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Everything posted by Jan

  1. Hi Jay, I have found the reason. The line if (x5[0].length > 4) { cleanResult5 = result5.substring(0,(result5.length-4)); } Defines that value will be passed only if the Listbox contains 5 and more items. My listboxes contained 5 and more items and the Script worked. I changed them to 4 items - and your issue reproduced. You can change all lines to if (x5[0].length > 0) { cleanResult5 = result5.substring(0,(result5.length-4)); } Change "4" to "0" after "(x5[0].length >" I have tested with this new value. It works on my DataPage. I hope, it helps.
  2. Hi brbbrid, As far as I know, you can use parameters in the Rules. So, if you pass the parameter to your DataPage, you can select the "Parameter" item in the "Condition" field instead of "Field Name" that is selected by default. I am not sure that I understand clearly what is the problem. If you need to apply two rules to one field, you can create a Section that contains only this field and apply one rule to the section and another rule to the field. I hope it helps.
  3. Hi Jay, It worked with my listboxes and values. Can I try select different itmes on your DataPage now to see which values are passed?
  4. Hi Jay, Using "return false;" you only stop the submission and can see what values are inserted in Virtual Fields 7-11. When I tried with my DataPages, I have checked that all values are passed correctly to Virtual Fields. If the values are passed correctly on your DataPage too, then the reason of the issue may be on the next DataPage. I mean, "-- Any --" items that are displayed at the top of Listboxes and they are selected by default. If you edit a ListBox, you can see two fields for every item: "Display" and "Value". If I understand correctly, now the "-- Any --" text is entered to the "Display" and nothing is entered to the "Value". If you want to pass all values, you can enter all these values to this field, for example, for "Brakes" listbox it will be Rim" OR "Rim (Disc ready)" OR "Disc only
  5. Hi Jay, I have created the copy of you page (with my test data) and used your code. If I understand correctly, the problem appears, if a user selects "Any" field - than empty value is added to the Virtual field. You can enter the correct value to the "Any" item, it will be like: a1" OR "a2" OR "a3" OR "a4" OR "a5 Please do not add quotes before and after the text, because the quotes are added with the JavsScript code. To see, what data is inserted to the corresponding fields, you can make your VirtualFields 7-11 as TextFields and add the line "return false" to the code: for (var i = 0; i < x5[0].length; i++) { if (x5[0].options[i].selected) { result5 += "\""+x5[0].options[i].value+"\"" + " OR " ; }} if (x5[0].length > 4) { cleanResult5 = result5.substring(0,(result5.length-4)); } document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual11").value = cleanResult5; return false; } document.getElementById("caspioform").onsubmit=splitAndParse; </script> then no data will be inserted in the table and you can see values that are inserted in the corresponding fields.
  6. Hi Paloma, As far as I know, there is a list of functions that are available in Calculated and Aggregation fields. If you interested in the statistical information about visitors, you can Integrate Google Analytics. I hope, it helps.
  7. Hi dominiq, If I understand correctly, you want to use the username of a logged in user. As far as I know, you can use parameters of the Authentication. You can find details in the article, "Inserting authenticated data" chapter. There is also the "Personalize a Message For Your Users" article. I hope, it helps.
  8. Hello bookish, You can add a Header&Footer element, select the Footer element, click the Source button and enter the following JavaScript code, that will check the field: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function check_date() { var entered_value = document.getElementById("InsertRecorddate_value").value; var entered_date = new Date(entered_value); var entered_year = entered_date.getFullYear(); var today = new Date(); var current_year = today.getFullYear(); var allowed_years = 15; if(current_year - entered_year < allowed_years) { alert("Incorrect Birthday."); return false; } } document.getElementById("caspioform").onsubmit=check_date; </SCRIPT> Please, insert the name of your field instead of "date_value" in the following line: var entered_value = document.getElementById("InsertRecorddate_value").value; You can also enter you message instead of "Incorrect Birthday." and change the value of "allowed_years". I hope, it helps.
  9. Could you please export and send me your DataPages? Maybe, I will be able to find the reason of the issue.
  10. Hi Jay, I mean, are all they "TextField"s? Or is cbParamVirtual9 a dropdown? Some FormElements have specific values. If you provide the URL of the DataPage, maybe, I will be able to find the reason of the issue.
  11. Hello Greg, Maybe, you can use the Conditional Forms. You can make fields mandatory or hidden, depending on values of other values. I hope, it helps.
  12. Hello catchall, As far as I know, there is a standard link for Logout - you can read details in the article. If you use several DataPages on a web page, maybe it is better to create a page with only one DataPage, for example, HTML page, and enter two URLs in settings of the Authentication: Logout destination - URL of the page, were only one DataPage is deployed. Then if a user tries to open the page with several DataPage, he will be redirected to the "Enter" page. Login redirection on success - URL of your page with several DataPages. When a user enters correct username and password, he will be redirected to this URL. You can read more details about Authentications in the article. I hope, the information helps.
  13. Hello vzahomes2, As far as I know, the reason of this issue was fixed. The same problem may appear, if you change the DataSource/DataSources of your DataPages. Did you change tables or import any data?
  14. Hello Bobsgoodeye, It seems the code is correct. Maybe, the reason is in something else. Are all fields (cbParamVirtual1-cbParamVirtual5) the same Form element? Could you provide the URL?
  15. Hi jeffs88keys, You can create a Single Update Form. When a client changes the status of client and clicks "Update", fields are passed as parameters to the Submission Form. You can use the Auto-Submit script for this Submission Form.
  16. Hi m2367, Can you edit the "Style.css" file? Its relative url from If I understand correctly, you can find the ".entry-content table" class and change the .entry-content table { border: 1px solid #eee; margin: 0 0 15px 0; text-align: left; width: 100%; } to .entry-content table { border: 0px solid #eee; margin: 0 0 15px 0; text-align: left; width: 100%; } I hope, it helps.
  17. Hi, Maybe, here: for (var i = 0; i < x2[0].length; i++) { if (x2[0].options.selected) { result2 += "\""+x1[0].options.value+"\"" + " OR " ; }} if (x2[0].length > 4) { cleanResult2 = result2.substring(0,(result2.length-4)); } document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual8").value = cleanResult2; Probably, should be x2
  18. Hello gcbauer03, Wix says: "Unfortunately this is not something we provide support on." But you can: add Details page; on the Details page, make any field editable (then the Update button appears); on the Details page, on the Advanced tab, check "On exit: Pass field value as parameter" check box for your field; add Auto-Submit script to the Details page; on the Destination and Triggers page, select "Go to a new page" and enter the URL. When a user clicks "View details", he/she sees "Processing..." and then she/he is redirected to your Details page on another web page. I hope, it helps.
  19. Hi, I hope, you can find the answer in this topic.
  20. Hi, Yes, the Fieldname should be "cbParamVirtualX", where X is the number of your Virtual field. There is the article, where rules for names are described.
  21. Jan

    Multi-Select List Box

    Hi Elena, I think, you can use the following script, if it works for you: function check_listbox() { var the_listbox = document.getElementById("EditRecordFIELDNAME"); var max_number = 3; var checked = 0; for (var i=0 ; i < the_listbox.options.length; i++ ) { if (the_listbox.options[i].selected) {checked++;} if (checked > max_number) { alert("The maximum of choices is 3!"); return false; } } } document.getElementById("caspioform").onsubmit = check_listbox; Please, enter the name of your field instead of FIELDNAME; enter your maximum number and your message. The script will not allow to save the record, if a user selects too many items. I hope, it helps.
  22. Hello JaredL, Does JavaScript work on your site? I have found the article "How to add JavaScript Code on Wix.com" I hope, it helps.
  23. Hello gcbauer03, As far as I know, you can send autonumber as any other field from Search and Report DataPage. Could you try to see what value is passed? If your string is "Family_Number=[@field:Family_Number#]", please add an HTML code to the Search page, add an HTML block, click the "Source" button and enter Parameter=[@Family_Number] End of parameter. Then you can see, what is the value of your parameter. If it will be empty, you see "Parameter= End of parameter."
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