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Caspio Evangelist
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Everything posted by Jan

  1. Please make sure that in your Report DataPage you use the same Parameter on load. I mean "[@Quote_Quote_ID]" And please make sure, that on the Search Type step: - "Filter data based on your pre-defined criteria" is selected; - "Allow parameters in search criteria" is checked; - "Bridge and external parameters" is selected. By default, "Bridge parameters only" is selected and parameters from a Query String do not work. I hope, it helps.
  2. If I understand correctly, Status will be an Authentication parameter. After a user logs in, you can get the parameter from Authentication Fields and work with it via, for example, Rules or Java Script code. Sorry, can I ask what is your goal?
  3. Hello Martin, It seems, you can use Separated Search Page and Results Page into Two Different Web Pages, and send Parameters from one to another and vase versa. There is an article and a video about this method. And there is a Chapter about parameters. I hope it helps.
  4. Hello Eiq, As far as I know, you can add the Header&Footer element and enter the following code to the Footer: <script type= "text/javascript"> document.getElementById("caspioform").autocomplete = 'off'; </script> I hope it helps.
  5. Hello Dschrepfer, It should work Please make sure that the name of parameter in your Query String and in your pre-defined criteria of your DataPage are the same. For example, "test" in a Query String and "[@test]" in the criteria. For example, "[@Test]" may do not work. Do you use only one criteria for filtering?
  6. Hello mbogen, In Authentication, there is the "Time Out & Redirection" setting. If you select "Go to a new DataPage" or "Go to a new page", you can redirect all users, who are not logged in, to this HTML-page. If it works for you.
  7. Hello James, I think, you can add Header&Footer element and add the following code: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> var beforeDate = document.getElementById("EditRecordmyDate").value; function checkStart() { var afterDate = document.getElementById("EditRecordmyDate").value; if (afterDate==beforeDate) { } else { var status_update = document.getElementById("EditRecordupdated").value; if (status_update == "") {status_update = "New Date"} else {if (status_update == "New Date") {status_update = "Updated Date"} } document.getElementById("EditRecordupdated").value = status_update; } } document.getElementById("caspioform").onsubmit=checkStart; </SCRIPT> Please, enter names of your fields instead of "myDate" and "updated". I tried with field with name "updated" that is Hidden and myDate that is text field. I hope it helps.
  8. Hello James, Can you create a section, that will contains only this field? If yes, you can add two Rules: - if the field is true, make the field required; - if the filed is false (or is not true), make the section hidden. I hope it helps.
  9. Hello Liz, I think, you can add the Header&Footer element and try to enter the following code to the Footer: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function checkStart() { var v_sDate = document.getElementById("InsertRecordfirst").value; var v_eDate = document.getElementById("InsertRecordsecond").value; var sDate = new Date(v_sDate); var eDate = new Date(v_eDate); var nDate = new Date(); nDate = Date.now(); var setToday = sDate.getDate() + 1; sDate.setDate(setToday); setToday = eDate.getDate() + 1; eDate.setDate(setToday); if (sDate<nDate) { alert("Start Date should be more than Today"); return false; } else { if (eDate<sDate) { alert("Finish Date should be more than Start Date"); return false; } } } document.getElementById("caspioform").onsubmit=checkStart; </SCRIPT> Please change InsertRecordfirst and InsertRecordsecond to your names of fields. Of course, you can enter your text in alerts. I hope it helps.
  10. Hello mbogen, I think, the last chapter of this article describes the situation that is very similar to yours. I hope it helps.
  11. Hello Martin, Thanks for your answer! Perhaps it is a bug. But it seems, you can fix it by yourself: Edit your Style, select Table Layout element, and click the Source tab. Find the Style ".cbResultSetTableCell" and delete the line with color. I hope it helps.
  12. Hello Martin, Can I ask a bit more information? Do you use standard classes of Styles? Or do you create your own classes? Are changes displayed in the Preview mode of the Style?
  13. Hello Matt86, There is also a video how to create a User-Specific Redirect After Login. I hope it helps.
  14. Hi Warwick, Sorry, I have several question to understand better what is wrong. Do you use type Number for all fields that are used in the Calculation? Do you use "1" for Wins and "0" for "Losses"? Do all cells in the column Wins have values? If you can post the link to your DataPage, it will be great
  15. Hello Elena, I think, I have found a possible solution. It's needed four Calculated fields that will define to display a comma or not. First field: CASE WHEN [@field:Server]!='' AND ([@field:Training]!='' OR [@field:Telecom]!='' OR [@field:Hardware]!='' OR [@field:Software]!='') THEN ', ' ELSE '' END Second field: CASE WHEN [@field:Training]!='' AND ([@field:Telecom]!='' OR [@field:Hardware]!='' OR [@field:Software]!='') THEN ', ' ELSE '' END Third field: CASE WHEN [@field:Telecom]!='' AND ([@field:Hardware]!='' OR [@field:Software]!='') THEN ', ' ELSE '' END Fourth field: CASE WHEN [@field:Hardware]!='' AND ([@field:Software]!='') THEN ', ' ELSE '' END Now you can enter value of these fields instead ", ": [@field:Server]+[@calcfield:1]+[@field:Training]+[@calcfield:2]+ [@field:Telecom]+[@calcfield:3]+[@field:Hardware]+[@calcfield:4]+[@field:Software] Please, enter your numbers for every Calculated field instead of [@calcfield:N] And now you can add the Footer element and add the following code to hide additional Calculated fields: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function hide_column(column_order) { var tbl = document.getElementsByTagName("table")[0]; var table_header = tbl.getElementsByTagName('th')[column_order]; table_header.style.display=stl; var rows = tbl.getElementsByTagName('tr'); for (var row=1; row<rows.length;row++) { var cels = rows[row].getElementsByTagName('td'); cels[column_order].style.display=stl; } } var stl='none'; hide_column(0); hide_column(1); hide_column(2); hide_column(3); </script> 0,1,2,3 - are numbers of columns with Calculated fields. I placed them at the beginning of the table. I am not sure that it is the best solution. I hope it works.
  16. Hello James, If I understand correctly, you can add HTML-block after your first Date field. On the Advanced tab of the first Date, select the "Continue next element on the same line" check box. And enter the code like following into the HTML-block: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function nextDate(baseDate) { var base_day = baseDate.getDate(); base_day = base_day + 1; var next_Date = new Date (baseDate.setDate(base_day)); var week_day = next_Date.getDay(); if (week_day==0) { base_day = base_day + 1; var next_Date2 = new Date (next_Date.setDate(base_day)); } return next_Date; } function setFormat(next_Date) { var d_month = next_Date.getMonth() + 1; if (d_month<10) {d_month = "0" + d_month;} var d_day = next_Date.getDate(); if (d_day<10) {d_day = "0" + d_day;} var d_year = next_Date.getFullYear(); var str_date = d_month + "/" + d_day + "/" + d_year; return str_date; } function setDates() { var f_Date = document.getElementById("InsertRecordfirst").value; var first_Date = new Date(Date.parse(f_Date)); var second_date = new Date (nextDate(first_Date)); document.getElementById("InsertRecordsecond").value=setFormat(second_date); var third_date = new Date (nextDate(second_date)); document.getElementById("InsertRecordthird").value=setFormat(third_date); var forth_date = new Date (nextDate(third_date)); document.getElementById("InsertRecordfourth").value=setFormat(forth_date); var fivth_date = new Date (nextDate(forth_date)); document.getElementById("InsertRecordfifth").value=setFormat(fivth_date); } </SCRIPT> <button type="button" class="cbSubmitButton" onclick="setDates()">Click me</button> Please enter yours fieldnames instead of first, second, third, fourth, fifth in InserRecord constructions. Also you can enter your text instead of "Click me". I hope, it helps.
  17. Hello again, It seems, in this topic there is an answer that can helps.
  18. Hello feliciacaspio, I think, this article (Add an "Any" Option to a Dropdown) can help.
  19. Hello Elena, As far as I know, you can define format of input number in your Localization. But it will be applied to all numbers, not only to one field. Sorry, what formatting do you want to use?
  20. Hello Elena, As far as I know, tags do not work in a Calculated field. So, I am afraid, Graphic does not work. But you can add you idea to the ideabox and, I hope, this feature will be added.
  21. Hello Heleen, As far as I know, standard coordinates are used. For example, coordinates of Amsterdam are 52°22′N 4°54′E So, coordinates on the map mashup should be like 52.3 and 5 Southern Latitude and Western Longitude are negative. I hope it helps.
  22. Hello james1234, Can I ask, whether it is Update form or Details page of a Report?
  23. Hi Warwick, I am sorry, can you write an example of the table and what do you want to get? For example, 1 0 1 wins = 2 0 0 1 wins = 1 0 0 0 wins = 0 Result = 3/9*100 = 33.33% Is it correct? If yes, you can check the Formula in your Aggregation field and enter the formula like: SUM/(COUNT*3)*100 Enter the number of your columns instead of 3. Or your table is like n n n 1 (means Win) n n n 0 (means Loss) n n n 1 (means Win) Result = 2/3*100 = 66.67% Is it correct? If yes, you can check the Formula in your Aggregation field and enter the formula like: SUM/COUNT*100 I hope it helps.
  24. I tried define types using maximal values. General Number - allows 15 digits, probably, type is float = 8 bytes per record Integer Number - from -2147483648 to 2147483647, probably, type is int = 4 bytes per record Currency Number - from -922337203685477.5808 to 922337203685477.5807, probably, type is money = 8 bytes per record Yes/No - probably, 1 byte per record Text(255) and Text(64000) - as far as I know, if you can use Unicode, it is probably ntext for Text64000 and probably nvarchar for Text255 (because with long string the size of a table growth faster) - so, I think, storage size, in bytes, is two times the string length that is entered for both types. But I am not sure about answers
  25. Hello Caspioheleen, As far as I know, the coordinates like 37.406393 and -121.980281 work. You can check the coordinates on google maps - enter the coordinates as x, y; for example: 37.406393,-121.980281 And I would ask one more question. If I understand correctly, some records should be displayed under the map. Are records displayed on your DataPage?
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