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    cheonsa got a reaction from Aleksandra in How to count something per specific criteria?   
    You are welcome @Aleksandra!  
    For more details, you can also check this article from Caspio's Online Help
  2. Like
    cheonsa got a reaction from GoodBoy in Hide section when virtual field not equal to Host Page   
    Hi @datasador,
    I tried replicating your workflow on my end, but it works as expected. When I access the DataPage outside WordPress, one section will be hidden. 
    For testing purposes, please try to change the Form Element of  Virtual 1 from Hidden to Display Only. This will verify the Virtual 1's value when the page loads.
    In the Rules, you can also use Does Not Contain, then your domain name.
    Hope this helps!

  3. Like
    cheonsa got a reaction from Aleksandra in How to count something per specific criteria?   
    Hi @Aleksandra,
    You can add WHERE criteria in your Select Statement:
    SELECT COUNT(Employee) FROM TABLENAME WHERE Department = target.[@field:Department] This will only count the number of Employees per Department.
    Please note to change the Table name and the field names as well.  
  4. Thanks
    cheonsa got a reaction from ChristianM in Run trigger on Password Update   
    Hi @NiceDuck, 
    You can actually create a Trigger to run only if the Password field is updated, given that you only have few fields in the Table. In your criteria, you need to include all the fields except for the password.  There should be a Timestamp field as well that will stamp the time upon update. If the timestamp field was changed, it means that there is an update happened for that record. Other fields must be equal from the previous value to the inserted one. 

    Hope this helps.
  5. Thanks
    cheonsa got a reaction from Lepidoptera in Passing parameters containing an ampersand   
    Instead of using script to pass parameter with ampersand, you can just use a simple formula. You need to change the ampersand to URL encoded character.
    Add Calculated Value/ Calculated field and use: replace('[@field:FIELDNAME]','&','%26')
    Then, pass this field as parameter instead of the actual field. Lastly, hide this field so it will not be visible in the form.
    Hope this helps.
  6. Thanks
    cheonsa got a reaction from Jodie in page redirection in WordPress showing the HTML script and not executing   
    Hello @Jodie,
    On your HTML Page, you need to click the Source button first or disable the HTML editor before pasting the code. 
  7. Like
    cheonsa got a reaction from Aleksandra in How to put records from one table into another table?   
    Just to add with the previous response, here are some helpful links regarding Triggered Actions:
  8. Like
    cheonsa reacted to Hanne in DataPage with Search Form and Result side by side   
    Thank you @cheonsa
    It worked like a charm
  9. Like
    cheonsa got a reaction from KG360 in Avoid division by zero   
    Just to add, here's the link to known errors and messages and how to solve them: https://howto.caspio.com/troubleshooting/errors-and-messages/
    Included here is on how to avoid dividing values with 0.
    Case When [@field:B]= '0' Then null Else ([@field:A]/[@field:B]) End Hope this helps.
  10. Like
    cheonsa got a reaction from jpowell in Virtual Fields and Calculations   
    Just to add, for virtual fields/ parameters/ authentication fields, sometimes they need to be enclosed in single quotation marks. 
    For example:
  11. Like
    cheonsa got a reaction from Wikiwi in Can I remove blank fields on my notification email?   
    You may also check this link: 
  12. Thanks
    cheonsa got a reaction from telepet in Check if File Field is Blank   
    Hi @IamBlossom, 
    For File DataTypes, you need to use SQL's "DATALENGTH" to measure if the field has content or not. It is a behavior that NOT NULL or IS NULL will not work for File Datatype.
    Use this instead:
    CASE WHEN DATALENGTH([@field:Images]) = 0 THEN 'No image attached' ELSE 'Image available' END
    Hope this helps!
  13. Like
    cheonsa got a reaction from Leon13 in What is the most used template for API documentation?   
    Just wanted to add, here are the other references regarding API from the Caspio's howto link
  14. Like
    cheonsa got a reaction from Inscriptor in Pass Display Value of Dropdown as Parameter   
    You can add a virtual field and set it as Calculated Value. You can have a formula to get the Name or the Display Value depending on the ID selected in the dropdown.
    Sample Formula:
    Then, pass this virtual field as parameter. 
    You can also hide this Virtual Field so it will not be visible in the form.
  15. Like
    cheonsa got a reaction from Joemac in Combined Views   
    Hi @Joemac,  just to verify, you would like to use two views as the Data Source of one DataPage? If that is correct, unfortunately, it s not possible. You can only select one Table or View as a Data Source.
    You can just combine the Tables to create one View and use it in the DataPage.
    Hope this helps!
  16. Like
    cheonsa got a reaction from ParkLoey in Combined Views   
    Hi @Joemac,  just to verify, you would like to use two views as the Data Source of one DataPage? If that is correct, unfortunately, it s not possible. You can only select one Table or View as a Data Source.
    You can just combine the Tables to create one View and use it in the DataPage.
    Hope this helps!
  17. Like
    cheonsa got a reaction from jimarch in Cascading Text Field Value Hidden but Saved to Table on Submit   
    Hi @jimarch, 
    You can hide the employee number using some CSS Style. Here is the article for your reference: https://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips-and-articles/common-customizations/how-to-hide-fields-in-datapages/
    The field will be hidden, but it will still be saved in the table. 
    Hope this helps!
  18. Like
    cheonsa got a reaction from Cherry in How to sort the data in the result page with the most outstanding number of field like ' top sales person'?   
    Hi @Cherry,
    Based on what I understand, in your Reports Page, you will have a column for Sales Person. Then, you would like to sort the report based on the most outstanding sales person. 
    First, you need to have a calculated field in your reports. You can have an SQL statement to count how many instances that this sales person is being selected by the customer. 
    For example:
    SELECT COUNT(Sales_Person_ID) FROM TABLE WHERE Sales_Person_ID=target.[@field:Sales_Person_ID] Change the field name and the Table Name. 
    Lastly, sort the report using this calculated field. See screenshot below for the sample.
    Hope this helps.
  19. Like
    cheonsa got a reaction from Vvillie in Search Records - Phone Number Formatting JS not working   
    Hi @Vvillie,
    You can still use the code here. You just need to change "#InsertRecordPhone1" to "#Value1_1"

    Hope this helps!
  20. Thanks
    cheonsa got a reaction from ParkLoey in PageViewIncrement   
    Hello @Watusi,
    You cannot display the value of the field in Details Page if it is set to PageViewIncrement. However, you can insert a calculated field and pass the value to it. Just like this: 

    Hope this helps.
  21. Thanks
    cheonsa got a reaction from HeyItsDoug in Get Exact Age   
    Hi @JanineB,
    You may try this formula as well. 
    FLOOR(DATEDIFF(YEAR,[@field:Date_of_Birth],GetDate()) - 
    (CASE WHEN DATEADD(YEAR,DATEDIFF(YEAR,[@field:Date_of_Birth],GetDate()),
    [@field:Date_of_Birth]) > GetDate() 
    THEN 1 
    ELSE 0 
    END ))
    It worked in almost all scenarios, considering leap year, date as 29 Feb, etc.
    Hope this helps.
  22. Like
    cheonsa got a reaction from MaraMara in Change titles to columns according to search filters   
    Hi @MaraMara,
    To achieve this workflow you can create three separate DataPages for different Column Headers. Then, you can also create a Submission Form that will serves as your Search Form. On your Submission Form, you can add a Calculated Value that will determine what DataPage URL should your Submission/Search from will redirect after hitting the button. 

    You may refer to these articles: https://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips-and-articles/tech-parameters/how-to-separate-search-page-and-results-page-into-two-different-webpages/
    Hope this helps.
  23. Like
    cheonsa got a reaction from RickManolo in How to prevent a form to submit   
    Hi @telly,
    You can use this code to prevent a submission form if a certain condition is not met.
    <script type="text/javascript"> document.addEventListener('BeforeFormSubmit', function () { event.preventDefault(); var a = document.getElementById("InsertRecordFIELDNAME").value; if (a > 100) { alert('Please enter number less than 100.'); } else { document.forms["caspioform"].submit(); } }); </script>  
  24. Thanks
    cheonsa got a reaction from Roderick in onsubmit not working   
    Hi @Johnn,
    You can use FormSubmitted event handler. I saw it in the howto article: https://howto.caspio.com/datapages/ajax-loading/
    <script type="text/javascript"> document.addEventListener('FormSubmitted', function(event) { alert('Submitted'); }); </script>  
  25. Thanks
    cheonsa got a reaction from vanderLeest in Align field names and field values in an auto-email as in a table   
    Hi @vanderLeest, 
    In order to format the content of the auto-email, I suggest that you select HTML, instead of Plain text. Then, click the expand button to display more options. 

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