("[@field:Signature]".replace(/"/g, '"')); $(document).ready(function () { $('.sigPad').signaturePad({displayOnly:true}).regenerate(sig); }); </script> d. Insert Header & Footer using the picker button at the lower right of the DataPage Elements. Disable HTML editor for both Header and Footer from the Advanced tab. Copy the code below and paste inside the HTML Header. <div id="cb_sign_wrapper"> e. Copy the code below and paste inside the HTML Footer. </div> I hope, it helps.
  9. Hi senicholas, As far as I can see, cells are yellow and texts are red, you can see the screenshot in the attachment. Could you please elaborate what is wrong? Maybe, if you see another picture, the clearing of cache can help.
  10. Jan


    Hi, I have tried with Twitter. When I write a new message, a new record with text is added to my table.
  11. Hi Cameron, You can add an HTML Block, click the "Source" button and enter the following code (the code can be used as it is, if the Listbox is the first field on the Search page. You can find the instructions how to define the id of a field in the article): <script type="text/javascript"> function selectAllOptions() { var ref = document.getElementById("Value1_1"); for(i=0; i<ref.options.length; i++) ref.options[i].selected = true; } function DeselectAllOptions() { var ref = document.getElementById("Value1_1"); for(i=0; i<ref.options.length; i++) ref.options[i].selected = false; } </script> <input type="button" value="Select All" onclick="selectAllOptions();" /> <input type="button" value="Deselect All" onclick="DeselectAllOptions();" /> I hope, it helps.
  12. Hello Chad, Do you select "No label" in the "Label position" dropdown for all fields? It seems, the "Top" position is selected for this two fields and text of the label is deleted. I am not sure of course. Could you please provide the URL instead of the screenshot?
  13. Hi AshwiniTupe, Do you want to create a copy of the uploaded file or the copy of the added record that contains the link to this file?
  14. Jan

    Grid Edit Error

    Hi jeffs88keys, Could you provide the URL of the page, where the error is displayed? Maybe, some setting is the reason. On my pages the Grid Edit mode opens correctly.
  15. Hello ccarls3, If I understand correctly, there are two answer in this post.
  16. Hello ccarls3, I have written the following script. It does not disable the "Submit" button, but when a user clicks "Submit", the script checks, if any negative number is entered. If yes, the error message is displayed and the record is not added. <script language="JavaScript"> function check_numbers() { var disabled = false; if (parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordfield1").value)<0) disabled = true; if (parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordfield2").value)<0) disabled = true; if (parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordfield3").value)<0) disabled = true; if (parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordfield4").value)<0) disabled = true; if (parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordfield5").value)<0) disabled = true; if (parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordfield6").value)<0) disabled = true; if (parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordfield7").value)<0) disabled = true; if (parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordfield8").value)<0) disabled = true; if (parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordfield9").value)<0) disabled = true; if (parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordfield10").value)<0) disabled = true; if (parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordfield11").value)<0) disabled = true; if (parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordfield12").value)<0) disabled = true; if (disabled) { alert("Negative values are not allowed"); return false; } } document.getElementById("caspioform").onsubmit=check_numbers; </script>
  17. Hi senicholas, If I understand correctly, maybe many reasons why the code does not work. Have you disabled AJAX on your page? It is enabled by default. You can check the setting on the "Results Page Options" step. Could you provide the URL of your page?
  18. Hi Tee, Welcome to Caspio Forum! Have you clicked the "Source" button in the HTML Block before you entered the code?
  19. Hi tvjohansson, Welcome to Caspio Forum! As far as I know, Caspio uses the UTF-8 encoding. I am not sure that it is possible to select another collation. You can add one more field, replace ÅÄÖ with zzÅ, zzÄ, zzÖ and sort by this field, if it works for you. You can also add your request to the ideabox, and then this feature can be added in next releases.
  20. Hi Marcel, If I understand correctly, a user opens a Single Update Form that uses the VIN table as a DataSource. When a user changes some field, the field "Status" is changed and the record gets timestamp. Now all records should be checked, and if LoadID of any record is the same, the field "Status" should be changed as well. I have an idea, if I understand your task. Please correct me, if anything is wrong.
  21. Jan

    Time Sheet

    Hi ababcock, If I understand correctly, totalmin - is the difference in minutes. You can change the line with totalmin as follows: var totalmin= (parseFloat(mm/60)+ hh); Does it work for you?
  22. Hi rreynolds, As far as I know, the value of the file field cannot be changed for security reasons, so a file is renamed when it is stored in the DataBase. If I understand correctly, "rename if duplicate" should work as you want. It is surprise for me that file are lost. Are too many files are uploaded at the same moment? But... If I understand correctly, you want to have ability to add prefix or postfix to the filename, and possibility set a value of a field as the prefix/postfix. I like your idea! If you add it to the ideabox, I will vote!
  23. Hi senicholas, It seems I have answered in another topic. Is it the same question?
  24. Hi senicholas, I have found the solution in the article. But the solution is rather big, so I have edited the code. Please disabled AJAX on your DataPage, then add Header&Footer element, select the "Footer" element, click the "Source" button and enter the following code: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> /* tableNum is the number of the table to be formatted, the first table is 0. If several DataPages are deployed on the webpage, several tables are displayed*/ var tableNum = 0; /* tableNum is the number of the column to be formatted, the first column is 0. */ var columnNum = 0; /* variables for colors. You can find names for colors in the article http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_colornames.asp */ var v_textColor = "red"; var v_backgroundColor = "yellow"; var tbl = document.getElementsByTagName('table')[tableNum]; var rows = tbl.getElementsByTagName('tr'); for (var row=1; row<rows.length;row++) { var cells = rows[row].getElementsByTagName('td'); if (cells[columnNum].innerHTML > 7) { cells[columnNum].style.color = v_textColor; cells[columnNum].style.backgroundColor = v_backgroundColor; } } </SCRIPT> I hope, it helps.
  25. Hi pedrolopez, Welcome to Caspio forum! I have a number of coordinates, like "[{"lx":35,"ly":12,"mx":35,"my":11},{"lx":35,"ly":11,"mx":35,"my":12}," and so on. When you "draw" with a mouse, is anything displayed in the field? Do you check in Preview mode or in the deployed webpage?
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