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Everything posted by Jan

  1. Hello ababcock, I am sorry, I am not sure that understand you correctly. A user enters a name (username?) in a field, clicks the "Submit" button and if the entered name is not the name of the logged user, alert message is displayed and a record is not added to the DataBase. Is it correct? If I understand the logic correctly, maybe, you can use a Standard Feature "Stamp a Record with User Profile Data"? Does it work for you?
  2. As far as I know, making the second "?" a "%" does not work, but you can try yourself. I will be thankful if share your experience. I cannot find another workaround at the moment, but maybe anybody else can propose his/her solution.
  3. Hello DataCobalt, If I understand correctly, you can replace your line #datapage-form labelcell {text-align: left !important;} With the following line: .cbFormLabelCell {text-align: left;} Does it work for you?
  4. Hello ababcock, Do you check the working of Signature in Preview mode or on the deployed DataPage? As far as I know, this solution does not work in Preview. Now I have opened my DataPage in Preview and I see the same behavior. Could you post the content of your "<head>" tag? I have the following code: <HTML> <head> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="jquery.signaturepad.min.js"></script> </head> <body> Code of embedded DataPage. </body> </html>
  5. Hi DMart, If I understand correctly, you can scroll Element Types. Now you see three items, but there are two more below.
  6. Hi Chad, As far as I know, you can use the following format: URL/dpImages.aspx?appkey=APPKEY&file=/FILENAME For example, https://bx.caspio.com/dpImages.aspx?appkey=xxx&file=/image.png "/" before filename is required. Is it a "friendly" link?
  7. Hi Jan, Maybe, it is possible with Standard Features. Sorry, I do not understand what means the "The VendID is inside a variable" If I understand correctly, there is a table of Vendors, where every Vendor his own VendID, or VendID is stored by another way?
  8. Hello DesiLogi, You can use Caspio without HTML pages. You can use a URL Deployment for your DataPages - so, all your pages will be available in the Internet. You can use HTML Blocks or Header&Footer elements, where you can add a menu, I mean, the HTML code with links to your pages. Also you can use The Link Menu Generator. I hope, it helps.
  9. Hello DataCobalt, If I understand correctly, the Google viewer cannot display files that are stored on caspio now. The reason, if I understand correctly, is: the link to a file is like http://eu1.caspio.com/dpImages.aspx?appkey=APPKEY&fileID=FileID In other words, the link uses parameters. But the Google viewer uses parameters also: iframe src="http://docs.google.com/gview?url=URL&embedded=true" style="width:718px; height:700px;" frameborder="0" If a link to a file on caspio is pasted instead of URL, the code will be like: iframe src="http://docs.google.com/gview?url=http://eu1.caspio.com/dpImages.aspx?appkey=APPKEY&fileID=FileID&embedded=true" style="width:718px; height:700px;" frameborder="0" But two "?" sings in the same URL do not work.
  10. Hello ababcock, Do you work with a Submission DataPage? If I understand correctly, you cannot type in the box, you can draw with the cursor of your mouth. I am sorry, if I understand your question incorrectly.
  11. Hi DataCobalt, Thank you for sharing your experience of working with iFrames! It is hard for me to work with them.
  12. Hi DMart, As far as I know, you can edit the Style that is assigned with the DataPage. Form/Details - Navigation, Image Record Controls item. You can select one of the default arrows or use your own image. I hope, the screenshot is attached and it helps.
  13. Hi DM, If I understand your question correctly, there is the post on the forum with instructions. I hope, it helps.
  14. Hello DMart, Welcome to Caspio Forum! If I understand correctly, every person can have several (or all) social accounts. Is it correct? If every person can have only one social account, I think it is better to display the correspond icon in one HTML Block.
  15. Hello senicholas, You can try using the following script: <script language="JavaScript"> function calculate() { var v_one = parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordCrate_One_Quantity").value); var v_two = parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordCrate_Two_Quantity").value); var v_three = parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordCrate_Three_Quantity").value); var v_total = v_one + v_two + v_three; document.getElementByID(“InsertRecordTTL_Cratesâ€).value = v_total; } /* On submitting the webform, the function calculate is executed */ document.getElementById("caspioform").onsubmit=calculate; </script> I hope, it helps.
  16. Hello Allen, As far as I know now it is impossible to count "yes" values on the Chart. You can use a Calculated fields to display count of "yes" values. I would like to recommend you to create a Report with one record, on the Result page, add three Calculated fields and enter the formulas like: SELECT COUNT(Eligible) FROM tablename WHERE Eligible=1 Where "Eligible" is the name of the field and "tablename" is the name of the table. The tablename will be the same for all three fields, but fields will be different. I hope, it helps.
  17. Hello bmtadmin, Welcome to Caspio Forum! As far as I know, you can use "onsubmit" action only once. I have edited your code: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function concatenate() { var position1 = document.getElementById("InsertRecordQuantity").value; var dropdown = document.getElemenstByName("InsertRecordMeasurement")[0]; var position2 = dropdown[dropdown.selectedIndex].value; var allpositions = position1 + position2; document.getElementById("InsertRecordQty_Plus_Measurement").value = allpositions; var v_price = parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordUnit_Price").value); var v_quantity = parseFloat(document.getElementById("InsertRecordQuantity").value); var v_total = (v_Unit_Price * v_Quantity); document.getElementById("InsertRecordTotal_Price").value = Math.round(v_total); } /* On submitting the webform, the function calculate is executed */ document.getElementById("caspioform").onsubmit=calculate; </SCRIPT> I hope, it helps.
  18. Hello clicknip, I think, you can use a Java Script code on your Search Page. I have written the code for "Age is greater than x (minimum age is x)" condition, but it can be easy edited. Please follow these steps: 1) On the "Select Search Fields" step, add the field that contains birthday (I have named it "birthday"). 2) On the "Configure Search Fields" step: 2a) Add a virtual field (in my case, it is Virtual1). 2b) Select the "birthday" field: 2b*) In the "Form element" dropdown, select the "Hidden" item; 2b**) In the "Comparison type" dropdown, select the "Less than or Equal" item; 2b***) In the "Precision" dropdown, select the "Year" item. 2c) Add a Header&Footer element, select the "Footer", click the Source" button and enter the following code: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function setDate() { var v_Age = document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual1").value; var nDate = new Date(); var current_year = nDate.getFullYear(); var calculated_year = current_year - v_Age; var birth_year = new Date (nDate.setYear(calculated_year)); var d_month = birth_year.getMonth() + 1; if (d_month<10) {d_month = "0" + d_month;} var d_day = birth_year.getDate(); if (d_day<10) {d_day = "0" + d_day;} var d_year = birth_year.getFullYear(); var v_Result = d_month + "/" + d_day + "/" + d_year; document.getElementById("Value2_1").value = v_Result; } document.getElementById("caspioform").cbParamVirtual1.onchange=setDate; </SCRIPT> Please enter correct name of the "birthday" field instead of "Value2_1" in the line: document.getElementById("Value2_1").value = v_Result; Rule for the name is: - ValueX_Y - X is the form element order, which starts at 1 and increments based on the order of the element in the form. Please note, if there is more than one Virtual field, insert the your Virtual field instead of "cbParamVirtual1" variable in lines: var v_Age = document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual1").value; document.getElementById("caspioform").cbParamVirtual1.onchange=setDate; For example, if the name of the field is Virtual3, then enter cbParamVirtual3 in code. I hope, it helps.
  19. Hello mikeg, Welcome to Caspio Forum! Have you tried this solution? Does it work for you?
  20. Hello DCT247, Please try unchecking of external parameters to receive on load. When these checkboxes are checked, fields get the parameters. If you want to set parameters by condition, maybe it is better to uncheck all checkboxes and then run the Script. Does it work for you?
  21. Hello ccarls3, Have you check your Formula with only one condition, without "parseFloat('[@field:BIRP_Report_Data_Exception_Flag]') == 1"? Is it the "BIRP_Report_Data_Exception_Flag" checkbox Form element? And it seems there are some problems with brackets in conditions. Maybe, the following conditions will be a bit more correct: if((parseFloat('[@field:BIRP_Report_Data_Exception_Flag]') == 1) && (parseFloat('[@calcfield:2]') != 0.00)) else if((parseFloat('[@calcfield:2]') != 0) && (parseFloat('[@field:BIRP_Report_Data_Exception_Flag]') != 1)) I hope, it helps.
  22. Hello ccarls3, If I understand correctly, you have a table with 50 (or more) fields, every row contains answers from one user. Does "answered" mean "Not blank"? If yes, maybe you can use an Aggregation field? You can use the formula like (COUNT_NON_BLANK*100)/COUNT Does it work for you?
  23. Hello Jan, Maybe you can use Cascading elements? For example, the first field (that contains "sand", "soil" or "stone") is dropdown. Vendors is a Cascading Dropdown, that displays vendors for the selected item of the first dropdown. UnitPrice is a Cascading Text Field, that displays price for the selected vendor ID. You can check the "Make field non-editable when filter finds only one match" checkbox for this field, then a user sees the price but cannot change it. I hope, it helps. Please feel free to ask questions if anything is unclear.
  24. Hi Chad, What browser do you use? I have checked in Firefox, Internet Explorer and Chrome and the issue does not reproduce. Could you provide the URL of your page? Maybe, I will be able to find the reason of the issue.
  25. Hello senicholas, There is a Standard solution that allows to calculate values entered in a WebForm and stored them in a "Total" field. I hope, it helps. Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions about solution.
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